THE NMSU Employee Council
February 11, 2016
Milton Hall, Room 85
Members Present: Kim Allbright, Jake Capraro, Julie Cadena, Teresa Diaz, Monica Dunivan, J. Tim Query, HiranyaRoychowdhury, Dario Silva, Bill Harty, David Schoep, Adam Cavotta, Julie Correra, Sam Smallidge
Alternates Present: Maria Gover, Sonia White, Keith Mandabach
Ex-Officio:Rene Yoder, Cherri Lambeth
On-line:Rosa de la Torre Burmeister, Linda Beavers, Tammy Chaffee, Kathy Landers, Karen Reid, Christina Schaub, Caitlin Wells.
Guest:Jacalyn Epperson from Employee Benefits
- Call to Order:By Greg Block at 2:32pm
- Welcomed members and guests – Greg Block gave a brief overview of what the EC is and their role here at NMSU to the incoming members. He also mentioned the out-going members and thanked them for their years of service to EC and NMSU.
- Approval of January Minutes – Bill Moved to except and Julie Cadena Seconded it.
- Presentations –No presentations were scheduled for this meeting.
- New Business
- Executive Officers for March Elections- EC will be needing to nominate new Executive officers with Bill Harty serving as Chair.
- Deloitte Study and feedback –There will be an open forum regarding the progress on the Deloitte study on March 21st 2-4 in the Corbett Center ballrooms. Greg asked that all EC members be present for this open forum and to share all the information with their prospective areas. IT has been preparing for the large load of employees signing on for this open forum.
- Committees for 2016-2017 representation – During the March meeting, EC will elect members to different committees.
- Old Business
- Open Forum for Spring, advertising –
March 21st Deloitte Forum – Corbett Center ballrooms
April 7th Benefits
April 20th Budget review
Sustainability on hold for now.
- Founders Day Committee Report –Roseann Bensley will be heading the committee. The Founders Day picnic is scheduled for April 15th in the same location as last year from 11:00-1:00. This years “Theme” is The History of Military Science and ROTC.
The A-Mountain award will be presented at the picnic as well.
- Elections for Spring – Bill Harty
New EC Members voted in are:
Kim Allbright, Monica Dunivan, Adam Cavotta, Samantha Lish,
Bertha Gomez and Katherine Landers
Miley Grandjean, Tim Darden, Tammy Chaffee, IgorDolgov, Robert Macy,
Lynn Lewis, Craig Ryan, Bertha Gomez, Claudia Estrada.
A Thank you was given to the outgoing members, Chris Hughes, Tim Query, Dave Twitty, Julie Cadena, Maria Gover and Sonya White.
- Employee Picnic Type Activities for all campuses – Maybe having a big screen connection for picnics or Open forums at different centers.
Maybe an open forum be planned at the DABCC campus??
- Reports
- Greg asked that all committee send him the reports next week so he can send them out the EC members before other meetings take place.
- Other
- Bill said the results of the elections will be announced through the hotline.
- Bill Harty asked that the next month’s meeting be changed to March 8th on a Tuesday from 2:30 to 4:00.
- Dr. Silva thanked Greg Block for being such a great leader and for helping EC move more into the “limelight” and be more visible. Great Job!
- Julie Cadena asked that all new members wanting an EC shirt to please email her at or call her at 6-1528 by February 19th to get them ordered and possibly have them ready by the next open forum.
Motion to adjourn by Greg and Seconded by Greg. Next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 8thfrom 2:30 to 4:00.