January Newsletter 2018

Homework - To be handed in on Friday 19th January

Welcome back to term 3! I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas break and that Santa was good to you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the lovely gifts that you gave me.You were all very generous and thoughtful, thank you so much.

This is a long term and so will be a hard working one too. We have lots of events and activities including the Burn’s Assembly, Ski Trip, 40th Birthday Celebrations and Buddying.

I have said that our class is no longer just P6 but that they are the trainee P7s! This term we will be starting to help with buddying before taking over from the P7s altogether later in the year. It is also a time to think about how to build your independence and show all the qualities you have as future House Captains. I see a lot of potential in the class so make sure you show what you have to offer P6!


Before the holidays your child’s report was uploaded on to their profiles on Glow where there is a section at the bottom for Parent and Learner comments. If you have seen the report could you please leave a little comment so that I can see that it has been read and to give feedback, if you have not done so already. This would be much appreciated, thank you.

Miss De Luzi

This term we welcome Miss De Luzi back to our class. She will be with us until the beginning of February and will be working on her continuous practice for most of her time with us. She will oversee the class, planning, preparing and marking work, with my support throughout the time. We look forward to working with her again.

Dates for your diary

Friday 26th January – Scots Assembly please wear something tartan

Friday 9th/Monday 12th February – Mid Term break – no school

Tuesday 13th/ Wednesday 14th February - In -Service days – school closed to pupils

Thursday 15th – Pupils return to school

Monday 19th February – P6 Ski Trip

Thursday 1st March – World Book Day

Monday 12th March – Science Week

Saturday 17th March – P.C.F.C. Quiz Night

Monday 19th March – Term 3 reports uploaded on Glow profiles

Wednesday 21st March / Thursday 22nd March – Parent Evenings

Wednesday 28th March – Technology Challenge

Thursday 29th March – End of Term – Easter holidays begin

We have more 40th Birthday celebrations planned – information to follow

This month we celebrate the work of Robert Burns. As part of the build up to this you need to learn a Doric poem. You will all be part of groups learning different poems. It is important that you learn your part so that you don’t let your group down. If you need help with any of the pronunciation please come and ask me. Try hard to memorise the words but to also put in expression and actions to raise the level a bit. We will listen to everyone during the week beginning Monday 22nd January and then we will choose a couple of the best to represent P6 at the assembly on Friday 26th. Please take the copy of your poem home and learn your part.

Also, something to think about for after the ski trip - you will be studying Victorian inventions in class and looking at how the initial idea has developed over the years to what we have now. We will look at some of the inventions from this era in class. You are going to choose one invention from the Victorian times (any one you like) and present a talk to the class explaining all about the invention and how it has developed to what it has become today. I will give more information later but start thinking about what invention you would like to research and present.


This week’s homework Done


Reading – read the part of your book for the given day

Maths – Mathletics task

Scots Poem– learn your poem for the week beginning Monday 22nd January

Start thinking about the invention you want to present

Teasers start again next week

Please see below for the overview of Term 3 – Sharing the Learning

Term 3

Social Studies

This term’s topic is The Victorians and their inventions. We will be looking at this to see how this period in history shaped so much of what we have today. We will use primary and secondary sources for our information and research what the differences of living in this era are compared to how we live today.


This term we will be working with place value and decimals, linking to money and looking at profit and loss.Through this we will keep applying the 4 processes, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will also look at multiplying and dividing with multiples of 10, collecting, displaying and reading dataand drawing and measuring different types of angles.


We will continue with group readers this term and develop the strategies we have been working on previously. Spellings will continue to be taught through the Active Literacy programme with phonemes, strategies, common words and rules all being covered. We will be working on functional pieces in our writing, focussing on note taking, fact files, writing reports or recounts from research tasks and acknowledging where we have found our information. We will also build on the short space talk that we did before Christmas by preparing and presenting talks based on a Victorian invention. This will be given after the ski trip. More information to come later.

Health and Wellbeing

We will be developing our First Aid skills by participating in the next level of First Aid training this term. We will also be taking part in buddying by helping the P7s and then taking the role on fully later in the year.