Wester Hailes Community Trust

Grant Application Form – Awards of £250 - £2,500


Groups must be constituted with at least 2 (non-related) signatories or newly formed groups can be sponsored by a founding partner of WHCT (please see guidelines for a list of founding partners). Applicants must be a member of the WHCT.

Only one application should be submitted at a time; applicants should ensure all sections are completed. Enclose one copy of the latest annual accounts (or if not available, a copy of the most recent Management Accounts with an explanation), otherwise the application will not be considered.

This form is available on the Digital Sentinel and can be printed in large font.

Applicants will be notified of the Board’s decision.

Applications should be submitted by:25th October 2016, 9th January 2017, 13th March2017,or15th May 2017 to: , or WHALE Arts Centre, 30 Westburn Grove, Edinburgh, EH14 2SA

Name of applicant organisation (or sponsor)
Email Address
Tel No
Name of contact
Scottish Charity Number
Are you a member of the WHCT? / Yes No
State the three main practical aims of your organisation:
Briefly describe the project explaining how it will make Wester Hailes a better place to live and how it involves other people in the community.
This box will expand as you type but please add any further details that are necessary on one A4 sheet only.
Which of the following priorities does your project meet?
Making Wester Hailes Safer for the community
Making the community better together
Tackling Legal highs
Addressing transport issues
Making better use of IT
Community facilities and unused land
Project budget
Total cost of project £
Grant applied for £
Signed / Date
Name and position in the organisation
CHECK LIST: Please make sure you have enclosed the following:
A single A4 sheet can be included as further information
A copy of your most recent Annual Accounts or Management Accounts.

NB: Your organisation is responsible for all insurances and liabilities to third parties that may be incurred in the course whilst undertaking funding work.


The information you provide will be input on computer. It will only be used to enable a decisionto be made about whether a grant may be approved to your organisation.

Wester Hailes Community TrustScottish charityNo.SC046486.

Registered Office: WHALE Arts Centre, 30 Westburn Grove, Edinburgh, EH14 2SA