Appendix C
Props and equipment and Laboratory supplies needed:
Simulated urine positive LabStix for glucose
Simulated blood positive for a high serum glucose level
Making Fake Blood and Urine
URINE - Ketones 80-160mg/dL [dark purple (large amount)]
Glucose high glucose [dark pink]
1. Put 30ml ddH2O into a conical tube.
Add .036g acetoacetic acid.
Check with ketone stick.
Dip ketone stick in urine.
Wait 15 seconds.
Compare test area on strip to color chart.
Add 1/2 tsp glucose to tube.
Check with glucose stick:
Dip glucose stick in urine.
Wait 10 seconds.
Compare test area on strip to color chart.
BLOOD Glucose 400mg/dL or more
1. Put 30ml ddH2O into a conical tube.
Add red food coloring to simulate blood color.
Add blue food coloring in small amounts to enhance simulated blood color.
Check with glucose meter.
Add glucose to get desired concentration.
Calibrate glucose meter:
Insert test strip onto glucose meter.
Add control solution to test strip.
Make sure number on tube matches glucose meter.
Make sure glucose value falls into range.
Simulated ketone smell
Plan A: in a closed container (need a fresh one every day)
Plan B: use alcohol and acetone swabs in separate containers.
Urine bag with 2 liters urine – having been produced in 6 hours
(normal urine production is 3 liters per day – this will be 4 times 2 liters in 24 hours)
(Foley catheter to show what it actually looks like
– syringe to inflate balloon
– spare Foley catheter)
Patient will not be catheterized in this scenario
Lay out of Sim Lab
METI HPS simulator (METI version 6D software=6, hardware=D)
Wig to indicate female patient
Add endotracheal tube for accurate ETCO2 sampling
Room set-up – 8 chairs facing simulator and monitors
Vital signs monitor on anesthesia machine to the simulator’s left side (same side as trainees)
Set alarms to OFF on monitor
Set sound ECG to 10% on vital sign monitor
Make sure capnograph sampling is plugged in, and microsampling tube is available
IV infusion (R/L or NaCl running)
Nasal cannulae for Oxygen (and O2 mask for demo)
Student hand-outs
Place pages 1-6 on electronic bulletin board prior to the day of the session
Day of the session, immediately before the session:
Questionnaire exploring attainment of Educational Objectives
(typically based on Bloom’s taxonomy – 6 levels
facts, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation)
Pages 1-2 outline of session
After the session
Pages 3-6 of Instructor hand-out (includes DKA summary from PBL session)