Institute of Textiles & Clothing

WIE Final Assessment Form (F.A.)

This form is to be filled in by the Work Supervisor to share their views and suggestions on the performance of our student.Please return the completed report to our WIE Officer within 2 weeks after the placement ends, via email: fax: 2773 1432.

* All fields are required. Please put a cross ‘x’ in [ ] where appropriate.

Student and Placement Information

Student Name:HKID/Student ID:
Working Period (dd/mm/yyyy): to [ ] Full-time / [ ] Part-time (Total no. of working hours:)

Final Assessment

Assessment of Skills in terms of Competencies and Performance
1. / Willingness to learn: (desire and aptitude for learning) / [ ] Very Competent [ ] Competent [ ] Limited [ ] Deficient
2. / Teamwork & cooperation: (fosters group facilitation and management, conflict resolution & motivation of others) / [ ] Very Competent [ ] Competent [ ] Limited [ ] Deficient
3. / Initiative: (decisiveness, strategic orientation, self motivation) / [ ] Very Competent [ ] Competent [ ] Limited [ ] Deficient
4. / Analytical thinking: (practical intelligence, problem analyzing, systematic) / [ ] Very Competent [ ] Competent [ ] Limited [ ] Deficient
5. / Communication skills: (appropriate use of oral and written communication) / [ ] Very Competent [ ] Competent [ ] Limited [ ] Deficient
6. / Sense of responsibility: (dependability, with obligation to fulfill the task) / [ ] Very Competent [ ] Competent [ ] Limited [ ] Deficient
7. Please comment on the student’s strength and areas for improvement:
8. Has this placement been added value to your company? If yes, please specify.
9. Would you consider hiring this student as permanent staff in future employment if vacancy is available?
Evaluation of Performance
Does the student meet the expectations of this placement? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Company Chop with Signature of Work Supervisor / Name and Position of Work Supervisor / Date

Enquiry: (852) 3400-3175 / 2766-6414tcwie-supFA-10

Please visit for WIE details.