Frequently Asked RFP Questions

Executive Summary

Provide a summary of key features of the proposal.

Basic Information

Provide an overview of the organization including:

·  A general description of the individual’s or law firm’s practice

·  Legal business name

·  Year established

·  Mission statement

·  Scope of practice/office locations.

Provide contact information for the purpose of the RFP.

Identify the practice area(s) for which the firm is submitting a bid.


Describe the firm’s specific expertise in providing legal services for the applicable practice area(s). Include examples of relevant prior experience in each area.

Has the respondent previously bid or worked on projects for the RFP initiator? Provide a brief description of prior work, if applicable.

Identify the proposed project team. Detail each member’s experience, including education, year of call, qualifications, rankings and awards (if applicable) and project role.

Describe available support staff and resources.

Describe any value-added services offered by the firm such as training sessions, library and information services, seminars/conferences, secondments of articling students, access to knowledge databases, etc.

Please describe how the firm differs in its delivery of services compared to its competitors, i.e. what makes the firm’s approach novel or innovative?

Training and Professional Development

Provide an overview of the firm’s training and development plan for staff, such as continuing education, mentoring, succession planning, etc.

Diversity and Inclusion

Does the firm have a diversity and inclusion policy? If so, provide details.

Describe the firm’s efforts to promote diversity in leadership roles, including, for example, partnership, firm management and other positions of significant responsibility.

Is the firm an active member of any known forum or group collaboratively progressing diversity among lawyers?

Conflict of Interest

Disclose any known potential conflicts of interest.

Are there any other ethical conflicts or related issues which would preclude the firm from providing legal services?

Describe how conflicts of interest are identified, disclosed, reported and managed.

Outstanding Claims

Provide details of any litigation, dispute, arbitration or legal proceeding pending or threatened to which the respondent is or may be a party.

Technology and Information Security

Provide details on the firm’s technological resources and capabilities. Include IT initiatives that will assist with the management of proposed services.

Describe the firm’s data privacy and security measures.

Provide the firm’s record retention and/or file archiving/destruction policy.

Internal Audit

Describe the firm’s internal audit procedures.


Does the firm employ a full-time compliance officer to ensure that all aspects of the firm’s business comply with applicable codes of professional responsibility, laws and regulations?

Provide the name and contact information of the individual who manages the firm’s compliance.

Sanction Checks

Provide the firm’s sanctions check policy, if one exists.


Provide details of the firm’s insurance coverage for professional indemnity, public liability, management liability (EPL/D&O) and cyber. Include the name of the insurer, policy type and number, policy period and limits of liability.

Methodology and Work Plan

Provide a statement acknowledging understanding of the requirements.

Describe the firm’s approach in providing the requested services.

Describe the firm’s processes and procedures to manage workflows.

Provide a detailed work plan outlining key activities, deliverables, expected timelines and responsibilities.

Coverage and Availability

Indicate how the firm would manage team members’ absences or departures.

Indicate the availability of staff and services on a request basis for attendance at meetings, phone calls, etc.

Fees and Billing Standards

Provide the firm’s hourly billing rates for all staff working on the project, including estimated hours of work.

Provide details regarding discounts, pro bono work, capped rates and alternative fee structures. Disclose applicable fixed or flat rate fees.

Describe fee arrangements, billing practices and invoicing controls/processes.

Include a proposed schedule of payments.


List three references that best illustrate the firm’s qualifications delivering comparable services within the past five years. Include the client organization, contact name, address, phone number and a brief description of the work completed.


Other items that may be requested include:

·  Cover letter (letter of interest)

·  CVs/biographies of proposed team members

·  Audited financial statements

·  Copies of workplace policies and insurance certificates