

Period: ______

Tears of a Tiger Anticipation Guide


If you AGREE with the statement below, write an A on the line.

If you DISAGREE with the statement below, write a D on the line.

_____ 1.  It is OK to drink and drive if you have only had a little bit to drink.

_____ 2.  It is my job to take a stand when my friends are making bad decisions about alcohol or drugs.

_____ 3.  If my friend is in deadly trouble, it is my job to help.

_____ 4.  Writing is not a good way to express my feelings about private matters.

_____ 5.  Talking to people about my private feelings makes me weak.

_____ 6.  If I see a counselor or a psychiatrist it means I’m crazy.

_____ 7.  Alcohol is not a drug; people take it too seriously.

_____ 8.  Parents these days do not truly know their kids.

_____ 9.  Little siblings are annoying and it is my parent’s job to set a good example for them, not mine.

_____ 10. School is a place to socialize and have fun, learning is just a bonus if I have time.

_____ 11. Adults in school do not understand kids’ hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

_____ 12. Heavy can mean more than just the weight of something.

_____ 13. If I am having trouble with my personal life, it is OK to treat others poorly.

_____ 14. My close friends/girlfriend/boyfriend is the only one who truly knows and understands me.

_____ 15. Losing a close friend/girlfriend/boyfriend is the hardest thing about being a teenager.

_____ 16. A teen should ALWAYS have at least one adult they can talk to and count on.

·  Circle the three (3) you have the most feelings/thoughts/comments about.

·  Write down those numbers and discussion comments on the back of this sheet.

Topic # _____

Discussion Points

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Topic # _____

Discussion Points

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Topic # _____

Discussion Points

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