How to Complete the TR66 – Consent Form – AAFC Activity
It is a requirement for every AAFC Activity that parents and cadets must complete a Consent Form – AAFC Activity – TR66. This form must be presented to the staff when you arrive at the activity. Failure to complete and present a TR66 will mean that you will not be able to participate in the activity. Note that a TR66 is not required for the weekly Monday night parades.
This form is a legal document which provides the <enter Unit> Staff with the authority to have any necessary medical treatment provided to your child, in the event of an emergency. It also provides the necessary information so that the <enter Unit> Staff can ensure that your child enjoys the activity to the fullest extent. It also informs the staff of any medical issue, allergies and limitations that may affect your child.
The form must be completed in blue or black pen only.
The attached TR66 should be read in conjunction with the explanation below.
1. Header details:
i. Cadets Details – information pre-entered if printed from CadetOne
ii. AAFC Activity – from joining instructions, information pre-entered if printed from CadetOne.
iii. Legal Custodian -- defines who we can release the cadet to.
iv. Date of Birth and Medicare details – Medicare details are required in case of injury and we need to attend a hospital some of this information is pre-entered if printed from CadetOne.
2. Enter the name of the person giving consent for the cadets to attend the activity – DELETE WHERE NOT APPLICABLE
3. Enter the recorded allergies from CadetOne and/or report any new allergies. You must enter something in this box, if there are no allergies write ‘NIL’.
4. If required please supply instruction on how to manage your child’s allergies and medical conditions. Instruction must be stapled to the TR66.
5. Tick and initial your consent (yes or no) for the activities listed in this section.
6. Initial each question in this section. If the answer to anyone of these questions is NO then your son/daughter should not attend the activity.
7. Review your son/daughter details in CadetOne and certify that they are correct. If there is a mistake please change the details within CadetOne.
8. Answer the question regarding Asthma and Tetanus. Complete the Current Medication and Dietary Needs. You must enter something in these boxes, if there are no medications or dietary needs write ‘NIL’.
9. Sign the TR66 and have your signature witnessed. Under most circumstances staff should not be the witness, you should have a neighbour or friend witness your signature. If you intend to ask the staff to witness your signature, be prepared to wait as staff can be quite busy as cadets arrive for an activity. Staff should only witness your signature if they know you well and you will be required to sign the form in front of the staff member.
10. Complete emergency contact details.
If the form is not completed correctly or there are sections missing you will be called back to complete the TR66 correctly.
If your child does not have a correctly completed TR66 then they will be sent home.