Minutes of Meeting–Monday 22nd January 2018

In attendance:Not Present:

Karen McKernan (Assistant PM)Louise (PM)

Lindsey Walderman (Administrator)Janet (Patient)

Susan (Patient)Andrea (Patient)

Rita (Patient)Dave (Patient)

Pauline (Patient / Chair)Tony (Patient)

Alan (Patient)Tom (Patient)

Malcolm (Patient)Gordon (Patient)

Sue (Patient)

Joan (Patient)

Anne (Patient

Terry (Patient)

Sean Scott (Guest Speaker)

Welcome & Apologies

Apologies were given and PPG Members attending both old and new were thanked and welcomed to the meeting.

Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and accepted as a true reflection by (Alan).

Minutes from November will also be forwarded to Rita as they didn’t appear to be sent last time.

Guest Speaker Sean Scott, Lancashire Health and Wellbeing

Sean gave a very informative talk on Lancashire Health and Wellbeing. He advised it was a targeted service provided across Lancashire, aiming to support adults over 18 years, families and carers who are understood to have long term health conditions, low level emotional health and with lifestyle or social issues. It is short term active support for up to 3 months with up to six sessions. Patients can be referred in by a GP or self-refer to the service. There is no waiting list at present and they aim to contact people within 5 days. Cards were left.

Chair’s Update

Pauline updated us of a meeting she had attended where GP quality contract had been discussed. It also talked about a GP patient survey that has been prepared and explained at how this will be sent out randomly to patients for completion. They are hoping on 3% increase on return this year. Please can we urge people to return these if we know they have received one through the post?

Pauline advised us on Fylde Coast Health and Care latest news where patients can have their say on proposed changes to HNHS assisted conception policy. For more information go to -

Pauline discussed extra winter pressures being put on the NHS

Pauline has asked again for donations of children’s books. These are being used by children in the surgery.

Pauline spent some time again in reception engaging with patients. It was overall good feedback, however the car park was once again brought up!

Pauline could not attend a Healthier Fleetwood meeting and Joan and Malcolm went along to represent the surgery instead. They said it was asked if the Marine Hall was a good venue for this meeting and the outcome was YES. They told us about the Afternoon Tea taking place on 14th February at the Marine Hall, which will be advertised in our newsletter. They also said there were meetings to be arranged for the last week of every other month to talk over everything that has been going on.

GP Update

No GP attendance on this occasion

Practice Staff update

Dr Riyaz Bana and Dr Emily Dobrzanowski are now settled in with the team and are doing really well with their training. There is another smoking cessation advisor who attends the surgery on a Wednesday afternoon and his name is Martin.

Dr Ibrahim Patel will be joining us on 7th February, he is a GPST3 (GP Specialist Trainee). This is the same role as Dr Anna Smith.

Practice Newsletter

Lancashire Wellbeing Service will be advertised on the newsletter

An article by Pauline on “checking your medicine cabinet” and “knowing what should be in there” will be included and also advice on checking expiry dates etc.

Pauline will add an advertisement for Wednesday 14th February of an afternoon tea event that is being held at The Marine Hall and is being run by healthier Fleetwood. There will be a variety of stalls and is from 1-4. Valerie asked about the stalls as she attends a samba band and thought it would be a good place for them to hold a stall.

Rita asked could an article be included for the group that she runs for a cancer charityif there was space.

Friends and Family Results

Extremely Likely / Likely / Neither Likely or Unlikely / Unlikely / Extremely Unlikely / Total
November / 27 / 15 / 3 / 3 / 4 / 52
December / 45 / 19 / 8 / 4 / 8 / 84

Making a difference in 2018 ideas

Rita has kindly offered to carry out some fact finding on loneliness and isolation as we all say this is an area that affects people of all ages and is very common.

PPG Membership

Practice Noticeboards are looking really well since they have been taken over by PPG members and will be sorted out by Sue and Terry in February. Malcolm and Joan in March.Rita in April. Thank you for volunteering, it’s a much appreciated job done by you all.

Proposed Dates for PPG 2018 Meetings

Tuesday 20th March 2018

Wednesday 23rd May 2018

Thursday 26th July 2018

Monday 24th September 2018

Tuesday 27th November 2018

Any other business:

Rita asked could we display bus timetables for patients. This was agreed as being a very useful idea.

The “MY GP” App – we have been encouraged to use this app by the CCG – unfortunately only the messaging side is working and patients get directed to Patient Access to book appointments and order medication but it is still evolving.

Malcom has asked that surgery staff stop sending patients to Wildes chemist for ear syringing as they don’t offer this service. This will be looked into by Karen as we were not aware patients were being directed to the chemist for this procedure. Updated – Karen has checked and patients are being referred for ear problems correctly by reception under the Pharmacy Plus scheme – they are not referring patient’s for ear syringing – they are referring them for the pharmacy to look in their ears and provide olive oil drops if there is ear was present. They are also advising patients to contact SDHC (same day health centre) if they have used olive oil for a week. However, some of the pharmacies are not prepared to examine patient’s ears so she has written to the CCG to advise them of this. John’s are currently not participating in the scheme due to change of ownership but have applied for it. Karen has also confirmed that no appointment is required at the SDHC but patients can walk in.

Terry asked about EPS prescriptions and why sometimes they don’t go this way. This was explained as a glitch in the system and something that just can’t be helped. It is not possible to notify every patient that this happens with.

Date of next meeting -Tuesday 20th March 2018 at 4.30