10 Hours per timetable will be spent on BTEC Business. (5 hours per timetable with each of your teachers).

Your presence and full participation at each lesson is EXPECTED. Be on time!

You are prepared for your lessons! This means bringing the right equipment, e.g. a pen and any homework that is due in.

The nature of this course will require you to be very organised. We will talk about how to go about this as the course progresses. Most importantly, turn up to lessons prepared to work and learn!

Presentation of your work:

  • Keep a record of everything you do – this can and will be used towards your assessment.
  • Check regularly that you have completed all set tasks
  • Present the tasks in a logical order
  • Label each page with your name and page number in a header/footer

Finally, treat others how you would want to be treated. There will be a number of outside speakers visiting you throughout this course. There will also be opportunities for some out of school visits. Remember, you are representing the school.

Unit Content Page

1 Be able to use non-verbal communication skills

Conveying a professional image: appropriate dress or uniform to meet industry conventions or regulations; personal hygiene; sound organisational skills; good time management; professional and business like manner when dealing with staff and customers

2 Understand the purpose of verbal communication in business contexts

Purpose: E.g to inform, to confirm, to promote, to make a request, to instruct

Business contexts: Formal and informal verbal communication eg telephone contacts, meetings, technical enquiries; communicating with supervisor, colleagues, customers; complaints; verbal presentations

3 Be able to use verbal communication in business contexts

Listening skills: listen to and understand instructions given verbally; interpret instructions and task requirements correctly; make notes; reflection; confirm understanding; seek clarification where appropriate

One-to one communication: methods of conveying messages or series of instructions; language and expressions that will be understood by the recipient; messages to suit different situations

Working in group situation: make relevant contributions to a discussion about business tasks; meeting; team briefing; respond appropriately to others; move a discussion forward

BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Business Studies

Assignment Brief

Unit7: Verbal and Non-verbal Communications in Business Contexts


On completion of this unit you will be able to:

1 Be able to use non-verbal communication skills

2Understand the purpose of verbal communication in business contexts

3 Be able to use verbal communication in business contexts

ASSIGNMENT 1: Promoting Local Business


The purpose of this unit is to develop learner’s ability to use verbal and non-verbal communication skills effectively in a workplace setting. Learners will develop their knowledge and understanding of the purpose of verbal business communications and the range of contexts in which such communications occur.

Tasks and Preparation:


In year 11 all pupils undertake a compulsory 2 week work experience. Many of the placements have criteria that pupils must reach in order for them getting a placement.

The Citizenship department has asked you to help them explain the importance of non-verbal communication skills in a business context to the other year 11 pupils.


Working in a pair, you must each present a different role play set in a business context; the focus of the role play must highlight non-verbal communication skills, such as- eye contact, dress and personal hygiene

You must clearly indicate to the audience the non-verbal communication skills that are appropriate for each business context

This task provides evidence for P1

Forms of evidence:

You will be expected to produce an outline of each role play and explain the importance of non-verbal communication.

Date set1st hand in2nd hand in


Following your excellent work, the Citizenship department would like you to complete a report for those pupils that were not able to watch the role play.


The document must explain to other pupils how interpersonal skills are used to support business. Examples should be used to illustrate the role that non-verbal communication plays.

You should include at least 3 different business contexts that are supported by non-verbal communication

This task provides evidence for M1

Forms of evidence:

You will be expected to produce a written report which completes the task criteria. This report will be given to future year 11 pupils, therefore must be written in a language that suits.

Date set1st hand in2nd hand in


P1- Create a criteria sheet to clearly show the non-verbal communication used

M1- Think about first impressions that are made when meeting a customer, helping on the customer service desk or meeting a potential employer

ASSIGNMENT 2: One-to-one Discussions


The aim of this assignment is to show how verbal communication is used in a variety of business contexts.


The Drama department have seen the excellent work that you have completed with the Citizenship department, and have been asked by the school to help prepare year 11 pupil’s verbal skills, for their up coming work experience.

Tasks and preparation:


Working in a pair, you must complete a role play demonstrating the purpose of verbal communication in fourdifferent business contexts.

Examples of business context may include:

  • Phone call to a supplier
  • Meeting with a line manager
  • Helping a customer

This task provides evidence for P2 (IE)

Forms of evidence:

The role plays will be recorded for evidence, any scripts should be submitted to support the evidence.

Date set1st hand in2nd hand in

HINT!Make sure that all four contexts are different. Think about interaction with customers!!


Using the work completed for P2, the Drama department would like some visual material to compliment the recording of the role plays. You must show how verbal communication will differ in certain situations, but must make it clear that verbal communication helps to get the right message across in many business contexts.

This task provides evidence for M2

Forms of evidence:

The visual material is likely to be used as a handout to support the role plays, it is therefore necessary to make the information precise and suitable for the audience, year 11 pupils.

Date set1st hand in2nd hand in

HINT! Make sure that you explain why certain communication is more effective and appropriate


As a result of the work completed for both the Citizenship and Drama departments, you now should have an excellent understanding of the importance that both verbal and non-verbal skills play in effective communication within a business.

Create an A3 poster that outlines the “Do’s and Don’ts” of non-verbal interaction whilst on your interview for your work experience. Highlight the consequences for not “doing the right thing.”

This task provides evidence for D1

Forms of evidence:

An A3 poster

HINT! Use pictures and your own experiences. Make sure that the consequences AND benefits of each action are clearly shown.



Learners will be able to demonstrate the confidence to speak and respond to questions in a formal business situation, an interview.


An important part of gaining a placement on work experience is the interview; many pupils struggle with their confidence in this situation and as a result do not look forward to this.

Mr Cooke understands how some pupils may be worried about the interview and as a result has prepared a mock interview for you to participate in.


You will be given a job description for a business; it is with this business that you wish to undertake your work experience.

You must research the business and undertake an interview, showing your ability to listen to the interviewer and answer accordingly.

This task provides evidence for P3 (RF)

HINT! Ask questions to reinforce your understanding of what you were listening to.

Forms of evidence:

The interviewer will provide feedback of your interview, commenting on the following points:

  • Competence in speaking
  • Ability to listen
  • Quality of answers provided
  • Ability to ask suitable questions to the interviewer

Date set1st hand in2nd hand in

ASSIGNMENT 4: Interpersonal Skills


Learners will be able to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner when in a group situation. Verbal communication will be used to explain their ideas.


Your work experience has begun and you have found yourself in a business that manufactures soft drinks.

The Managing Director has called a meeting with all employees to brainstorm all possible ideas for the launch of a new energy drink.


You must prepare possible ideas that you have for the energy drink. Make sure that you prepare the pitch to the rest of the group and be ready to face questions about these ideas. It is important to impress the Managing Director!

You will hear the ideas from other employees and must be able to ask suitable questions of their concepts.

This task provides evidence for P4 (RF,TW)

TIP! Make sure that you listen to the other employee’s feedback

Forms of evidence:

The group discussion will be recorded and a feedback sheet of your input will be completed. The following criteria must be achieved:

  • Demonstrate confident speaking and listening skills
  • Be able to justify own concepts

Date set1st hand in2nd hand in


The Managing Director was impressed with his employee’s input and is now ready to pitch the final idea to the Board of Directors. He has decided that he needs a member of staff to help him during the presentation.

Being selected to present infront of the Board of Directors is a privilege, and each employee wants this opportunity.

Reflect on your performance in the two tasks (P3 and P4), commenting on your ability to speak confidently and listen to other’s opinions and points of view, then complete a SWOT analysis.

This task provides evidence for M3 (TW)

Forms of evidence:

Your SWOT analysis should illustrate your performance. It should be formally written.

Date set 1st hand in 2nd hand in

HINT! Ask others for help, this will help you to compete the SWOT analysis

Task 3:

Using the case study provided, make an assessment of the effectiveness of speaking and listening skills shown. Make sure that real-life experiences are used to illustrate consequences of good and bad communication skills in a business.

This task provides evidence for D2 (TW)

Forms of evidence:

Assignment can be presented in a variety of ways, but must be formal and precise