Bar Code Label Requirements for

Packaged Inbound MaterialsBASF Coatings

SUBJECT:BASF Coatings Bar Code Requirements

Dear Supplier:

In our continued effort to identify greater efficiencies and comply with quality and customer requirements, BASF Coatings is requiring all raw materials and packaging suppliers to place barcode labels on shipments sent to our NAFTA manufacturing locations. These requirements apply to the following locations: Greenville, OH; Windsor, Ontario, Canada and Tultitlan, Mexico.


Please consider the label described in the present document is ONLY FOR SCANNING PURPOSES. All products must be labeled per GHS, country-specific, DOT, and other applicable regulations to be legally compliant.

Implementation Plan

The attached requirements outline label formats and important dates.

Label formats

I Labeling process (container and pallet)

  1. Containers - affix one bar code label to each raw material or package container.
  2. Full pallets of bags: apply to bottom right-hand side of pallet. One on each side of pallet and one on each end of the pallet, for a total of 4.
  3. If multiple lots are placed on one pallet, affix the following: one label stating “Mixed Lots”, one label on the bottom right hand side of the pallet stating each lot number, and onelabel on each bag stating the lot number of that bag.
  4. Drum containers: affix one label on top of drum and one label on side of drum.
  5. Aluminum / fiber drum containers: place one label on top of container and one label on side of container.
  6. Mixed Product on Pallets – Preference is to not mix product but if required affix a label on the pallet that states “Mixed Product”
  7. All bar code labels must be affixed to containers and bags under stretch wrap.

II Bar Code Label

A detailed specification of the bar code label is provided.

1.Bar code symbology will be 3 of 9 (code39).

2.Minimum label size is 6” x 4”, following the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) standard.

3.Bar code height minimum 0.5”.

4.The bars that make up the bar code shall be sufficiently distinct and separate so that the bar code is easily read. The width of the narrow bar should be at least of 0.254 mm and the ratio between a wide and a narrow bar of 3.

5.The bars shall not contain any gaps or irregularities. Each bar code shall have a “quiet zone” on either side to facilitate reading.

6.Human readable fonts should be no smaller than the font shown in the label below (see Example 3).

7.Label paper and ink quality will be such to allow easy scanning and durability for outside storage. A permanent adhesive type should be used and a thermal printer is preferred(for example,Zebra printer).

III Field Identification

  1. Part number

1.1 BASF Material number (8 characters,56979968 in example attached) -Bar coded and human readable

  1. Barcode Identifier = P

1.2 Legacy code in parenthesis (PW3144-9999 in example attached) - Human readableONLY.

  1. Supplier lot number – Bar coded and human readable
  2. 10 characters maximum, alpha numeric
  3. If lot number is numeric and less than 10 characters long the lot number must be padded out to 10 characters with leading zeroes.
  4. Barcode Identifier = T
  1. BASF Description – Human readable
  2. BASF description must match the text that appears on the BASF purchase order
  3. 45 characters maximum
  1. Quantity + Unit of measure – Bar coded and human readable
  2. UOM must match ordering format on BASF purchase order – example: if purchase order states lbs, then UOM must be in lbs
  3. UOM must be included in the bar code (ie LB, KG, etc)
  4. Barcode Identifier = 7Q
  1. BASF purchase order number – Bar coded and human readable
  2. Maximum 10 characters
  3. Barcode Identifier = K
  1. Manufacturing date – Human readable (MM/DD/YYYY). This field is used by BASF to calculate expiration dates. If shelf life projections are based on a shipping date please enter that date in this field.
  1. HMIS® III codes – Human readable (supplier provided, OPTIONAL)

BASF contact for questions:

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Below examples of the 3 of 9 bar code label that will be used for both containers & pallets.

Example 1. 3 of 9 Barcoded Label with numeric batch number

Example 2. 3 of 9 Bar coded Label with alphanumeric batch number

Example 3. 3 of 9 Barcoded Label with Specifications

April 20151/4