SWDF Application Form
Part I / Page 2 of 4

Application Form

Social Welfare Development Fund (SWDF)

Phase 2 (2013-14 to 2015-16)

Part I

1. Particulars of the Applicant NGO

Name of the NGO (NGO Code) / : / ( / )
(a) / Chairperson of the Management Board / :
Telephone No./Fax No. / : / /
Email Address / :
(b) / Head of the Organisation / :
Telephone No./Fax No. / : / /
Email Address / :
(c) / Name and Post of Contact Person / :
Telephone No./Fax No. / : / /
Email Address / :

2. Funding Position in Phase 2

(a) Total funding cap of the SWDF for the Organisation[1] / $
(b) Funding cap of the SWDF for the Organisation in Phase 2 / $
(c) Total amount of funds previously approved in the first round of Phase 2 (if applicable) / $
(d) Maximum amount of funds that the Organisation may apply for in the second round of Phase 2, i.e. (b) – (c) / $

3. Funds Applied for under Phase 2

Scope / Amount Applied for
($) / % of each Scope
(%) / Proposed Cash Flow in Phase 2 ($)
2014-15 / 2015-16 / 2016-17 / 2017-18
Scope A – Training and professional development programmes
Scope B – Business system upgrading projects
(IT Projects)
Scope B – Business system upgrading projects
(Non-IT Projects)
Scope C – Studies aiming at enhancing the NGO’s service delivery
Administrative Support[2]
Total / 100%

4. Summary of Proposed Projects

No. / Name of Project
(Please mark ‘*’ before the project name for joint application) / Amount Applied for
($) / Proposed Cash Flow in Phase 2
2014-15 / 2015-16 / 2016-17 / 2017-18
Scope A – Training and Professional Development Programmes
Scope B – Business System Upgrading Projects (Please mark ‘#’ for IT Projects and ‘@’ for non-IT Projects)
Scope C – Studies Aiming at Enhancing Service Delivery
Administrative Support
Overall implementation period for
all the above projects / From: ______(mm/yyyy) To: ______(mm/yyyy)
Total: ______months
(Three years maximum will be counted from the date of
the endorsement by Lotteries Fund Advisory Committee)

5. Declaration

I declare that:

(a) Staff consultation has been conducted with staff’s views taken into account in this application, and all the above proposed projects are endorsed by my Organisation’s Management Board/Executive Committee.

(b) All information provided in this application form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the information provided will be used by the Social Welfare Department (SWD) for processing the application, data analysis, evaluation and/or publicity of the SWDF. In addition, my Organisation will provide information on the implementation of the approved SWDF projects to SWD or its agent(s) when being approached by SWD or its agent(s) for the purpose of publicity and information/experience sharing among NGOs. I understand that the information to be released to SWD or its agent(s) will be confined to the designated purposes as mentioned above.

(c) Proper service procurement for the approved projects will be conducted according to my Organisation’s procurement procedures which are in line with those set out in the Lotteries Fund Manual.

(d) I understand that SWD may visit my Organisation for inspection of the financial information and implementation details of the approved SWDF projects.

Signature / :
Name of Board Chairperson / :
Name of Organisation / :
Date / :

SWDF Application Form
Part IIA / Page 4 of 4

Application Form

Social Welfare Development Fund (SWDF)

Phase 2 (2013-14 to 2015-16)

Part IIA Training and Professional Development (T&D) Programmes

A1. All Proposed TD Programmes – Basic Information (Local and Outside-Hong Kong)

No. / Name of Proposed T&D Programme[3]
including plans for relief workers
(Please mark ‘*’ before the project name for joint application) / Estimated No. of Participation[4]
(Subvented Staff and Board Member) / Amount Applied for
(including budget for relief workers)
($) / Budget[5] for Board Members
($) / Cost of each Participation
Social Worker / Junior Social Worker / Non-social work Staff / Board
Member / Total
Local T&D Programmes (Long-term training for over one-year)
Local T&D Programmes (Short-term training at or less than one-year)
Outside – HK T&D Programmes
Total / (a) / (b)
% of budget for board members in NGO’s total budget on T&D, i.e. (b) ÷ (a) × 100% / %

A2. Total Budget of Proposed Outside-Hong Kong T&D Programmes

(a) Total amount applied for in respect of T&D Programme in Phase 2, i.e. (a) in A1 above / $
(b) Total amount applied for in respect of outside-Hong Kong T&D Programme in Phase 2 / $
(c) % of Total amount applied for in respect of outside-Hong Kong T&D Programme in Phase 2, i.e. (b) ÷ (a) × 100%[6] / %

A3. Outside-Hong Kong T&D Programmes to be joined by Board Members

No. / Name of Outside-Hong Kong T&D Programme to be Joined by Board Members / No. of Board Members to Join the Programme / Budget for Board Members
(i.e. amount applied for +
NGO’s contribution)
($) / NGO’s Contribution[7]
($) / % / Source of Contribution

A4. Amount Applied for in respect of Relief Workers in T&D Programmes

No. / Name of T&D Programme Requiring Relief Workers / Post of Relief Worker / Estimated No. of Relief Workers
Required / Proposed Daily Wage of Relief Worker
($) / Estimated Employment Duration
(Total Days) / Total Amount for Relief Workers[8]

A5. Proposed Usage of the Administrative Support (Please “ü” as appropriate)

To pay for temporary staff to take up duties relating to management of SWDF including coordinating training courses for staff, organising sharing sessions/talks/seminars, procurement of services, liaising with the contractors, oversee implementation progress of projects, preparing reports, etc.
To hire outside services to take up SWDF management related jobs such as accounting work, etc.
Others, please specify:

A6. Other Information Relating to the Proposed T&D Programmes (Please “ü” as appropriate)

The NGO has an established mechanism for selecting staff to attend T&D programme including a retention policy for staff attending long-term courses.
In case non-subvented staff are arranged to attend the proposed sharing sessions/talks/seminars, no additional cost will be incurred, and the number of non-subvented staff will not exceed 20% of the total number of participations in each of the proposed sharing sessions/talks/seminars.

SWDF Application Form
Part IIB / Page 6 of 6

Application Form

Social Welfare Development Fund (SWDF)

Phase 2 (2013-14 to 2015-16)

Part IIB Business System Upgrading Projects

B1. All Proposed Business System Upgrading Projects – Basic Information (Both Non-IT and IT Projects)

No. / Name of the Proposed Business System Upgrading Project / Budget
(amount applied for + NGO’s contribution)
($) / NGO’s Contribution[9] / Type of Project
(Please refer to the Remarks below and “ü” as appropriate)
($) / % / Source of
Contribution / Non-IT Project / IT Project / Joint Application


(a) Specific information on all the above proposed projects should be provided as follows -

i.  Non-IT projects in Item B2 below.

ii.  IT project applications in Part III which should be submitted separately to the Information Systems and Technology Branch (ISTB) of the SWD for vetting.

(b) For joint application, please fill in the amount applied for in respect of your NGO only and submit the “Supplementary Information for Joint Application” at Part IV. The lead NGO should provide additional information of the joint project separately.

B2. Proposed Non-IT System Upgrading Projects – Specific information

(Please use separate sheet if there is more than one proposed project)

(a)  Serial No. of the Proposed Project
(b)  Name of the Proposed Project
(c)  Objectives
(d)  Implementation Duration / Total months required: ______months
From: (mm/yyyy) to: (mm/yyyy)
(e)  Amount Applied for / $ / (excluding NGO’s contribution)
(f)  Breakdown of the Budget / Item and Description / Quantity / Cost ($)
Total Cost
Less NGO’s Contribution
Amount Requested
(g)  Projected Long-term Recurrent Expenditure Incurred, if any / (To be absorbed by NGO’s own resources)
(h)  Systems Targeted for Upgrading / i.  Target systems/areas to be upgraded
ii.  Subvented units and staff affected under the project
iii.  Any problems identified
iv.  Any previous review or study conducted in identifying the problems
(i)  Activities/tasks planned to be Done in the System Upgrading Project / i.  Illustrate the proposed activities/tasks
ii.  Specify the implementation plan/schedule
(j)  Expected Outcomes after Upgrading of the Existing System / i.  Illustrate the expected outcome
ii.  Explain the pay back period and the savings generated in the long run
(k)  Others / i.  Any alternatives
ii.  Any statutory requirement for the proposed projects
iii.  Any safety concern


NGO’s proposed projects will be forwarded to Architectural Section and/or the relevant Service Branch of the Social Welfare Department for further assessment and comment if necessary.

SWDF Application Form
Part IIC / Page 7 of 7

Application Form

Social Welfare Development Fund (SWDF)

Phase 2 (2013-14 to 2015-16)

Part IIC Studies aiming at Enhancing Service Delivery

C1. All Proposed Studies – Basic Information

No. / Name of the Proposed Studies / Amount Applied for
($) / How the Proposed Studies are Conducted
(Please refer to the Remarks below
and “ü” as appropriate)
Outsourcing to Outside Institute to Conduct the Studies[10] / Employ Staff to Conduct the Studies[11] / Joint Application


(a) Specific information on all the above studies, subject to (b) below concerning joint application, should be provided in Item C2 below.

(b) For joint application, please fill in the amount applied for in respect of your NGO only and submit the “Supplementary Information for Joint Application” at Part IV. The lead NGO should provide additional information of the joint study separately.

C2. Proposed Studies – Specific Information

(Please use separate sheet if there is more than one proposed projects)

(a)  Serial No. of the Study
(b)  Name of the Study
(c)  Objectives
(d)  Area of Service Delivery Targeted for Study / i.  Name and number of subvented service units to be covered under the study
ii.  Estimated sampling size
iii.  Duration of the study (Total months required: ______months)
From: (mm/yyyy) to: (mm/yyyy)
(e)  Background of the Existing Service Delivery
(f)  Plan for the Study / i.  Whether to outsource the study to institutions or to employ staff to conduct the study
ii.  The salary level of the staff conducting the study
iii.  Proposed methodology

SWDF Application Form
Part III / Page 13 of 13

Application Form

Social Welfare Development Fund (SWDF)

Phase 2 (2013-14 to 2015-16)

[for IT Project only]

Please complete this form and submit direct to

Information Systems and Technology Branch (ISTB)

Room 118, Lady Trench Training Centre,

Social Welfare Department

44 Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

(Please also send a soft copy in Microsoft Word format to )

Part III IT Projects

1.  Particulars of the Applicant NGO

Name of Applicant NGO
(Code of NGO) / :
(a) / Chairperson of the Management Board / :
Telephone No. / Fax No. / :
Email Address / :
(b) / Head of the NGO / :
Telephone No. / Fax No. / :
Email Address / :
(c) / Name and Post of Contact Person / :
Telephone No. / Fax No. / :
Email Address / :

2.  Summary of Proposed IT Projects – Phase 2

No. / Name of Proposed IT Project / Proposed Project Start and End Dates
(mm/yyyy to mm/yyyy) / (a)
($) / (b)
NGO’s Contribution*
($) / (c)
Amount of SWDF Applied
[(c) = (a) - (b)]

* NGO is required to make at least 15% contribution of the programme expenses for IT project.

Signature / :
Name of Board Chairperson / :
Name of Organisation / :
Date / :

3.  IT Profile of the Applicant NGO

(a) / IT Strategy / Plan in Place
Any IT Strategy / Plan in place? / Yes No
If yes above, please provide brief description of the IT Strategy / Plan:
(b) / Existing IT Environment
i.  Desktop PCs / Notebooks :
______No. of PCs / Notebooks used by staff
______No. of PCs / Notebooks used by service users / public
ii.  Network
Any internal data centre / server room? / Yes No
If yes above, any firewall used for the protection of data centre / server room? / Yes No
Are PCs within individual offices connected? / Yes, by LAN Yes, by Wi-fi
Not Connected
For multiple-office environment, how are PCs connected between the offices? / WAN Broadband VPN
Not Connected
Provide additional information, if any
iii.  IT Application Systems
Existing IT Application System(s)
Name of IT Application System / Type of System
(e.g. HRM, Membership Registration, etc.) / System Configuration
(including Hardware and Software) / Server Hosting Arrangement
(In-house or Service Provider) / Firewall Protection
(Yes / No) / Remote Access
(Yes / No) / No. of Years in Use / No. of Users
e.g. ABC System / Accounting / Hardware:
- Xeon E5 2630 2.3 GHz
- 32 GB RAM
- 1.5 TB HD
- M.Y.O.B. / In-house
Service Provider / Yes
No / Yes
No / 6 / 35
Service Provider / Yes
No / Yes
Service Provider / Yes
No / Yes
IT Application System(s) being Developed / under Planning
Name of other IT application system(s) being developed / under planning (including system(s) being applied for under SWDF) / Any interface with existing or other proposed IT application system(s)?
(If yes, please specify)
iv.  Manpower
Non-IT staff / IT staff
______No. of subvented staff / No. of staff / Rank / Post
______No. of non-subvented staff

4.  Details of the Proposed IT Project

(Please use separate sheet for each IT project)

(a)  / Name of the Proposed IT Project:
(b)  / Brief Description of the Proposed IT Project:
i) Purposes of the Proposed IT Project
ii) Needs / Problems Identified
iii) Major Functions of the Proposed IT Project