Students should not arrive on campus before 8:15 AM. There is no supervision before this time, and staff may be in meetings or preparing for classes.

1st bell rings at 8:30 AM (9:30 on late start Wednesday) --students report to their class rooms

2nd bell rings at 8:35 AM (9:35 on late start Wednesday) --all students are expected to be in their seats at this time)


Attendance Line: 360.458.6244 (24 hour message service)

Students who arrive after 8:35 AM (9:35 AM on LSW) must be signed in at the office upon their arrival by a parent or guardian and the student must pick up a tardy slip. Please remember tardiness is disruptive to classroom learning. Students are learning until the end of the day, so please avoid picking up your child before the 3:05 PM release time.

Regular School Day Attendance

8:35School Begins

Students arriving between 8:35-10:05will be marked tardy

Students arriving between10:05-1:35will be marked absent for the morning

1/2 of the day

Students arriving between1:35-3:05will be marked absent for the whole day

3:05School Ends

Late Start Wednesday

9:35School Begins

Students arriving between 9:35-10:05will be marked tardy

Students arriving between10:05-1:35will be marked absent for the morning

1/2 of the day

Students arriving between1:35-3:05will be marked absent for the whole day

3:05School Ends


Parents (s) or guardians (s) and student, please sign and return this page to your student’s teacher.

We have read and understand the rules and policies of Southworth Elementary School.


Parent/guardian Date


2nd Parent/guardian (optional) Date




Occasionally during the school year we face the possibility of inclement weather and school closures/schedule changes. Please note the following district policies in the event that we have to close the school or operate on emergency schedules.

1.School Closures: All schools will be closed all day and any activities planned for the day or evening will be canceled.

2.Emergency Schedule: Indicates that school will start two hours later than regularly scheduled. Parents are reminded that although the busses will start the runs later, if we are on an emergency schedule, the busses may be slightly later near the end of the run. We request that parents make allowances for this.

3. Limited Transportation: Limited transportation will prevail if some roads become inaccessible or if the county announces road closures. School will be in session unless otherwise announced by the Superintendent’s Office. Parents are requested to listen to one of the following radio stations for emergency information:

KGY – 1240 AMKCPQ 13 TV KXXO 96.1 FM

KGY 96.9 FMKVTI 90.9 FMKMTT 103.7 FM

KMPS 94.1 FMKIRO 97.3 FMKOMO 1000 AM

KLAY 1180 AMKPLU 88.5 FMKRWM 106.9 FM


Rarely events occur that require us to dismiss school early and bus children home in the middle of the day. Please help us be prepared for such an event by completely filling out the Emergency Information Form that is sent home each fall. There is a section which asks for specific instructions for your child if there is an emergency. This will allow us to know in advance what procedures you would like in place to safely return your child to your care. Please note that we will not have adequate phone lines available to allow for students to call home under these circumstances.


We conduct six fire drills during the school year to acquaint the children with the sounds of the fire alarm and evacuation procedures. There will also be occasional earthquake and intruder drills throughout the year. These drills are in accordance with the emergency plan coordinated throughout the school district.



State law and district policy and procedures require daily and punctual attendance of all students, unless officially excused. Parents and students are both responsible for assuring attendance.

Southworth maintains an attendance verification program whereby parents and/or guardians of children who are listed on the school’s daily absence list will be called. This is done with your child’s safety in mind. Verification of student absences or tardiness is a check on a student’s safe arrival at school, truancy, and health trends. In order to assist us and limit the number of phone calls that need to be made, parents are encouraged to call the school attendance line.

Unexcused Absences

Unexcused absences fall into 2 categories:

A.A signed excuse which does not constitute an excused absence as defined previously (i.e. sleeping in, traffic, missing the bus, baby sitting, getting assignments done for a class, ride not showing up, lack of available transportation etc.),or

Failure on the part of the parent/guardian to notify the school in a timely manner (within a week).

The school shall use the following procedure when a student is absent:

A. Each unexcused absence shall be followed by telephone call or a letter sent home to the parent.

B. When a student has two or more unexcused **absences within any month, a conference shall be requested by a school official to discuss reasons for the unexcused absences, possible measures to alleviate the cause of absences, and corrective actions.

C. Not later than the student's fifth unexcused absence in a month, the district shall attempt to enter into an Attendance Agreement with the student and parent(s) that establishes attendance requirements.

D. No later than the seventh unexcused absence within any month, or ten for the school year, the district must file a truancy petition and affidavit with the Juvenile Court alleging a violation of RCW 28A.225.010 by the student, or the parent, or parent and student.

**1/2 day or more, OR the accumulation of hours/periods equivalent to one day shall constitute a day for the purposes of enforcing Becca Bill Regulations in the Yelm Community Schools District.



The safety of our students is of utmost importance to us. Supervision will be provided from 8:15-8:25 on our playground for your convenience. There is no playground supervision after school. Students are not to be on campus before 8:15 am (9:15 am LSW ) or after 3:05 pm. The YMCA offers before and after school care for a fee.

The YMCA contact number is 360.705.2642.


When students are dropped off in the morning before school, vehicles must be in the right lane and students must exit the right side of the vehicle. Once students are dropped off, drivers must move into the left lane to exit the parking lot. The right lane is exclusively a drop off lane and the left lane is the pull-thru lane.


We ask that parents send a note to school with their child to notify the teacher if a student will be picked up before regular dismissal time. When picking students up, please come to the office, and your child will meet you there. If someone other than a parent is picking up the student, be sure you send written authorization indicating that. To ensure the safety of our students, all students who are picked up from school must be signed out in the log book in the office when checked out during the day. When picking up students after school, parents are to meet students and sign them out in the cafeteria. Please do not ask your child to meet you in the hallway or parking lot.

As school attendance is important and early pick-ups are disruptive to the educational process, we encourage parents to wait until school is dismissed before picking up their child.


The office has a record for each student for the end of the day pickup. If there is a change from the normal routine, either bus or parent pickup, a note or phone call (before 2:15 PM unless an emergency) is required. Verbal directions to your child cannot be accepted as a change. If you have set up a schedule change certain days of every week, we will automatically write a note indicating that change unless notified by the parent or guardian (i.e. Girl Scouts every Wednesday).


“Intentional acts” refers to the individual’s choice to engage in the act rather than the ultimate impact of the action(s).

Harassment, intimidation or bullying can take many forms including, but not limited to, slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendoes, demeaning comments, drawings, cartoons, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats or other written, oral, physical or electronically transmitted messages or images.

RCW 28 A.300.285 ~ Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying

RCW 28A.640.020 ~ Sexual Harassment

RCW 28A.642 ~ Prohibition of Discrimination in Public Schools

RCW 49.60.010 ~ The Law Against Discrimination



Teachers manage discipline problems in their own classrooms using a progressive discipline system. The system is typically developed in collaboration with students at the beginning of the year.


When a student makes choices that require him/her to be removed from the classroom for a time-out period, the student is cross-graded to another teacher’s classroom. Cross-grading partners are worked out among teachers at the beginning of the year.


When a student is unsuccessful in a cross-grading experience and/or engages in exceptional misconduct as defined by School Board Policy, the student is referred to the principal.

Discipline slips are used to record student offenses. When a discipline slip is issued, students notify the parents of the discipline slip by phoning home, then the slip is taken home for parent review and signature.


Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs and controlled substances—A student shall not possess, use, sell, distribute, attempt to distribute or be under the influence of or show evidence of having used any alcohol, illegal drug or controlled substance or item which is purported to be an illegal drug or controlled substance. (Procedure 3240 P)

Offenders will be subject to a short term suspension. (P.L. 101-226-Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act)

Weapons and explosives—Possession of a weapon, explosive or other item apparently capable of causing bodily harm. Students who possess firearms or air guns on school grounds or at school activities will be expelled. Parents will be notified. Parents may appeal the expulsion to the superintendent. Law enforcement will benotified.(Policy 3240, 3241, 4210 and Procedure 3240P, 3241P) Students in possession of any object that looks like a weapon, such as a toy or “dummy” gun, knife or grenade, or any item that acts as a laser pointer, may be subject to discipline, disciplinary transfer, suspension or expulsion, as well as reporting to law enforcement.

(RCW 9.41.280 and RCW 28A.600.420 )


“Dream, Believe, Achieve”


Mr. Charles Cook

Office Staff

Mary DeLong and Tami Connally

Intervention Specialist

Michele Weber-Hindrup

Main Office


Fax Number


Intervention Specialist


Attendance Line


(24 hour message service)

Yelm Community Schools District Office


Transportation: 360.458.3300

Southworth Website:

District Website:


Our breakfast and lunch program is provided by our district’s Food Service Department. Breakfast is served from 8:15 (9:15 on LSW) -8:30 (9:30 on LSW) daily.

At lunch we offer a choice of menu items as indicated on the menu sent home with students monthly. Lunch is served between 11:00 and 12:45.

A form is sent home at the beginning of the year to determine if your child’s lunch/breakfast will be federally subsidized (free or reduced price). Forms are also available in the school office throughout the year.

Meal Prices: Full student Reduced student Adult

Breakfast $1.45 FREE $2.35

Lunch $2.30 (K-3) FREE (4th-6th) $.40 $3.20

Milk $.45

Meal charges are not allowed. Your child’s hand will be stamped when his/her account has $4.00 or less.

Food is not allowed on the playground.


Students should dress appropriately for the activities in which they will participate. Generally, clean, neat, comfortable clothing that reflects the standards of the family and school is best. To provide for freedom of movement, it is recommended that girls not wear dresses on days when they attend P.E. Tennis shoes are also required for P.E. Shoes must be worn at all times. The following guidelines have been developed to govern student dress at school:

Short shorts and cutoffs are not appropriate for school. Shorts and skirts need to be longer than the location on the leg where the child’s fingertips touch when the arm is extended.

Spaghetti strap tank tops and tube tops are not appropriate.

Midriffs may not be exposed.

Hats may be worn outside during recess. However, hats, baseball caps and hoods must be removed before entering the building and any classroom including specialist classes.

Hats, shirts or T-shirts advertising alcohol or tobacco products are not appropriate for school.

Clothing resembling “gang attire” (such as sagging pants) may not be worn.

No “skate shoes” will be allowed at school.

No disruptive hair color, except on “Crazy Hair” Spirit Days.

For safety reasons, flip-flops and high-heeled shoes are discouraged.



If your child becomes ill, he or she is usually better off at home in bed rather than at school and not feeling well. Current phone numbers of parents and emergency contacts are necessary in case children get ill at school and need to be picked up. Make sure your emergency telephone numbers are updated frequently on your child’s records.

If your child will be absent, please notify the school on the attendance line at 458-6244. If absence is due to a doctor or dental appointment, please return with signed medical or dental excused documentation.

Any student with a fever and/or who has been vomiting will be sent home and may return 24 hours after they are fever free (without the use of fever reduction medication) or have quit vomiting.


Because a rash can indicate a contagious illness, students must have a doctor’s note explaining the cause of the rash before returning to school. If your child has allergic reactions that manifest as a rash, please note this on the student’s health information or have a doctor’s note on file.( YCS School Board Policy 3414P)


Any student with live lice will be sent home. Students may return to school if no lice are present. If the student still has nits, regular monitoring by staff will be conducted.


A student with a suspected case of an infectious disease may return to school once it has been evaluated by a health care provider and treatment started.


If your child has an injury that prohibits them from participating in PE or other school activities, we must have a note from the physician to excuse participation. Please be sure a date is included when the child may return to normal activity or a separate note is sent to confirm your child can participate.


It is the policy of Yelm Community Schools to require signed permission forms for the dispensing of any prescription or nonprescription medicines to students. Forms must be signed by the physician and parent/guardian and are available from the office. We cannot allow any medication (prescription or nonprescription) to be dispensed without a signed form, this includes common cold medicines, even cough drops. The physician may fax this information to our school at (360) 458-6303 if necessary, but a parent signature will also be required on the form. Most medications can be dispensed at home before or after school. Please ask your doctor if this is possible.

Parents/guardians must transport medications, please do not send medications to school with your child. 8


The Southworth staff is dedicated to creating and maintaining a positive, productive environment for all students. To that end, we maintain a strong focus in the following key areas:

1. Maintaining consistent rules and procedures building-wide.

2. Teaching expected behaviors to all students.

3. Providing the level of support each student needs in order to be successful.

4. Rewarding appropriate behavior, good choices, and hard work.



1. Cooperate

2. Act Safely

3. Respect Everyone

4. Excel


All teachers at Southworth distribute “CARE” tickets to students who are making good choices and doing their best. CARE tickets are drawn on a regular basis for various school-wide rewards.

Students in grades 5-6 also participate in monthly grade level rewards to recognize their accomplishments.

Our “Student of the Week” program recognizes one student from every classroom on a weekly basis for their citizenship, special talents, and quality work. Students receive small prizes for their efforts and are photographed for the school newsletter.


Southworth uses the Positive Behavioral Supports Model to focus on creating a safe and

predictable school environment for all students. PBIS seeks to prevent behavioral problems

before they occur and provides support to individual students based on their unique needs.

Behavioral expectations for each area of the school are intentionally taught and revisited on a regular schedule.


The District is committed to a positive and productive educational and working environment free from discrimination, including harassment, intimidation and bullying. Harassment, intimidation, and bullying are strictly prohibited. The complete District policy is available in the school office and will be sent home with students at the beginning of the school year.

Harassment, intimidation or bullying is an intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act that:

Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property.

Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education.

Is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment.

Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.