Quarterly Worksite Observation for Tenure-Track Career Training, ABE/GED/ESL & General Education

To Be Completed By The Tenure Committee Member(s) Visiting The Worksite
Probationer’s Name: / Date of Observation:
Position: / Start & End Time: / to
Quarter: Fall Winter Spring Summer / Year:
Observation Type: Lecture Lab Other
Rating Key
4 = Often Exceeds Expectations: Probationer displays high levels of skills, abilities, initiative, or productivity, often exceeding requirements in this area of work responsibility.
3 = Meets Expectations: Probationer displays and maintains an effective and consistent level of performance in this area of work responsibility. Work achieves desired or required outcomes or expectations. Problems or errors, if any, are reported and corrected quickly.
2 = Some Improvement Needed: Probationer at this level displays some inconsistency in the performance in this area of work responsibility thus falling below an acceptable level with potentially undesirable consequences.
1 = Major Improvement Needed: Probationer displays low levels of skills, abilities, initiative, or productivity, consistently failing to meet required outcomes.
U = Unobserved at this time.
*Note: Ratings of “2” or “1” must be supported by comments in the space provided.
Section 1 Instructional Skills / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / U
Lessons seem appropriate to students’ needs (e.g., Students are engaged)
Activities and projects appropriate to course objectives (e.g., Students seem aware of what they are learning, how to learn it, and why they need to do)
Exhibits enthusiasm for the subject matter
Uses a variety of instructional materials and methods (e.g., Uses audio/visual aids, demonstration materials, PowerPoint presentations, white board, illustration, etc.)
Attempts to accommodate various learning styles (e.g., Able to answer questions in various ways, provide demonstrations, use analogies and examples, describe professional experiences, etc.)
Explains subject matter and summarizes major ideas
Presentation Skills (e.g., Speaks clearly and appropriately uses gestures, terms, industry, specific jargon, and instructional techniques)
Preparedness (e.g., Instructor seems prepared to deliver instruction, has instructional and student materials ready, starts on time, etc.)
Section 2 Class Management and Discipline / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / U
Treats students with courtesy and respect (e.g., Responds to student requests in an appropriate manner)
Maintains student accountability (e.g., Encourages students to be self-reliant, behave professionally, etc.)
Provides appropriate feedback to students
Encourages student questions
Appropriately controls the classroom environment (e.g., Conducive to student learning and student participation, limits distractions if possible, keeps discussions on-track, etc.)
Section 3 Knowledge of Subject Matter / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / U
Stays current with new developments, ideas and events related to subject matter (e.g., Instructor is able to incorporate industry- related advancement and opportunities into presentations)
Provides information on industry requirements (e.g., Describes industry production and quality standards)
Provides instruction using competency-based methods (e.g., Syllabus documents provided; students exhibit awareness of what they are learning, how they will learn the subject, what they must do to complete the objective)
Universal Expectations (Complete only if observable during this session) / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / U
Demonstrates awareness of college support services, events, programs, policies and procedures and refers and/or advises students appropriately
Demonstrates effective and accurate communications skills with, co-workers, students, and outside contacts
Appears motivated as indicated by punctuality, initiative, meeting deadlines, and attitude
Sets expectations and reinforces student accountability of behavior and performance
Models appropriate behavior to students
Follows college policies, procedures and guidelines
Establishes and maintains positive and cooperative working relationships with
co-workers, students and outside contacts
Additional Comments
Signature of Interviewer/Observer #1 / Date
Signature of Interviewer/Observer #2 / Date
My signature below indicates that I have seen this observation/evaluation report. It does not
indicate agreement with the findings.
Probationer’s Signature / Date

TROC Approved September 2009

Review/edit 01/15/14

Revised 9/12/16