Form 10.2. Startup checklist: Media filters

Client name: Reference #:

Permit(s) #:

Completed by: Company:

Completed by: Company:

Time: Date:

1. Type of media filter:

Single pass: ð Sand ð Foam ð Peat Other:

Recirculating: ð Sand/gravel ð Foam ð Textile ð Peat Other:

Trickling filter: ð Gravel ð Plastic Other:

Upflow filter: ð Sand/gravel ð Wood chips Other:

ð Generic

ð Proprietary:


Model #:

ð Manufacturer-assembled

ð Contractor-assembled

2. Cover

a. Type of cover: ð Free access ð Buried ð Lid

b. Cover conforms to design ð Yes

i. Type:

ii. Crowned ð Yes

c. Filter cover intact and operable ð Yes

d. Lid secured ð Yes ð NA

e. Protected from stormwater flow ð Yes

f. Access points insulated ð Yes ð NA

3. Container/Liner: ð Wood ð Concrete ð Fiberglass

ð Plastic ð PVC

ð Other ð Not viewable (buried)

4. Venting/Air supply: ð Passive ð Active

a. Supply: ð Fan ð Free air (go to 5) ð Venturi

ð Aspirator ð Compressor ð Blower

b. Operation: ð Continuous ð Timed (ON min., OFF min)

c. Pressure at air supply unit: psi ð NA

d. Air flow at air supply unit: cfm ð NA

e. Air filter/screen installed: ð Yes ð NA

5. Effluent distribution:

a. Distribution method:

ð Pressure: ð Pump ð Siphon

ð Gravity: ð Trickle flow ð Tipping d-box

b. Distribution component accessible ð Yes ð No

c. Pressure distribution description:

i. Delivery method

ð Orifice shield ð Helical nozzle ð Splash plate

ð Chamber ð Gravel

ii. Operational data

Lateral # / Operating pressure (ft.) / Lateral
spacing (in.) / Orifice diameter
(in.) / Orifice spacing (in.) / Orifice orientation (6:00 or 12 o’clock) / Lateral
drainage present
(Y/N) / Lateral access

6. Media dosing pump

a. ON duration: min

b. Pump delivery rate (PDR): gpm

c. OFF duration: min

d. ON / OFF durations within manufacturer specifications ð Yes ð NA

e. Initial cycle counter reading:

f. Initial elapsed time meter (ETM) reading: hours/min

7. Additional tasks for recirculating filters

a. Recirculation method: ð Splitter ball valve ð Weir-controlled ð Dam/divider

ð Recirculation berm ð Valve-controlled ð D-box ð Other:

b. Recirculation ratio: :

ð Based upon assumed forward flow of: gpm

ð Based upon known forward flow of: gpm

i. Source of flow data:

8. Additional tasks for trickling filters

a. Solids return pump present ð Yes ð NA

ð Pump delivery rate (PDR): gpm

ð Pump ON duration: min

ð  Frequency of return: times per day/week

ð Initial cycle counter reading:

ð Initial elapsed time meter (ETM) reading: hours/min

b. Effluent return pump present ð Yes ð NA

ð Pump delivery rate (PDR): gpm

ð Pump ON duration: min

ð  Frequency of return: times per day/week

ð  Initial cycle counter reading:

ð  Initial elapsed time meter (ETM) reading: hours/min

9. Manufacturer/generic startup procedures followed: ð Yes ð NA

10. Additional notes:

ETM = elapsed time meter

gpm = gallons per minute

NA = not applicable

PDR = pump delivery rate