Mac protein is not an essential virulence factor for the virulent reference strain Streptococcus suis P1/7---- Current Microbiology

Genhui Xiao 1, 2, 3, Zongfu Wu1, 2, 3, Shouming Zhang1, 2, 3, Huanyu Tang1, 2, 3,

Fengqiu Wang1, 2, 3, Chengping Lu1, 2, 3#

# Corresponding Author: Chengping Lu, Ph.D

Tel/Fax:0086-25-84396517 Email:

Supplementary Table S1. Characteristics of various S. suis strains used for homology analysis in this study

Strain / Serotype / Characteristics / Reference
BM407 / 2 / Virulent, isolate from a patient with meningitis / [1]
05ZYH33 / 2 / Virulent, isolate from a patient with TSLS / [2]
98HAH33 / 2 / Virulent, isolate from a patient with TSLS / [2]
GZ1 / 2 / Virulent, isolate from a patient with meningitis / [3]
SC84 / 2 / Virulent, isolate from a patient with TSLS / [4]
P1/7 / 2 / Virulent, isolate from a disease pig with meningitis / [1]
A7 / 2 / Intermediately virulent, isolate from a disease pig with meningitis / [5]
S735 / 2 / Weakly virulent , isolate from a disease pig with pneumonia / [6-8]
SC070731 / 2 / Virulent, isolate from a disease pig with meningitis / [9]
10 / 2 / Virulent, isolate from a disease pig / [7]
ZY05719 / 2 / Virulent, isolate from a disease pig / [10]
SS2-1 / 2 / Virulent, isolate from a disease pig / [11]
HA9801 / 2 / Virulent, isolate from a disease pig / [12, 13]
T15 / 2 / Avirulent, isolate from a healthy pig / [14]
05HAS68 / 2 / Avirulent, isolate from a clinically healthy pig / [15]
HA0608 / 2 / Isolate from a disease pig / collected in our laboratory
ZZJS0908005 / 2 / Isolate from a disease pig / collected in our laboratory
LS091105 / 2 / Isolate from a disease pig / collected in our laboratory
HZ060601 / 2 / Isolate from a disease pig / collected in our laboratory
HN004001 / 2 / Isolate from a disease pig / collected in our laboratory
SS12 / 1/2 / Isolate from a disease pig with pneumonia / [5]
ST1 / 1 / Isolate from a disease pig / [5]
ST3 / 3 / Isolate from a disease pig with pneumonia / [16]
YB51 / 3 / Isolate from a healthy pig / [17]
6407 / 4 / Isolate from a disease pig / [18]
D9 / 7 / Virulent, isolate from a disease pig / [5]
D12 / 9 / Weakly virulent, isolate from a disease pig with pneumonia / [5]
GZ0565 / 9 / Virulent, isolate from a disease pig with meningitis / [19]
JS14 / 14 / Virulent , isolate from a disease pig with arthritis / [20]
TL13 / 16 / Isolate from a healthy pig / [21]

TSLS, toxic shock-like syndrome

Supplementary Table S2 Primers used for PCR amplification

Primer / Primer sequence(5'-3')a / Restriction site / Function
mac-A / CTGATCGTCGACAGTGAATGCAGCTGGTAAAGC / Sal I / Left arm of mac; amplifies flank sequence located in upstream of mac (703 bp)
mac-C / TGTTATAGATTTTTTGCCTCTAGACTCTTGTTCTTGGTAGTGCT / Right arm of mac; amplifies flank sequence located in downstream of mac (701 bp)
mac-IN1 / GCAGACAACATCCCATCA / Fragment for mac ORF; used to confirm deletion of macb (754 bp)
mac-X / TTGAGCAAGGTTTGAACTTTAT / Fragment for mac ORF; used to confirm deletion of macc and sequencing arms of mac
C-mac-F / CTGCGACTGCAGGAGAATAAGTTAAATACGTGCTG / PstI / Fragment for complementation of mac (3916 bp) and sequencing mac of 10 strains

a Restriction enzyme recognition sequences are underlined.

b The wild type will produce a 754 bp fragment by PCR, but the mutant strain will not.

c The wild type will produce a 5249 bp fragment by PCR, and the mutant will produce a 1797 bp fragment


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