Uni-CapitolWashington Internship Programme

Application Form

The Washington Internship Programme aims to provide work experience and employment training for students. Its objectives are to:

  • enable students to develop high quality workplace knowledge and experience;
  • build students’ confidence in their own abilities;
  • enable students to develop contacts to assist their entry into employment;
  • assist students to clarify their career goals and expectations;
  • assist students to develop workplace skills;
  • allow students to gain overseas referees who can comment on their work skills;
  • give an advantage to students in gaining employment;
  • enhance the quality of the university experience for students;
  • give placement providers access to students with an international perspective on American politics;
  • establish links between placement providers and The University of Queensland;
  • provide Australia as a nation with a pool of graduates with a high level of insight into American politics and government.

Supporting Material

Applicants must meet the UQ Abroad Short Term Global Experience Eligibility Criteria and submit their online application to UQ Abroad. As well as submitting the online application, students must submit this Application Form and the following supporting documentation:

  1. A resume including academic transcript
  2. A one page statement explaining why you wish to be considered for an Internship
  3. An example of one of your written assignments
  4. Evidence that approval has been given for you to gain credit for this internship towards your current program: See information under ‘Credit Equivalent’.
  5. 2 Referee Reports

Personal Details

Student Number: / Date of Birth:
Family Name: / Given Names:
Home Address:
Postal Address / Post Code:
Home Telephone: / Alternative Telephone:
Email Address:
Address: / Post Code:


Your Current Degree Program:
Majors within your Degree:
Current Year of Study: / Expected Date of Completion:
Other Tertiary Studies:
Pre-approved credit course towards UCWIP (please provide course code):

What part of your academic work (or work experience) has provided you with an interest in the American system of government and/or politics?

Work Experience

Please give details about previous relevant work experience

Dates / Employer Name / Type of Work/Duties

Other Information

Please list any hobbies, memberships, prizes, scholarships, or other achievements


Names of Referees who may be contacted by the Faculty

An Employer / Character Reference
Name: / Name:
Your connection with this individual: / Your connection with this individual:
Address: / Address:
Ph: / Ph:
Email: / Email:

Personal Circumstances

Are there any personal circumstances which may prevent you from successfully undertaking any of your preferred Washington Internship positions (for example criminal conviction, academic disqualification, medical condition or injury)? (Please place an “x” in box)



If yes, please provide details below, or attach any relevant documentation. This information will be treated as strictly confidential, and will be made known to Placement Providers only after consultation with you.

Please note:

The University of Queensland will not refer a student to a Washington Internship placement position if the University considers that the student may place the Placement Provider at risk or act against the interests of the Placement Provider.

Important Information

Responsibilities of Students

  1. Students, whilst engaged in a Washington Internship Placement, shall be bound by the rules, regulations, protocols and by-laws of the Placement provider and the University.
  1. Standards of dress and behaviour shall be observed and maintained appropriately in keeping with the nature and purpose of the Washington Internship placement.
  1. Students will work to fulfil the duties of Washington Internship placements within stated times established with the Placement Provider.
  1. Students will attend the Washington Internship Orientation Programme training before being placed with the Placement Provider.
  1. Students will respect the confidentiality of the Placement Provider. No reports in the form of oral, written, graphic or electronic information pertaining to the Placement Provider or its operations will be made available to any person or company without the consent in writing of the Placement Provider. If students wish to utilise information gained during the course of Washington Internship Placement after the completion of the placement, prior consent in writing must be obtained from the Placement Provider, and any material so produced must be approved by the Placement Provider before release.
  1. Students will abide by any agreement made between the parties, and will not undertake any independent negotiations with the Placement Provider.
  1. Students will perform all reasonable requirements of the Placement Provider, and meet all statutory requirements and work place codes of practice.
  1. Students who choose to opt-in to the sharehouse arrangement with Executive Apartments, MUST provide prepayment in full for the entire internship duration by November 1, 2016. Please note that this prepayment is non-refundable.
  1. Students will be responsible for their own travel, accommodation and living expenses whilst in Washington.
  1. No overnight guests will be permitted in the apartment at which the Washington Internship Programme students are residing without the consent of all students involved. Even then, no guest will be permitted to stay more than one night.


To the best of my knowledge any information that I have provided on this form, is true and correct. I have read the Responsibilities of Students and agree to the general conditions outlined in those Responsibilities. If any liability shall arise to The University of Queensland as a result of my providing false or misleading information, I agree to indemnify The University of Queensland for any such liability.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Checklist: Round 1 – due May 01

Please place “x” in the following boxes to indicate that you have completed this application:

I have read and understood the Responsibilities of Students

I have signed the Declaration

I have completed all sections of this application

I have indicated on this form information regarding all personal circumstances which may prevent me from participating in the Washington Internship Programme.

I have submitted the relevant credit application form to my Faculty. See information under ‘Credit Equivalent’.

I have prepared the following supporting documents for submission to my UQ Abroad online application:

UCWIP Application Form

Resume including UQ Studies Report

One-page statement detailing why you wish to be considered for the Internship

Example of your written assignment work

Completed the UQ AbroadApplication for Credit template.

Copy of completed and submitted credit forms for relevant Faculty for ______(course code).See information under ‘Credit Equivalent’.

Round 1 application submission:

Submit Round 1 of applications via UQ Abroad Online Application. To do so:

  1. Prepare your supporting documents (above).
  2. Complete online application form (found at link above).
  3. Upload supporting documentation to UQ Abroad online application.

Checklist: Round 2 – due June 3

Please place “x” in the following boxes to indicate that you have completed this application:

All supporting documents included in Round 1

Two confidential referee reports

List of Office/House preferences you wish to be considered for (no longer than one page per preference – up to 4 preferences).

Round 2 application submission:

Submit all application materials to UQ Abroad by June 5:

UQ Abroad

Biological Sciences Library, Level 1

M – F: 10:30am to 2:30pm

Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesWashington Internship Application Form

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