Literature Review Assignment Instructions

Assignment Instructions

Write a short library research paper on a biological topic in the form of a scholarly scientific review paper. Since the primary purpose of this assignment is meant to introduce you to literature searches, scientific writing, citation procedures, and bibliography formatting, please do not submit anything longer than five pages (excluding title page).
The format of this paper was described in "Lab 03: The Scientific Research Paper and Literature Resources" under the section titled "Scientific Review Paper Format." The lab description also describes citation procedures as well as how the present bibliographic details of cited literature. Please review the information presented in this lab description and follow the format described.
Your paper will be due in lab on Monday Nov. 10.
Your first draft needs to follow the following criteria:

  1. Must be double-space typed using a standard font (e.g., arial or times) and font size (no larger than 14 points, no smaller than 10 points).
  2. Top, bottom and side margins must be no less the 1 inch and no greater than 1.25 inch.
  3. Pages must be numbered
  4. There must be a title page that presents the descriptive title of your paper, your full name and the date of submission.
  5. The body of the text should be made of the following titled sections: Abstract, Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion (conclusion can be included as the final paragraph or two of the Discussion). See the lab description to understand what gets presented in each of these sessions.
  6. Include a Literature Cited section for cited sources of information.
  7. Direct quoting of other authors is not permitted. All of your written text should be in your own words.
  8. Be sure to appropriately cite all of your information sources using the format given in the lab description (i.e., provide author's last name and year of publication. I am expecting that you cite a minimum of four scholarly sources. Three of these sources should come from the primary literature.
  9. Be sure to provide the appropriate bibliographic details (as presented in the lab description) for all cited literature sources in the Literature Cited section of your paper. Do not present bibliographic details for sources not cited. Be consistent with the format used.
  10. If your scholarly literature sources were obtained from an Internet site (e.g., online journal article), include the URL and the date downloaded as part of the bibliographic details present.
  11. Grammar and spelling must be correct.
  12. Write in an objective, non-emotional style.

This paper is worth 25 points.