/ Instructional Technology Services
Design Checklist

Online Course Design Checklist

A welcome note in News on the Course Homepage makes clear how to get started in the course and where to find various course components.
Students are introduced to the structure of the course. This can be in News or Content (Syllabus or other document/video).
If a blended course, a clear explanation is given of which components are online and which will be conducted face-to-face.
The Syllabus is easy to locate.
The Syllabus is available in a printer-friendly format (such as PDF). (If the Syllabus has been created in HTML, test printability.)
Course-level learning objectives are present.
  • Objectives must be measureable
  • Objectives must be student-centered

Module/unit-level learning objectives are present and consistent with the course-level objectives and module assessments.
These can be stated in areas in the Syllabus, a learning objectives matrix, or directly within each module.
There is a course grading policy in the Syllabus which includes a breakdown of assignments and associated points/weights.
Expectations of turnaround time for feedback and grading are clearly identified.
Expectations of student participation are clearly identified.
Expectations of turnaround time for contact with instructor are clearly identified.
i.e. Emails will usually be answered within 24 hours on weekdays and within 48 hours on weekends or official holidays, although, in most cases, I will answer you even before. If I am out of town without Internet access, I will post a note in D2L News on the course homepage.
A communication policy is present.
i.e. Ask all course content or logistics questions via the “Raise Your Hand” discussion board. Send an email for questions of a personal nature, such as questions about grades.
If specialized software is required to complete the course, appropriate information on how to use the software is provided.
A link to the System Check page could be listed in the Syllabus to help student ensure their computers are up to date to run D2L.
Contact information for technical support is provided.
i.e. For technical assistance, contact the IT Help Desk by email () or phone (218.477.2603).
The pace of the course is explained.
  • Sequential or self-paced?
  • Can students work ahead?

Course due dates are clearly identified in the Calendar/Events tool in D2L or through a document listing all assignment due dates.
If due dates are listed in a document, ideally this document should be separate from the Syllabus and clearly labeled.
Clear instructions and expectations for group work have been provided.
The Instructor has provided contact information.
Some biographical information in a “Meet Your Instructor” section is also recommended.
Criteria used to evaluate discussion participation are thoroughly explained.
Criteria used to evaluate assignments are clearly defined.
The learning activities promote interaction:
  • Student to Content
  • Student to Instructor
  • Student to Student

Organization of course materials is consistent throughout the course.
Links (internal and external) to sources of information are accurate.
Required course materials are easily located.
Course navigation is clear and student-friendly.
Course documents are easily readable.
  • clear font type
  • clear font color – avoids excessive use of font colors
  • contrast between text and background
See the Accessibility Checklist for additional details and expectations.
All articles in the course are linked through the Library database or to the original source online.
If the PDF is placed in D2L ensure all copyright issues are addressed and the PDF is accessible.
Mid-term Evaluation
NOTE: This is not a requirement but is a recommended best practice – especially for new courses or courses that are completely online. If students are struggling it is better to know before the end of the course.
This can be accomplished by using one of the following methods:
  • Online Course Evaulation tool (login using your DragonNet username and password)
  • Survey tool in D2L
  • Qualtrics

Final Course Evaluation
This can be accomplished by using one of the following methods:
  • Online Course Evaulation tool (login using your DragonNet username and password)
  • Survey tool in D2L
  • Qualtrics

Other Notes/Items for Consideration:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

For More Information

Please contact Information Technology Services at or 218.477.2603 if you have questions about this material.

ITS | topicPage 1Last Modified: 10/19/18