The Confederation of Canada:

The creation of a country displayed through a Photoshop artwork

You are going to research, convey, present and explain the reasons for Canadian confederation and who ‘gets left out’.

  1. Research

You will conduct research on the reasons for confederation and ‘who gets left out’. You can also ask your teacher and use the class website, Canada: a people’s history videos and class notes.

  1. Make artwork in Photoshop

You will convey at least four reasons for confederation and who ‘gets left out’ through a Photoshop artwork you have created.

Choose a style that you want the artwork to be in or an artist whose style you want to emulate (e.g. NorvalMorrisseau, Woodcut, etc.). Create an artwork in this style.

You can choose the art style you want to do the artwork in – you can create the whole artwork or parts of it by hand and then photograph them, import them into photoshop and alter them in photoshop if you want.

This is meant to be an artwork not a poster – do not use elements that will make the artwork look like a poster (i.e. a large amount of text, speech bubbles, etc.). Do not include a train. Try to make the artwork more metaphorical than literal.

  1. Presenting

Prepare to present your artwork to the class and the reasons for confederation

Reasons for Confederation

Summary from a Junior High School


Other sites


CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Artistic process / Used time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others. Created several rough drafts. Conducted research effectively. / Used time well during each class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted others. Created a few drafts. Conducted some research. / Used some of the time well during each class period. There was some focus on getting the project done but occasionally distracted others. Created a rough draft and conducted minimal research. / Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted others. Did not create any rough drafts in sketchbook or carry out any research.
Principles and Elements of Design / Principles and elements are used very effectively to convey the artwork’s message. / Principles and elements are used fairly effectively to convey the artwork’s message. / Principles and elements are used somewhat effectively to convey the artwork’s message. / Principles and elements are not yet used effectively to convey the artwork’s message.
Reasons for confederation and Who was left out / Clearly and effectively demonstrated. / Fairly clearly demonstrated and explained. / Somewhat complete or somewhat clearly demonstrated. / Unclear demonstration.