June 13, 2011 – Minutes of the Board of Friends of the Paul Sawyier Library
Members present: Gina Hagan, Ev Claffy, Natalie Wilkerson, Libby Kadler, Stacy Klink, Donna Gibson, Cloyd Stratton, Cindy Shemwell, Carol Baughman, Donna Jones, Judy Stratton, Ann Howard, Christina Evans, Russell Wright and Reba Pierce.
The meeting was called to order by President Russ Wright. The minutes were approved after review.
Treasurer Christina Evans reported checking account balance as of today at $57,170.71. This total includes $5808.50 paid to Kim Edwards for her appearance and for the books the group purchased. It also includes $2500 paid to Doris Thurber for the batik panel upstairs in the library. Chris also reported two returned checks in the amounts of $6.36 and $12.19, both from the same bookstore customer. Savings total is $34,276.25, which includes $20,000 set aside for the art project, $12,191.50 budgeted for author visits and $2017.00 remaining in the Book Babies fund. That puts total funds at $91,446.96. The summer reading program hasn’t been paid for as yet.
Bookstore Report: Total sales for the month: $3416.02. Total to date for the year: $20,674.58.
June Book Sale: Judy Stratton reported book sales totaled $1451.51, not including store sales or Friends memberships. This sale surpassed last June’s sale, much to Judy’s relief! Judy expressed gratitude for all the volunteers, especially the sorters who make the sale so much easier.
Library News: The latest batik is up and Donna reports it’s very nice. The Book Babies initiative doesn’t seem to be working, since a library employee with a new baby failed to get an invitation. The State Journal is supposed to be doing a story, so that may help to get the word out. They’ve also put some invitations on the van when it goes out.
The Summer Reading Program had a successful launch with nearly 600 children and almost 200 adults signing up. Also, 49 new library cards were issued that day. The World Festival, presented in conjunction with the Kentucky Folklife Program, is scheduled for this Friday evening from 6 to 8 pm and will include music, food, games and dancing in the street.
The Gathering of Authors is scheduled for August 27.
Friends Flyer: Bob Lanham has printed 1,000. He will also be printing membership cards and other items for the store.
Friends Facebook Page: We have a committee consisting of Mary Lynn Collins, Stacy Klink, Gina Hagan and Reba Pierce who will meet at a later time to discuss parameters for Facebook communications.
Spellapalooza: Set for August 12 at the Methodist Church, the organizers have requested help with baked goods. The proceeds go to Thornhill Education Center. There was discussion about making a financial contribution toward sponsoring a team, but our by-laws prevent us from doing that. At the next meeting we’ll pass the hat for anyone who wants to contribute to the team’s fee.
Cable 10 Programming: The committee, chaired by Arba Kenner and including Mary Lynn Collins, Donna Gibson and Janet Meyer, met and outlined a 12-month calendar of events. The first will be taped in July and air in August, featuring a couple of the authors who will be appearing at the Gathering of Authors. The next month features Friends, with taping in August and airing in September.
World Festival Event: The World Festival Event to kick off the summer reading program is this Friday, June 17. The theme is “One World, Many Stories.” It was decided that Friends would try to find someone to help with putting up a stage. Donna Jones agreed to purchase the water and several Friends agreed to come and help her.
The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, July 11.