Linacre College Common Room Meeting

Meeting Date:Wednesday, 6th May, 2015

Document: Meeting Minutes

  1. Welcoming Remarks and Opening of the Meeting:Kiron: Thanks for all the motions and thanks for coming. We have a photo exhibit afterwards.
  1. Approval of the minutes of the last CR meeting: All those in favour: Aye! Approved.
  1. Officers’ Updates: Jill: absent. Dominique: thanks for football participants 200 GBP per team. Thanks for the survey for Nepal. Next charity event isthe Tanner Room next week chocolate and wine. Tory: Ball is happening. Sold 260 tickets so far. We want to sell 400. Get friends to come! Louis: No updates. Catlyn: No updates. Taryn: No full budget overview because Adam already did one. Several clubs haven't yet spent money, e.g., drama, darts, running. If you have spent money but haven't submitted receipts - do so. Several budget-related motions tonight. A few brief comments about financial status: 24,000 GBP from last year running into this year. A lot goes to CR endowment, which does bursaries, scholarships etc. Therefore, we shouldn't spend everything!It can be used as a buffer, a security blanket etc. But funds are available to us. Any questions? Joe: Endowment fund - what happens to that money? Taryn: Scholarships, bursaries. Adam do you have names? Adam: Domus research prize etc. Students apply for academic expenses etc. Talk to your president about getting stuff organised. Vivek: Trinity term has a lot of exams so we have Linacre cheese exchange, Kellogg cheese exchange, Hugh's Hall exchange tomorrow, CR party Saturday - "Inside out" is the theme. We are always looking for volunteers and suggestions for next term card. We will update Facebook and the term card and regular email if there are changes. Does everyone look at our term card? There have been complaints about communications. Any feedback? Janaki: Read the publicity emails if you are so inclined. Vivek: If you know djs let us know. We have a strict process of selection. They are paid. They must have their own equipment and insurance numbers. Natasja: Linacre Lines - next issue in 9 or 10th week. Please submit whatever you have. This term I will do a Victorian masculinity photo-shoot (not in the Zoolander sense). Please participate. Also, if you know photographers, let me know. I'll put the info on the Facebook group.
  1. CR Upgrades: Kiron: There are no upgrades happening to the CR. There is nothing planned for this summer or early next year. Philly: Did they say it was never in the summer? Kiron: Apparently nothing is happening this summer. We can talk afterwards.
  1. Motions: 1) Rowing teams - Motion is from the CR surplus to purchase blades - 690 GBP total (230 GBP each). Discussion: Pete: Examples are blades on the wall. Small and large blades cost the same. Any potential spots around college for sticking them? Marie: We haven't discussed precise locations yet. Claudia: Simon Barker and we have been discussing it. Amir: extra money for installation? Adam: College would bill us and Nick Druce would put it up, but there would be a small bill. Adam (moves to amend): Dansi has pointed out that the original motion was to apply funds from the CR surplus funds, but Taryn has brought up the idea to redirect those funds into endowment. The recreation fund doesn't go into endowment. The recreation budget has a 49,000 GBP surplus. We should take it from the recreation budget. So the motion is to amend it so that the money comes from direct surplus. That budget is for sports and it is a buffer. In a bad year you might have overspending. E.g., a cricket club last year that spent 2 or 3 grand. Amend the motion: In favour: 39. Against:0. Abstain: 0. Motion passes. Motion to purchase: In favour: 41. Against: 0. Abstain: 0. Motion passes!!!! (2) Motion to purchase Xbox1: Arselan: This includes "Connect" and an inclusive roster of games including halo etc. Benefits include entertainment and socialisation and it could raise money for gaming tournaments. 350 GBP, but the total is: 650 GBP (Games: Fifa, Mortal Kombat, Halo, etc.). Philly: where would you put it for security? Can you assure us of security?Arselan: I haven't thought of this aspect, but we could use a lock. Urs: Maybe we could have someone take it home? Arselan: I recommend keeping it here. Tory: What if we sign it out from the porters lodge?Arselan: I recommend keeping it in the CR. Also, it's good for another four years. Pete: Since extremely heavy use is inevitable, can you buy an extra insurance plan? Arselan: That isn't included in the motion but it would be about 30 GBP. Adam: Is "Connect"a subscription? Arselan: "Connect" is a camera for gaming. Joe: We will need a more sophisticated sign-out schedule system. Marie: A good discussion would be to update the system of scheduling. Amir: Why not purchase a PS4? Arselan: Because a PS4 doesn't have "Connect". Discussion ensues. Motion: (for 650 GBP)For: 27; Against: 0; Abstain: 7. Motion is passed with flying colours. (3) Pizza Society - two linked motions. Pete: Hi everyone! My name is Pete and I run the Pizza and Baking Society where we teach Linacre students how to bake from a home oven. It started from a small group of 5, and now we have 24 active members and 20 people who want to get involved. Saturday and Sunday at the end of every month we teach 10 people at a time to bake and I want to continue this and the equipment is in place. However, we need to cover expenses - e.g., bulk ingredients from London. The second half of the motion is about participating with the two head chefs of Linacre to run a dinner event downstairs. We have tested baking pizza downstairs. First, like formal hall and later we would expand. Total budget request = 125 GBP for Naples flour, 150 GBP for teaching sessions subsidisation. 175 GBP for tomatoes. 100 GBP for a special events buffer fund. Total = 550 GBP from the CR. Philly: is it necessary to get flour from Naples? We are a green college. Pete: Yes because we have established that the best student dough is "00" flour from Naples. So we start from "00" and move on to sticky dough. We buy in bulk but then we go local for all meats. Dimetri: That seems extravagant! Can you really tell when dough is from Naples? Pete: 90% of our flour is from local sources, but we need the Naples flour for a control. Dimetri: You said 24 people have joined. Do 10 people actually show up for each event? Pete: We usually have 8 people. Dimetri: So there are 2 motions: 1 for a baking event here, and one for society - therefore two motions. Amir: Do I pay as a student? Pete: The actual cost would be 10 GBP per head, but subsidised to 7.50 GBP. Vivek: Terry Rogan has interviewed the pizza society BBC2, which is coming out this summer and we were filmed (with Mason McQueen and it will get us advertised). Milton: Have you been able to cover the costs? Will this motion make it cheaper? Pete: This will enable us to run additional events at the same cost. Matthew: Are you reimbursed for your time? Pete: I'm a volunteer. The money goes only to the cost of ingredients. It takes 3hours to bake and 1 hour to eat. Tuition means learning to make pizzas while eating them. Natasja: Baking from scratch is quite expensive so FYI to those who don't bake. Taryn: What is the relative cost for purchasing the same or the next best flour locally? Pete: Ironically, it would cost more. But the majority of flour is actually from the UK. Kiron: Other questions? A motion to bump up the Pizza Society budget an increase of 550 GBP - For: 39; Against: 1; Abstain: 2. Motion passes!!! Applause. A second motion for using the dining area and kitchen - For: 39; Against: 0; Abstain: 1. Motion passes as well!!! (4) Final motion by William Budd for a new pool table. Will: The pool table is a mess and it is awful. We have an estimate of 677 + 100 GBP for installation. This includes 4 pool cues, triangle, rack etc. Janaki: What happens to the old table?Will: Unknown. Will: We can get different sized tables, but we propose a 6' table. Amir: How many people play? Jordan: Trust me - people use it a lot. I know because I live under it! Suggestions to use the Tanner Room. Matthew: Refurbishment option? Will:The cost would be similar. Philly: Is it free to play or must Linacrites pay? Will: You must pay. Pete: Is there a second place to move it if the room is removed from use? Amir: We couldn't place it in the back of the CR? Will: We would get a cover to protect it, and then that is a possibility. Kiron: The total is 777 GBP? Last questions? Anonymous: Will there be a pool tournament? Will: Yes! Taryn: When you spoke to Simon Barker what message did he convey to you? Will: That the table is in terrible condition and we should get one with wheels. Joe: Can you squeeze in a 7' table? Will: No. Pete: In crazy parties can we lock the room? Adam: It would be hard to secure that. Will: We will buy a cover to protect it. Joe: Is this from the CR Surplus or the Recreation budget? Will: We should amend to take it from the recreation budget. Amendment: For: 32; Against: 0; Abstain: 1. Motion passes. Purchase for 777 GBP -For: 28; Against: 1; Abstain: 4. PASSES!!!! Ndjodi: Does the current table have value for resale? Will: Not likely but we will find out.
  1. Trinity elections: Kiron: Nomination forms are up. The Hustings will be held next Wednesday. We will have a short meeting. Janaki: There are 4 posts - 1 social sec,the environment officer, the development and charities officer, and welfare officer. These positions extend to Michaelmas.
  1. Any other business: Vivek: Underwater hockey cuppers are coming up. Facebook me. Kiron: Subject mixers are available. Janaki: Rutherford Appleton lab - if you work there get in touch with me. Kiron: Nick has told me that 10,000 GBP is available for a Masters and 25,000 GBP for a PHD. Final note: The college is thinking about a tenth week silence period. Tory: how does that affect the ball? Kiron: It is more on the construction side of things. Philly: The ball can and should happen on a constitutional level. They can't stop you. Kiron: It's more from the college side, not us making noise. End of meeting!! Thanks for coming!!! And for the millions of questions. Vivek: You can suggest having fewer events during exam time if you want.
  1. Closure of meeting: (Kiron needs a gavel.)