Minutes of the regular meeting of the Leeds City Council for March 7, 2011.

Leeds City Council met in regular session on March 7, 2011at 6pm at the Leeds City Hall. Present were Council members Betty Andersonand Kyle Nelsen; Mayor Lloyd Himle. Also present were Deb and Greg Moller, Wade Swenson, Chad Nelsen, and Steve Dockter.

Lloyd Himle called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

At 6:00pm Wade Swenson from the Department of Transportation and Steve Dockter from Farmer’s Union Oil were in to speak to Council about building an approach leading to the new Cenex East of 2nd Avenue on Highway 2. At present the NDDOT will not allow the existing approach to be relocated because there can only be five approaches per mile. There is a set of approaches that are not being used. Pending the land owner’sconsent, that set of approaches could be filled in and a new set built at Farmer’s Union Oil expense.

Council discussed the possibility of installing a flashing traffic light on Highway 2 as a precautionary measure.

Motion to support the Farmers Union Oil approach project and ask that they supports the City’s efforts to put in a traffic light by the approach by Kyle Nelsen, seconded by Betty Anderson, motion carried.

At 6:40pm Greg Moller requested that some campers be located on his property to accommodate the Farmers Union Oil seasonal workers. Council consented.

At 6:45pm Chad Nelsen was in to discuss the property he bought from the City. He is also interested in acquiring another parcel.

Motion to have Galen Mack prepare a quit claim deed for Chad Nelsen with provision for a future easement for access with a North South road by Betty Anderson, seconded by Lloyd Himle, motion carried.

At 7:05pm Sam Hansen was in to discuss the Public Works job that he interviewed for. Sam was offered the job and accepted. He will start training on March 8, 2011; full time on April 1, 2011.

Motion to hire Sam Hansen as the Public Works Supervisor by Kyle Nelsen, seconded by Betty Anderson, motion carried.

Motion to approve minutes with specified changes by Kyle Nelsen, seconded by Betty Anderson, motion carried.

Motion to approve the calendar by Kyle Nelsen, seconded by Betty Anderson, motion carried.

Council reviewed financials and bills. Motion to approve bills, with the exception of Custom Truck, by Kyle Nelsen, seconded by Betty Anderson, motion carried.

Council discussed purchasing a new mower. Found a 72’ commercial mower for sale. It is 2wd and has 31 hours. The purchase price is $19,000, but will cost the City only $13, 600.

Motion to authorize the purchase of the mower with by Kyle Nelsen, seconded by Betty Anderson, motion carried.

Council opened the bids for property.

Motion to accept Todd Nelsen’s bid for the Allmaras property (with the stipulation that no other structure is to be removed from the property before the house is torn down) by Betty Anderson, seconded by Lloyd Himle, Kyle Nelsen abstains, motion carried.

Motion to accept United Community Banks’ bid for the Gene Allen property by Betty Anderson, seconded by Lloyd Himle, Kyle Nelsen abstains, motion carried.

March 7, 2011 Page 2

Motion to accept raffle permit for the Leeds Public School and the 125th Celebration by Betty Anderson, seconded by Lloyd Himle, Kyle Nelsen abstains, motion carried.

City Officials, School Board, and the EDC will meet at the Leeds School Library at 7:30pm on March 15, 2011.

Bills are as follows:

Benson Co. Sheriff200.00
Leeds Airport Auth.4096.91
Farmer’s Press187.00
Northern Plains1198.84
Rugby Sanitation3800.00
ND Workforce Safety893.66
Farmer’s Union Oil235.48
H&H Coatings6529.85
Don Malchose4000.00

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.


Lloyd Himle – Mayor


Brandi Anderson – City Auditor