Annexure 8
Technical Specifications of Naturally Ventilated Poly House (Tubular structure)
1 / Type / Multi span (gutter connected), top ventilated, tubular structure (round / rectangle), with aerodynamic corridor/balcony along the gutter line
2 / Size / Length: Multiples of 8mx4m (Length is the side along the gable or side along the truss line).
Width: Multiples of 4m (width is the side along the gutter or side along the purlin line).
Gutter length to be kept within 52m as far as possible.
Minimum size would be 500 sq m.
3 / Grid size and shape / Grid: 4m X 8m; preferably rectangular shape
5 / Height / Gutter level: 4.0m minimum from ground level at any point.
Ridge level (central height): 6.5m - 7.0 m.
6 / Orientation / North to South (Direction of Gutter run) is preferable. Or as per the local condition depending on available land, wind direction, land slope etc.
7 / Structural component / Hot dipped, Galvanized Iron,IS 3601:2006/IS1239:2004,GI pipe wall thickness not less than 2mm for all the structural components. Galvanization of structural members should not be less than 300GSM (grams per square meter). Structural member should be preferably connected with clamps, nutsbolts and fasteners properly.
SN / Component / OD (inch) / OD (mm) / Minimum
wall thickness (mm) / Weight per meter length(Kg)
A / Column Foundation pipe / 2½ / 76 / 3.0 / 5.36
Corridor Foundation pipe / 2 / 60 / 3.0 / 4.20
B / Column (pillar) / 2½ / 76 / 2 / 3.75
C / Arch Purlin / 1½ / 48 / 2 / 2.30
D / Gutter purlin / 1¼ / 42 / 2 / 2.1
E / Boundary or perimeter purlin / 1¼ / 42 / 2 / 2.10
F / Balcony/corridor/hockey column / 2 / 60 / 2 / 2.85
G / Corridor horizontals / 2 / 60 / 2 / 2.85
H / Top and bottom arch of truss / 1¼ / 42 / 2 / 2.10
I / vertical and inclined members of truss / 1 / 33 / 2 / 1.60
J / Bottom chord of the truss / 1½ / 48 / 2 / 2.30
K / Arch brazings, V brazing, X brazing / 1 / 33 / 2 / 1.60
L / Crop support purlin / 1¼ / 42 / 2 / 2.10
M / Rolling pipe / ¾ / 27 / 2 / 1.30
N / Top vent brazing/sturt / 1 / 33 / 2 / 1.60
O / Curtain shaft & handle / ¾ / 27 / 2 / 1.30
M / Curtain guide / ½ / 22 / 2 / 1.00
8 / Top or ridge ventilation / Top (roof vent): Top vent of 100 to 120cm of vertical gap, 120 to 150cm slanting length. Covered with UV stabilized insect proof net (40mesh) / anti hail net /monofilament /tape shadenet as per crop demand. Minimum overlap of top arch and bottom (small) arch should be 60cm to avoid direct rain entering into the greenhouse from the vent. Top vent purlin brazing to be provided with ¾ inch GI pipe
9 / Side ventilation / 3.25m-3.75m down from gutter level. Covered with 40 or 50 mesh UV stabilized insect proof net or 35%/50% monofilament /tape shadenet as per crop demand. Over to that rollable polyethylene flap has to be provided (200 micron UV stabilized) with cranking arrangements.
10 / Balcony/corridor / 60mm OD/2mm thick GI pipes (2m+2m along the gutter line)
11 / Withstand to Wind Velocity / The structural design need to be sound enough to withstand wind speed of 130 Km
1 / Foundation / GI- Pipe = 2½” (OD 76mm) 3.0 mm thickness or 60mm OD & 3mm wall thickness, 1.2- 1.5 meter length, crimping / telescopic with nut & bolt. Foundation pipe must be provided with 6 inch length 12mm TMT anchor rods at 3 locations. All gutters must have a unidirectional slope of 1 to 2%. The column foundation should be of at least 45 cm diameter x 90 cm depth and filled with cement concrete Ratio of 1:2:4.
2 / Columns / GI- Pipe = 2 ½ ” (OD 76mm), not less than 2 .0mm wall thickness (minimum 4 meter length, no joints); on the gable side, provide 6.5m columns between two gutter columns .
3 / Arch Purlin / GI- Pipe = 1 ½”(OD 48mm), not less than 2 .0mm wall thickness (in 4 meter length), Arch Purlin is a member which inter connects arches.
4 / Gutter Purlin / GI- Pipe = 1¼”(OD 42mm), not less than 2 .0mm wall thickness (in 4 meter length), gutter Purlin is a member which inter connects base of arches and also supports the gutter. Gutter purlin is not required if gutter sheet of above 1.6mm thickness is used.
5 / Purlin at gutter level(end bays) / GI- Pipe = 1 ½”(OD 48mm), not less than 2 .0mm wall thickness (in 4 meter length).
6 / Boundary purlin/perimeter purlin / GI- Pipe of 1¼”(OD 42mm), not less than 2 .0mm wall thickness (in 4 meter length), connecting all the columns in the periphery or boundary.
7 / Trusses / GI- Pipe of 1¼” (42mm OD), thickness 2 .0mm for top and bottom arch.Bottom horizontal of the truss must be 1½ ” (48mm OD) and all Vertical and inclined members should be of 1” (33mmOD) and 2.0 mm thick.
8 / Rolling Pipe / GI- Pipe of ¾” (OD 27mm), thickness not less than 2 .0mm (in 6 meter length) for rolling polyethylene flaps for side vent, provided with cranking arrangements. A GI pipe (22mm) guide need to be provided at the corner and other suitable places.
9 / Note / Welded pipes should not be used for structure erection (except horizontal bottom chord of truss of 8m length, rolling pipe and longer column on the gable side)
1 / Arch (truss) Brazing / GI- Pipe = 1 inch (OD 33mm), thickness 2 .0mm (6 meter).
Connects the arches(at vertical chord joining point) to the top of 2nd pillar on gutter line. Provided to both the gable end bays.
2 / Column Brazing / X Pipes / GI- Pipe = 1 inch (OD 33mm), thickness 2 .0mm for corners & last but one span all along the gable line.
3 / V – Brazing / GI- Pipe = 1 inch (OD 33mm), wall thickness 2 .0mm). Interconnecting columns to bottom chord of truss.
4 / Top vent purlin brazing / GI- Pipe = ¾” (OD 27mm), thickness 2 .0mm (1.2 to 1.5m). Connects the bottom and top arch in the vent.
5 / Crop support purline / GI- Pipe = 1½ inch (OD 42mm), thickness 2 .0mm (4 meter)
Connect gable side pillars below the bottom chord for running GI wire grid for crop support.
6 / Clamps and Nut Bolts, brackets, cleats, fasteners / Different type of clamps like 76/60/48/42/33 mm OD full, 76/60/48/42/33 mm OD half are used which should be made from min. 40-45 mm wide and 2.0 mm thick Galvanised Plain coil having minimum 200 GSM Galvanization. Brackets and cleats must be 100mmX100mmX6mm. Nut Bolt: 3/8size, length 1.5” & 3½ ”. Galvanized material should be used.
1 / Gutters / The gutters are made of GI sheet of 1.6mm thick, trapezoidal shape, 50mm perimeter or more, if supported on columns. Optionally 0.5-0.6mm thick aluminum coated (Galvalume) jointless (single length) sheet of 60mm perimeter supported with two 42mm ODX2mm thick GI purlin fitted with plated SDS screw. Option of plastic gutter (single piece), Vergin, UV stabilized, 1.4mm thick, 60cm wide supported by Gutter purlins is also provided.
Unidirectional slope for all the gutters, minimum uniform slope of 1 to 2% is to be provided in civil structural work/design. Gutter at the lower ends must extend at least 50 cm to avoid rain water falling on the pillar foundation. Total gutter length preferably not more than 52m. An option of external gutters/end gutters on two sides ( parallel to gutter line) to maximize rain harvest and to prevent rain water entry through corridor/pavilion can also be provided. Lower end of the gutter to be connected with GI funnel to minimum 110mm PVC (4.0kg/cm2) vertical pipe (4.5m) leading to ground level drainage (nala).
2 / Polyethylene film (Plastic) / For the roof, side walls and curtain walls:
Pre requisite properties
UV stabilized, 200 micron thick, 3/5 layered, anti drip/mist, anti dust, diffused 50 to 70 %, having minimum 85% level of light transmittance.
Optional property
Anti sulphur for the crops where sulphur consumption is high. For ex - rose cultivation.
IR Reflective cooling –for high temperature area.
While installing the multilayer film, first ensure that respective layers are facing the right direction as shown on film (e.g. inside out)
The logo, brand name and batch no with code number must be printed at regular interval on poly films that should not get washed easily.
Certificates to be provided:
1) Testreport fromCentral Institute of Plastics Engineering Technology (CIPET).
2) Technical Data Sheet
3 / Side Apron / compound sheet / 200 micron UV stabilized poly film or UV stabilized HDPE woven fabric, 150 gsm thick for a height of 75 cm above ground level and 30 cm buried below ground and 20 cm horizontally.
4 / Aluminum Profile / The polyethylene coverings and the nets are fixed to the structure by a locking profile made of extruded aluminum profile. Made of alloy aluminum (approximately 125g/running meter). Should be suitable for double spring locking.
5 / Zig – zag Spring / Made of minimum of 2.3 mm-thick steel that is coated with plastic & it will lock & hold poly film and nets in aluminum profile.
6 / Fasteners (Screws to fix aluminium profile) / Galvanized Self Drilling Screw (SDS)with washers as per requirement and with the best quality plating to have good anti-corrosiveness. SDS have to be fixed on profile for every 50cm distance.
7 / Side & top ventilation Net / 40 mesh and white in colour on all four sides and top vent of green house (UV- Stabilized). Monofilament /tape shadenet also may be used for better air circulation as demanded by the crop. Anti hail net/ Monofilament /tape Shadenet can also be used to the top vent for better air circulation depending on the crop requirement.
8 / Shade Net / Shade net vary from 35% to 50% based on crop (UV- Stabilized) which is made retractable with proper hooks & UV stabilized PP ropes. Shadenet is supported with 12 gauge GI wire. Shadenet is spread on a 4m width bay at gutter level. Shorter Retractable arrangements with pulleys for easy retraction and spread.
9 / Crop support for vegetable cultivation / Trellising system to be provided with 10, 12 gauge GI wires at required spacing & height as per crop requirement.
10. / Rollable polyethlene flap for side wall / 3.25 to3.75m down from gutter level with cranking arrangements and handle for all the sides (flap control pipe). ¾” plastic side curtain clamps are used to hold plastic & GI-Pipe at every 30cm. Flap curtain guide of ½ “ (22mm OD) pipe to be provided at regular interval for better rolling arrangements.
11 / Door (using square pipe). / Double Door Entry System, Sliding Door, Polycarbonate sheet (both side U V stabilized, 4mm thick) on top and aluminium sheet at bottom (4mm thick) fixed to suitable frame. Minimum 2m height, 1.5m width, with locking arrangement.
12 / Ante room (Entrance room) / Size should be at least 4 m length x 2m width, 2m height, Ante room door situated diagonally opposite to poly house door. Flooring: 50mm PCC flooring over 75mm thick sub base. Provision for foot wash basin (2 feet x 3 feet x 0.5 feet depth) near outer door inside entry room.
13 / Drip System installation / 16mm Inline drip lateral, class-2, Discharge: 1 to 2 lph, Emitter spacing 20-40cm, PVC mains/sub-mains, control valves, flush valves, proper sectioning based on water availability, disc filter and ventury system/fertilizer injector with pressure gauge. 5600m inline drip lateral pipe need to be provided for 1 acre area.
15 / Fogging system (optional)
Used only for climate maintenance, not for irrigation / To be provided depending on crop requirement. It consists of 4-way anti leak fogger of 10-28LPH flow rate, to achieve particle size of 80-100micron, 16mm LLDPE lateral pipe, 6kg/cm2 PVC pipe, valves, pump, starter, control panel, MCB, relay, complete to apply 3mm/hr.
16 / Rain water harvesting – Desirable / Provisions must be made for collecting the rain water from the roof top. HDPE Geo Membrane sheet with 300 micron and above with BIS or equivalent certificate to be used for lining the pond of appropriate size to hold 25% of the normal annual rainfall of the region
17 / Instruments / EC meter, pH meter, Hand held digital RH and temperature measuring instruments.
After sales services (The firm has to provide)
1 / Warranty / a)Cladding material (poly film, shade net and insect net): three year warranty against manufacturing defect on pro-rata basis (excluding the natural calamities, vandalism and any other forced action)b)Structure: three years warranty for GI structure against fabrication and erection defects.
2 / Insurance / Fabricator should arrange for insuring the structure against natural calamities.