To: Worker's Compensation Insurance Carriers and Self-Insured Employers

From: G. Terrence Coriden

Date: 11/10/99

Re: Actuarial Study of the Second Injury Fund

HEA 2085 requires the Worker’s Compensation Board to conduct an Actuarial Study of the Second Injury Fund’s total unfunded liability. The Board must present this study to the legislative council by January 1, 2000. On November 3, 1999, the actuary conducting the study requested that we obtain additional information on permanently and totally disabled employees and employees receiving a prosthetic device under the Worker’s Compensation Act. Given the limitation imposed by the January 1, 2000 deadline, a response is needed within two weeks. If that seems too unreasonable or overly burdensome, please contact Michael McNally at (317) 233-3384 or by e-mail at to discuss alternatives.

Please supply a list organized by date of injury of all permanent total disability claims from January 1, 1990 to present, containing the following information:

1)  Name

2)  Social Security Number

3)  Date of Birth

4)  Sex

5)  Claim number

6)  Date of injury

7)  Date injury was reported

8)  Date permanent total disability benefits were awarded

9)  Date permanent total disability benefits cease (i.e., end of 500 week period)

10)  Permanent total disability weekly benefit rate

11)  Average weekly wage

In addition, please provide a list organized by date of injury of all persons receiving a prosthetic device under the Workers Compensation Act from January 1, 1990 to present, containing the following information:

1)  Name

2)  Social Security Number

3)  Date of Birth

4)  Sex

5)  Claim number

6)  Date of injury

7)  Date injury was reported

8)  Date of payment for prosthetic device

9)  Total cost of prosthetic device

If possible, we would greatly appreciate both lists being provided through electronic media to the above address. Thank you for your quick response.