Georgia SIP Air Permit Application
Instructions for the completion of Form 2.06 Manufacturing and Operational Information
This form is to be completed and submitted with any Georgia SIP Air Permit application that involves the construction, operation, and/or modification of the manufacturing process. The latest version of Form 2.06 is located at Do not submit the instructions with the SIP application.
Normal Operating Schedule: / Anticipated or actual facility operating schedule. If additional information is provided, please include it in the list of attachments on Form 1.00 General Information, Item 16.Seasonal and/or Peak Operating Periods: / Any periods during the year that see higher than normal production
Dates of Annually Occurring Shutdowns: / Anticipated or known dates of annual facility shutdowns.
Production Input Factors Table
Emission Unit ID: / Refer to Form 2.00 Emission Unit List and enter the emission unit ID assigned to the new or modified manufacturing equipment in this column. The Emission Unit ID is an alphanumeric code with a maximum of four characters (e.g. 27, D1, AA, BL1, BL01). Emission Unit IDs are unique to each piece of equipment at a facility. Emission units, air pollution control devices, and stacks cannot have the same ID.
Emission Unit Name: / Refer to Form 2.00 Emission Unit List, and enter the name of the manufacturing/process equipment.
Construction Date: / Enter the anticipated date (month and year) of completion for the installation or modification of the equipment, typically month and year.
Input Raw Material(s): / Enter the raw materials that are used to make the facility products, e.g. chemicals, unpainted machine parts.
Annual Input: / Enter the total input of all raw materials into this process on a tons per year basis or units/parts per year. For batch operations, provide the calculations in an attachment and include it in Form 1.00, General Information, Item 16.
Hourly Process Input Rate: / Enter the hourly process input rate (HPIR) for the process/operation and give the appropriate units, e.g. tpy, lb/hr, gal/hr, parts/hr. The “Design” HPIR is the amount the process is designed to perform. The “Normal” HPIR is the production that this process operates based on current or anticipated production schedules. The “Maximum” HPIR is the maximum hourly production that the emission unit can achieve. For batch operations, provide the calculations in an attachment and include it in Form 1.00 General Information, Item 16.
Products of Manufacturing Table
Emission Unit ID: / Enter the Emission Unit or production line where the finished product is completed. The Emission Unit ID is an alphanumeric code with a maximum of four characters (e.g. 27, D1, AA, BL1, BL01). Source codes are unique to each piece of equipment at a facility. Refer to Form 2.00 Equipment List, and enter the source code assigned to the new or modified press in this column.
Description of Product: / Enter the description of the product that is produces at the Emission Unit.
Production Schedule: / Annual production schedule for the facility based on finished products, in tons per year and the hours of production per year. For batch operations, provide the annualized calculations in an attachment and include it in Form 1.00 General Information, Item 16.
Hourly Production Rate: / Enter the hourly production rate (HPR) for the process/operation and give the appropriate units, e.g. tpy, lb/hr, gal/hr, parts/hr. The “Design” HPR is the amount the process is designed to perform. The “Normal” HPR is the production that this process operates based on current or anticipated production schedules. The “Maximum” HPR is the maximum hourly production that the emission unit can achieve. Indicate the “Units” of production that are used to express the “Design”, “Normal”, and “Maximum” HPR. For batch operations, provide the annualized calculations in an attachment and include it in Form 1.00 General Information, Item 16.
Georgia SIP Application Form 2.06, rev. September 2015 Instructions
Facility Name: / Date of Application:FORM 2.06 – MANUFACTURING AND OPERATIONAL DATA
Normal Operating Schedule: / hours/day / days/week / weeks/yr
Additional Data Attached?
/ - No - Yes, please include the attachment in list on Form 1.00, Item 16.Seasonal and/or Peak Operating Periods:
Dates of Annually Occurring Shutdowns:
Emission Unit ID / Emission Unit Name / Const. Date / Input Raw Material(s) / Annual Input / Hourly Process Input Rate
Design / Normal / Maximum
Products of MANUFAcTUriNG
Emission Unit ID / Description of Product / Production Schedule / Hourly Production Rate
(Give units: e.g. lb/hr, ton/hr)
Tons/yr / Hr/yr / Design / Normal / Maximum / Units
Georgia SIP Application Form 2.06, rev. June 2005 Page 1 of 1