Applied Business
Course Overview / This course combines coursework and exams and covers a range of business topics including human resources, operations management and external influences. It also develops knowledge on business management, finance and marketing. Each coursework is a substantial project but it will be broken down into subtasks with formal deadline set every two to three weeks.
ASSESSMENTYear 1 – AS Level -3 modules
·  BUS1: Coursework: Investigating Business
·  BUS2: Coursework: Recruitment
·  BUS3: Exam: Business Finance (1 hour) completed in June
Year 2 – A Level -3 modules
·  BUS8: Coursework: Business Planning
·  BUS10: Coursework: Promotional Campaign
·  BUS12: Exam: People in Business (1 hour) completed in June
Useful Websites / Specification for subject content and module breakdown can be accessed here:
Past Papers and mark schemes can be accessed here:
Students can look at the websites for both Sainsbury’s and Bingham Day Nursery as they will be studying these next year
Essential text books and reading list / Applied Business by Malcom Surridge et al (Collins)
Very cheap if you buy directly from the website
Sections to read - Unit 1 and 2- this covers the first 2 pieces of coursework.
Summer task / Task 1 - Students should look at the Sainsbury’s website as this is one they will be using for Unit 1 coursework. They should complete the task (attached)
Task 2 - They can look at the Bingham day nursery website as this is the one they will be using for Unit 2 coursework. They should do a basic introduction to Bingham Day nursery including screen shots of the website

Getting to know the J Sainsbury’s corporate site

Home Page

1.  Name the headlines of the latest stories?

About Us

2.  Name all the people on the board of directors?

3.  What are the objectives for J Sainsbury’s?

4.  For each objective copy one of their recent achievements for each objective?

5.  How long have J Sainsbury been operating?

6.  Who is Sainsbury longest and established supplier?

7.  What happened in the following years for Sainsbury’s?

·  1989

·  1994

·  2012

8.  What are J Sainsbury five values? (These are corporate social responsibility objectives)

9.  What are the four components making up their business structure?

Investor centre

10.  What is the current share price?

11.  What was the profit after tax for 2010/2011 & 2009/2010?


12. What are the five values for J Sainsbury have?

13. For each value give an example how they achieve these values for the 20 by 20 sustainability plan?

14. Give an example for each value what their progress is to date? (Give one example)


15.  What events have JS held over the past year?

16.  How can you connect with J Sainsbury’s through social media?


17.  Who do J Sainsbury work in partnership with, give at least three examples?

18.  How do JS ethically trade?

19.  What is the working with Woodland trust?


20.  What are the jobs within store management?

21.  What programmes can graduate leaders apply to?

SUBJECT: Art & Design Unendorsed
Course Overview / Students will be encouraged to pursue their own lines of enquiry informed by guided cultural, contemporary and historical references. They will explore different types of art in a range of mediums such as Fine Art, Graffiti, Art Textiles, Digital Art and Mixed Media 2D/3D. The style of work students produce will be exciting, creative and contemporary. Students will show evidence of trying to extend their own and others ways of seeing the world through individual thought, feelings and observations.
Useful websites / Pinterest is a good way to explore contemporary artists, techniques and other students work ( Search for us on ArtTootHill – explore our boards and create your own.
Summer task / 1.  Purchase a sketchbook from the Art Department from a wide selection of sizes and prices for your coursework (you will require 2 in September, the main one for your coursework and an accompanying book for recording skills from workshops and other experimental work)
2.  Complete initial research into one of the following areas, including initial images from the internet (Google and/or Pinterest)
·  Aging & Growth
Surfaces of Nature
Memories & Mementos
·  Changes to urban life
·  Decorative Design
·  Complete your first few pages in your book making sure you have a title page with initial imagery and key words exploring your chosen theme.
·  Take relevant and interesting photographs exploring your chosen theme, present these on your next page
·  Research artists/designers that relate to your theme (see the examples on Pinterest or on the sheet provided)
SUBJECT: Biology
Course Overview / The AS course looks at different types of biological organisms, how this variation is brought about and explores how they function and survive in their environment. Students will initially look at the structure of some human systems, the diseases that can affect them and ways in which the body’s defence mechanisms work. At the end of Year 12 students continuing with Biology at A2 level are invited on the field trip to Wales which provides the exciting opportunity to study organisms in their natural habitat of the sea shore. The A2 course extends and deepens knowledge of Biology and introduces students to the innovative and rapidly
expanding areas of gene technology.
Year 1 – AS Level
Section 1: Biological molecules
Section 2: Cells
Section 3: Organisms exchange substances with their environment
Section 4: Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
Useful websites / AQA Website: Specification outlines, past papers and mark schemes
Heck notes for Biology’ (type into google) The website for this Grammar school has comprehensive notes relating to the AQA specification. An excellent website that can act as a revision tool.
Essential text books and reading list / CGP AS/A2 revision guides.
AQA Biology AS: Year 1 Student's Book. Glenn Toole and Susan Toole
NB ensure this is the book for the new specification ISBN: 978-0-19-835176-4
AS Level Biology for AQA: Student Book. Richard Parsons.
The CGP books can be purchased at a discounted rate from your Biology teachers in September.
Summer task / 1. Purchase a revision guide/ workbook if you feel it will be useful.
2. Sign up to the following Edmodo group at: Group code:ndg4bu
On this page you will find a series of revision tasks followed by a quiz testing your
knowledge. These should be completed by September.
Course Overview / The BTEC ICT L3 course is a specialist qualification that focuses on particular aspects of employment within the vocational sector. As such the award offers a qualification which can extend study and provide vocational emphasis for learners. They give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment. It is broadly equivalent to 2 GCE A-Levels and is graded Pass, Merit or Distinction (P, M, D).
Typical units include:
·  Communication and Employability Skills for IT
·  Computer Systems
·  Information Systems
·  Advanced Database Skills
·  Advanced Spreadsheet Skills
·  Computer Animation
·  Impact of the Use of IT on Business Systems
·  Digital Graphics
·  Website Production and Management
·  Project Planning
·  Interactive Systems Authoring
Useful websites / The specification can be viewed here:
Useful Websites
Essential text books and reading list / Some Research into these
topics will be beneficial:
·  Computer Systems
·  Digital Graphics
·  Website Production

BTEC ICT Summer task / Technology Comparisons Task
Almost everyone has a mobile phone. They come in all shapes and sizes. The latest mobile phones are packed full of features which enable users to do a lot of things whilst on the go.
Two of the current mobile leaders are the iPhone 6 and the Samsung S6. They both have a lot of similar features, but differ in many different ways.
Task 1
Identify the specifications of the iPhone 6 and the Samsung S6
Take each specification and describe what each one is or what they mean

Task 2
Compare each of the phones. Describe the similarities of each phone and the differences between them.

Task 3
Evaluate each of the phones and justify which one will be suitable for the following people:
·  A person who has never used a smart phone before. They have limited ICT knowledge and tend to panic if something goes wrong.
·  A person who has owned a range of different phones. Has used a smart phone before. Has good ICT knowledge. Needs a phone that can be fully customised to suit his needs.
BTEC Sport
Course Overview / Our BTEC Sport courses prepare you perfectly for a wide variety of careers in the health & fitness industry. They are valued by colleges, universities & employers across the World. Through studying multiple units, you’ll develop a deep understanding of sport & its application in the workplace; from psychology, personal training & physiology to nutrition, performance analysis & injury. You’ll also add vital transferrable skills to your CV like organisation, leadership, communication and team work – key skills that universities and employers look for. To compliment your breadth of experience, you’ll develop a coaching proficiency through your reserved place on the ‘Level 2 Sports Leadership Award’ course & your dedicated work placement with the PE Department.
Useful websites / The specification can be viewed here:
Useful Websites
Essential text books and reading list / Researching into these
topics will be beneficial:
·  Anatomy & Physiology
·  Health & Safety in Sport
·  Fitness Testing & Health
·  Psychology for Sport
·  Sports Performance
·  Technical & Tactical Skills
In Sport
Summer task / ·  Stay fit! You should be training three times per week.
·  Join a sports club or gym
(there is an excellent rate at Fitzy’s for Toot Hill College students)
Make sure you have a:
* complete stationary kit for completing coursework
* full sports kit & suitable footwear
* memory stick for transporting work to and from college
* large lever-arch file and subject dividers
* suitable bag for transporting kit and work to and from college
EXAM BOARD: / Chemistry
Course Overview / The course is broken up into the 3 main strands of Chemistry these are;
Physical chemistry – Atomic structure, Amount of substance, Bonding, energetic , Kinetics, Chemical equilibria, Redox
Organic chemistry – Intro to organic chemistry, Alkanes, Halogenoalkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols, Organic analysis
Inorganic chemistry – Periodicity, Group 2 elements, Group 7 elements
Useful websites /
This web page has links to other useful websites.
Essential text books and reading list / Textbook - AQA Chemistry A level Year 1 and AS 2nd Edition (ISBN 978-0-19-835181-8)
Revision guide – CGP A-level Year 1 and AS Chemistry (ISBN – 978 1 78294 3211)
We also have a chemistry library with lots of books available for you to use to widen and further develop your chemistry knowledge
Summer task / You will be provided with a summer revision booklet to complete in preparation for the A-level course
Course Overview / In Year 12 you will study problem solving, designing programs, programming in Visual Basic and the fundamentals of structured programming. Pupils will also study number systems, stages of development of a hardware/software system as well as logic gates, boolean algebra and the internal components of a computer. In Year 13 pupils will look in more detail at hardware devices and systems, the internet and networking, as well as how computers affect the way we work and live. Pupils will also look at algorithms and data structures, the role of an operating system as well as database design and implementation.Throughout both years pupils will complete project work based on real business situations.
Useful websites / The specification can be viewed here:
Useful Websites
Essential text books and reading list / If you have not studied Computing before I suggest you start with the following textbook:
OCR Computing for GCSE Student's Book by Sean O’Byrne
Summer task / In the induction lesson you were shown how to make use of the programming language Small Basic. Over the summer, please work through the PowerPoints that you have been given access to, attempting the tasks at the end of each chapter.
Small Basic is available as a free download from the website
The PowerPoints are also available by searching for the site: Wiki Small Basic Portal
Once you have completed these PowerPoints you are to have a go at the task below:
Create a program that will store the ingredients for a recipe.
• The program should ask the user to input:
• the number of people the recipe will serve
• a list of ingredients: item, quantity and units for example flour, 150, grams
• the program should store the recipe name, number of people and the list of ingredients
with their quantities and units.
The user should be able to retrieve the recipe and have the ingredients recalculated for a different
number of people.
• The program should ask the user to input the number of people.
• The program should output:
• the recipe name
• the new number of people
• the revised quantities with units for this number of people.
Course Overview /
(40% of AS, 20% of total A2 marks)
This internally assessed unit requires students to explore two contrasting play texts, in a practical and active way. At least one of the plays will be explored in the light of a recognised theatre practitioner.
A set of Exploration Notes based on individual research and response to the practical work must be submitted. Students are also required to experience a live theatre performance and submit an evaluation. The live theatre experience may be a performance of one of the
chosen play texts or a different play. All elements of this unit are internally assessed and
externally moderated.
(60% of AS, 30% of total A2 marks)
This externally assessed unit contains two elements. It requires students to contribute to a performance of a professionally published play by a known writer. Group sizes should not be fewer than three or more than nine students and performance time should not be less than 15 minutes or more than 60 minutes.
Additionally, students must offer either a monologue or duologue from a different play to that offered in the first section. Students may offer either acting or a design form. These may be different in each of the two sections of the unit. Students shall also provide a concept of the interpretation of their chosen roles or designs. This unit will be assessed under examination conditions by a visiting examiner on a date negotiated with the centre.
Useful websites /
Essential text books and reading list / Wider Reading (for over the summer holidays and during Year 12):
The Theatre and its Double by Artaud
Summer task / Research Antonin Artaud
SUBJECT: Economics
Course Overview / Microeconomics: · Scarcity and choice · Demand and supply in product markets · Demand and supply in labour markets · Resource allocation · Costs, revenues and profits · Market structures · Market failure.
Macroeconomics: · Macroeconomic theory · Macroeconomic objectives · Policy instruments.
Global Economics: · International trade · Non-UK economies · Economic development
Useful websites /
Essential text books and reading list / Essentials of Economics by John Sloman and Dean Garratt (please feel free to buy an old edition of this book from for as little as £0.01!)
New 2015 CGP A-Level Economics: Year 1 & 2 Complete Revision & Practice (EKHR71)
Summer task / Read the chapter hand out entitled TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS.
Answer the QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW (questions 1 -10) on the last page of the hand out. Submit your answers in the first September lesson.