“Fake Facebook” Book Report

D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths

Summer Assignment

Due: Monday, August 21,2017

Objective: Read D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths. Then, choose a major character from the book for which you will create a fake facebook page. This assignment emphasizes the use of voice in writing, so focus on creating a distinct voice for the character when creating the page. In other words, act as the character from Greek mythology. (Choose from: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hermes, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, Hephaestus, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Theseus, or Perseus)

Please include the following:

·  PAGE ONE (this can be two pages):

o  Image of character in upper left corner (5 pts.)

o  Basic Info

§  Describe the birth story of the character. (5pts.)

§  Family – Choose three of the most important family members. (10pts.)

§  Super strengths or powerful items (5pts.)

o  Friends – These are images of three characters who interact with the character. (5pts.)

o  Recent Activity – A conversation between two or three friends. (15 pts.)

o  Favorite Quotes - Pull out two meaningful quotes from the book. (10pts)

·  PAGE TWO: Photo Album – Two events: Use images and captions of the god or goddess depicting at least two meaningful events. (25 pts.)

·  PAGE THREE: make a personal statement about what you read. Begin with “I believe…” (20pts.)

o  EXAMPLE from The Davinci Code: I believe there are always answers to life’s mysteries if you dig deep enough. Sometimes, you must rely on the help & support of good people to guide you in the right direction. Trust your instincts and remember …family are people you can unconditionally trust; blood is thicker than water. Most importantly, never forget to forgive before it’s too late for indeed one needs family and friends to love, share memories, and decipher the puzzles of life.”

o  Include proper heading in upper left corner. (5 pts.)


·  Use unlined 8½ x11 paper for your Fake Facebook. Fill the entire page for pages one and two. Don’t leave any unused space. Make it rich with writing, color, and images. (5pts.)

·  All images must be appropriate.

·  Make sure it is free of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization errors. (15pts.)

·  Make sure it is typed or legibly written in ink or markers. Must be printed if typed. (5pts.)


Be prepared to have a test on the myths with a focus on character from the book.