Enas Hussein Abdel- Rahman, Ph.D.
Title / Associate Professor Pharmacognosy, Department
E-mail /
Phone / 02-23632245 / 02-23639307 / 02-2567457 / 02-23624917 -2220
Most Recent Degree / Ph.D.
Title of Thesis / “A Phytochemical Study of some anti-mollluscicidal plants belonging to Family Araliaceae Cultivated in Egypt”
Specialization / Pharmacognosy
University Attended / Cairo University
Year / 2003
A. Teaching Experience
Course Title / Course Code / University / Academic years
Undergraduate Courses / Pharmacognosy (1) / 202 / Cairo / 2003-2012
Pharmacognosy I (clinical pharmacy program) / PG 202 / Cairo / 2007- 2012
Botany and Medicinal Plants / 201 / Cairo / 2003-2006
Applied Pharmacognosy (Practical Course) / - / Cairo / 1990-2003
Pharmacognosy (Practical Course) / - / Cairo / 1990-2003
Phytotherapy / 207 / Cairo / 2012-2013
Phytotherapy / PG 807 / Cairo / 2012-2013
Publications and Presentations
1.  "Anti-Diabetic Activity of phenolic compounds from Pecan Bark on Streptozan Induced diabetic rats"2008
2.  "Macro- and micromorphological Study of Hedera canariensis Willd. Family Araliaceae" Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci, 2008, 26 ,March ,190-203,
3.  "Pharmacognostical study of Carya illinoensis (Wangenh) K. Koch(Juglandaceae)" Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci,2008, 26, March,204 -230,
4.  "Molluscicidal Saponins from Hedera canariensis leaves" J.Egypt.Soc..Parasitol2008, 38(1) 293-304,
5.  "Saponins from flowers of Meryta denhamii,Seem. Family Araliaceae" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. Cairo Univ,2008, 46,(1)227-231,
6.  First Scientific Conference of Faculty of Fharmacy Cairo University, Mar.2008,
7.  "Pharmacognostical and biological Studies on Euphorbia cuneata Vahl" Al-Azhar Journal of Pharmaceutical. Sci,2007, Vol. 36, 99-111,
8.  "Chemical and Biological Study of the Essential Oil of Carya illinoensis (WANGEN)K.Koch Family Juglandaceae" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. Cairo Univ,2007, 45,( 1),83-91,
9.  "Compositions and Bioactivities Of Fruit Essential Oil and Botanical Study of Different organs of Pistacia chinensis Bunge Grown in Egypt" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. Cairo Univ,2006, 44,(3)159-173,
10.  Al-ِAzhar 4th International Conference for Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, Feb. 2006
11.  "Botanical Study Of Dizygotheca kerchoveana,N.Taylor and Oreopanax guatemalensis, Decne and Planch.Family Araliaceae" Bull. Fac. Pharmacy. Cairo Univ,2005, 43,(3)103-117
12.  “Antidiabetic activity of phenolic compounds from Pecan bark in streptozotocin induced
diabetic rats “Phytochemistry Letters 4 (2011) 337–341”
13.  Antihyperglycemic Effect of Meryta denhamii Seem.Fruits and Phytochemical study of its Saponin Content Pharmacognosy Journal , N ovember 2011 Vol 3 I ssue 27,56-59.
14.  “Phytochemical, Biological and Botanical Studies of Klanchoe blossfeldiana Poelln” International Journal of Pharmacy. Photon 104 (2013) 189-205.
Abdel Azim Hifny Saber Award for the best M.Sc. Thesis in Pharmacognosy Departments,1999
Attended Workshops

1.  “Writing and Publishing Scientific Articles”, (FLDP), Cairo University, 2008

2.  “Quality Standards in the Educational System”, (FLDP), Cairo University,2008

3.  “Use of Technology in Teaching”, (FLDP), Cairo University, 2007

4.  “Presentation Skills”, (FLDP), Cairo University,2007

5.  “Time and Stress Management”, (FLDP), Cairo University,2