Diorama Project Details

You will recreate a setting of your choice from the book you read! Follow directions below:

1) Your recreated setting should be 3-d. You could use any kind of box to contain your items.

2) You may use any kind of materials to create your setting.

3) You must include labels on your setting so we know what everything is.

4) You must include a 2-3 paragraph written piece that addresses the following:

a. What is the name of your book?

b. Who is the author?

c. What is the name of this place?

d. What is the importance of this setting to the story? Why did you choose this setting over others in the story you read?

6) You must include the Rubric below with your project in order for it to be graded!!

Diorama Project Rubric

Name ______Date ______

Category / 7 pts / 5 pts / 3 pts / 1 pt
Appearance of the Project / The project's appearance is professional and polished without distractive elements. / The project's appearance is quite professional and polished few distractive elements. / The project's appearance is somewhat poor. Some distractive elements. / The project's appearance is quite poor. Many distractive elements.
Images &
Models / All images or models are effective and balanced with text use. / All images or models are effective, but there appear to be too few or too many. / Some images or models are effective but their use is not balanced with text use. / Too few images or models are used to be an effective presentation.
Labeling / Included 16 or more items. There are no spelling or labeling errors. All labels are neatly written. / Included 11-15 items. Very few spelling or labeling errors. All labels are neatly written. / Included 5-10 items. Several minor spelling or labeling errors. A few of the labels are messy. / Included less than 5 items. Significant number of spelling or labeling errors. Labeling is not neat.
Creativity &
Appearance / Project is excellently presented reflecting creativity and a lot of thought. / Good creative effort. Project is neat and shows evidence of time spent on it. / Some attempt made to add color and originality. Project is neat. / Little attempt to add color or originality. Project has sloppy appearance.
Written Element / All items are addressed in a well organized and detailed 2-3 paragraph composition. / All items are addressed in the composition. / Some items are addressed in the composition. / Few items are addressed in the composition.