St. John’s HELPER
St. John’s United Church of Christ
1513 West Street
Rosenberg, Texas 77471
Church Office: 281-342-5159 Fax: 832-759-5548 Church Email:
Church Website:
Rev. Daniel Haas, Minister Cell phone #801-368-1180
May 17, 2017 Rev. Donald Kolkmeier, Pastor Emeritus
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at St. John’s United Church of Christ
“What Strawberries Can Teach Me about Putting Down Roots”
The strawberries are growing just fine. So are the tomatoes. And the carrots. And the peppers. And the flowers. You get the picture. Our garden is almost ripe for the harvest. For that to happen it takes the usual ingredients of sunshine and water. But then our garden plants bring their very own special skill to their growth process: They put down their roots.
To a vagabond like me, that is a pretty impressive feat. I honestly do not know what it feels like to live in one place for most of your life. Our strawberries, vegetables and flowers do, but I don’t. In my childhood garden I used to grow all kinds berries and carrots. As a grownup the longest I have ever lived in one place was two years. Our current home holds the record of almost three years. I am turning into a plant that knows how to put down roots again.
The Psalmist knows that putting roots down is an important skill, saying about God’s blessed, “They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not whither. In all they do, they prosper.” (Psalm 1:3) The German in me has always imagined this tree to be an Oaktree of at least one hundred years. The Psalmist was most likely thinking of Middle Eastern olive trees. Some of those trees from biblical times are still around today.
There is something to be said for staying put:
· You mature more.
· You wrestle more with yourself and your surroundings.
· You learn to adjust.
· You learn to not just move on when the going gets rough.
· Once you put your roots down far enough the wind can no longer blow you down that easily.
Maybe that is what my garden plants can teach me: Our neighborhood may be as young as 10 or so years but still it is a place worth growing into. There is fertile ground here. Stay and grow.
What is your experience of putting down roots?
Rev. Daniel Haas
Attendance for May 14, 2017
Church Attendance 65
Sunday School 10
Requesting Prayers for Others
Gary Ashley by Jimmie Ashley
Ella Brown by Joyce Lamensky & Ella Brown
Adolph Chabisek by Glenn Urbanek
Jim Drennan by Patricia Slind
Nathan Gaskamp by Florence Gaskamp
Nelda Gutowsky by Florence Gaskamp
Gloria Himly by Walter Himly
Stan Kubelka by Kathy Kubelka
Sharon Loesch by Patsy Kubes
Don Meyer by Alice Prosise
Lorraine Niemeyer by Shirley Niemeyer
Ginger Pawlek by Gloria Himly
Wolfgang Schmidt by Angelika Schmidt
Kara Schmith by Michelle Gutowsky
Rebecca Schulte by Gloria Himly
Darlean Swallers by Diana Beck
Mary Weimer by Petra Weimer
Sarah Weimer by Petra Weimer
Doyle Williams by Gloria Himly
Preparing for Sunday, May 21
Scripture: Psalm 66:8-20
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Sermon: “Ready, Set, Go!”
Confirmation Sunday
Thank You! Thank You!
Thank you so much for your calls, cards, food, and prayers. Your love and concern after my slip and fall are deeply appreciated! We love each one of you!
June Weiss
Adult Sunday School
The Adult Sunday School class meets at 9:00 a.m. and typically ends around 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings in the Disciples Classroom. All are invited and welcomed to attend and share in discussion of various weekly topics. Lessons are led by Leo Niemeyer.
Women’s Guild Bake Sale
Thank you to all who baked items for the bake sale and to each that purchased baked desserts. As always the ladies of St. John’s really know how to bake delicious desserts. A total of $379.50 was raised and donated to the church’s Improvement Fund.
CROP Walk 2017
A big thank you to those who supported the Ft. Bend CROP Walk for Hunger at George Ranch Historical Park whether through your donations, your prayers, your walking or your support from the sidelines, all was appreciated. Overall, there was 127 walkers (43 from St. John’s) with $12,000 being raised to help hunger both through the Church World Service and the local Helping Hands level. St. John’s UCC had 43 walkers and raised $2,940.00 in donations, this was the second highest amount raised by any group this year.
This year St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Needville (Rev. Mirjam Haas) had the most walkers and raised the most funds so they won the Silver Sneaker and the Golden Sneaker awards. Congratulations St. Paul’s and we look forward to another friendly rivalry in 2018.
Confirmation Class
Confirmands will be confirmed during the worship service this Sunday, May 21.
Slumber Falls Summer Camp
Its summer camp time at Slumber Falls, so go to their website and see the dates for the various summer camps being offered. Scholarships are available through the church.
There’s even a bring a friend discount, family discount and military discount,
CIT Training Camp / Jun 04-07 / 14-17 / $380.00Roaring Rapids / Jun 11-17 / 15-18 / $475.00
Eco Camp / Jun 11-17 / 9-12 / $475.00
Streams of Faith 1 / Jun 18-24 / 9-11 / $475.00
Creeks in Creation / Jun 25-Jul 01 / 12-13 / $475.00
Springs Alive / Jul 05-08 / 6-8 / $315.00
Living Waters / Jul 09-15 / 13-15 / $475.00
Sports Camp / Jul 09-15 / 9-12 / $475.00
Streams of Faith 2 / Jul 16-22 / 9-11 / $475.00
Church Bible Study
Our Bible Study is now on a break through the summer and will resume in September. We thank those that have been attending and look forward to more joining us in the Fall.
Church Office Closed
The church office will be closed on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day. The Monday Morning Men will also take the day off.
Del Webb Bible Study
You are invited to attend the Del Webb Bible Study on Thursday, May 25th at 10:00 the Facility Lake House.
Covered Dish Dinner
You are invited to a covered dish dinner here at the church following church on Sunday, June 11th. Please mark your calendars for this special fellowship time. More information to follow.
Do we have any high school, college or trade school graduates for this year? If so please contact the church office with their name and school so that we can acknowledge their achievements in a future newsletter.
For Sunday, May 21, 2017
Lay Reader: Dean Jones
Flowers for Altar:
Pat Lucky
Greeters & Ushers for May
Janet & Darwin Enax
Kim & Mike Warnasch
Lay Readers for May
Michelle Gutowsky, Nina Cooper,
Dean Jones, Karen Sikes
Altar Flowers for May
Jimmy Zwahr, Kim & Mike Warnasch, 5/7
Robbie & Jean Allen Hartfiel, 5/14
Pat Lucky, 5/21
Ann Mikeska, Alice Prosise,
Glenn Urbanek, 5/28
May 21, 2017
Rev. Daniel Haas will deliver the
morning message entitled,
“Ready, Set, Go!”
Confirmation Sunday
Looking Ahead
Adult Sunday School-9:00-9:30 a.m.
Choir Rehearsals, Wednesday @ 7pm
Confirmation Sunday, 5/21
Del Webb Bible Study, 5/25
Memorial Day, Church office closed, 5/29
Thought for the week:
“When you kneel down to God, He stands up for you. And when He stands up for you, no one can stand against you.”
“Enroll” your Kroger’s card with the Brotherhoods Community Rewards Program. Go online and use #84302 as the organization number.
Link to Kroger’s Community Rewards website:
(On your computer push Control and click your mouse at the same time while hovering the mouse over the above link and it will take you directly to the Kroger registration page.)