Fall 2010

Lesson5: Galatians 4:8–31

Study Tip:

  • Before you begin, read Psalm 19 and ask God to reveal Himself to you as you study His Word each day.

Nothing this world has to offer is more precious than God’s Word...there is no substitute for submission to Scripture. Your spiritual health depends on placing the utmost value on the Word of God and obeying it with an eager heart.

—John MacArthur(Truth Matters, p. 11)

Day One: Read Galatians 4:8–11;Return to Bondage

1.Paul begins verse 8 with a reference to when the Galatians did not know God. What outcome do you think he washoping for in confronting the Galatians with their former lives?

2.In verse 9, Paul changes the phrase “have come to know God” to “be known by God.” What issignificant about this change in wording?

3.Read Colossians 2:16–17 and Romans 14:5–8. Why do you think there was such a strong tendency in the early church to return to Jewish tradition?

4.What concern did Paul express over the Galatiansin verse 11?

5.Have you ever taken a risk like Paul did and confronted error in someone’s life? What happened?

a.Has someone ever confronted youabout a situation in your life? How did you respond?

Day Two:Read Galatians 4:12–20; Paul’s Concern

1.In this section, Paul’s style changes as he issues a heartfelt appeal to theGalatians. What is the first indication that Paul is taking a more personal approach?

2.What does Paul mean when he encourages the Galatians “to become as I am”?

3.Why did Paul remind the Galatians of their kindness to him when he first came to preach the gospel?

4.Dig Deeper: Does the Bible indicate what illness Paul was referring to in verses 13–14?

5.According toverse 16, why would Paul now be an enemy to the Galatians?

6.Who are “they” in verse 17?

7.Read Matthew 23:4, 13–15; Acts 15:10. How did the Jewish leaders seek to shut out the Galatians?

a.What did the leaders hope this would accomplish?

Day Three: Read the selected passages in Genesis for background information on God’s covenants with His people. This will help your understanding of the text in Galatians.

1.What did God promise Abram in Genesis 15:1–5?

2.According toGenesis 16, how did Abram look for a solution outside of God’s instructions?

a.Whose voice did Abraham listen to regarding a way to fulfill God’s promise?

b.Who was Hagar, and what happened to her?

3.How do people today try to help God fulfill His plan?

a.Have you ever tried to help God fulfill His purposes? What was the result?

4.From Genesis 17:15–19, who would be Abraham’sheir, fulfilling God’s promise in Genesis 15?

a.Dig Deeper: How much time had elapsed since God’s original covenant with Abraham; how old was Abraham when Isaac was born? (See Genesis 12:1–5;21:1–9.)

5.From Genesis 18:14, what did Sarah and Abraham learn?

a.How can you apply this truth to your life today?

6.According to Genesis 26:1–5, what was Isaac told to do and why?

Day Four:Read Galatians 4:21–31; Two Covenants

1.Explain the following phrases in your own words.

a.“according to the flesh”

b.“through the promise”

2.What is the difference between a “bondwoman” and a “free woman”?

3.What is the significance of Mount Sinai representing the “present Jerusalem”?

a.Where is the Jerusalem above? (See Hebrews 12:22.)

4.How does the future hope of heaven change how you live now?

Day Five:Re-read Galatians 4:8–31

1.In your own words, define“grace.”

a.What is the significance of grace in the life of a believer?

2.What choices have you made this past weekthat represent either bondage or grace?

a.What specific changes do you need to make in your life to avoid being entangledin a yoke of bondage? Ask the Lord to help you live fully in the light of His grace.

3.If you are a believer, what promise in God’s Word are you waiting for today?

4.How is God’s faithfulness evident in Galatians 4?


Luedke/Peters October 20, 2010