ISSRC Meeting Notes

Meeting Type: Special Ed subcommittee

Date: January 9, 2015 8:00-2:30

In attendance: Amy Jernigan, Signe Pierce, Sara Edwards, Bill Mosiman, Janice Petaja, Meg Evans, Diane Leonetti, Julie Goldsmith, Melinda Reynvaan, Tina Lemmon, Karen Connors


●Review Mission Statement

●Review Parent Survey

●Consultant review of K-12 SpEd; ideas, discussion and plan

●IEP/Eval online programs status and plan

●Board update for January 15; content and presenters

ISS SpEd Subcommittee Mission Statement:

Ensure a quality Special Education program that:

accelerates academic growth

supports individual student goals

promotes independence and future readiness

BISD Mission Statement:

Every student should be future ready:

●prepare for college

●prepare for global workplace

●prepare for personal success

Parent Survey:


●outcome similar for all three questions presented

●responses indicated concern that “consistency” might mean “not individualized”

●how to have successful inclusion

●better training/involvement of general ed staff

●generalize Circle of Friends connections into classrooms/across ed environment

Discussion of consistency of program versus individualization of services

●elementary school building and differences in SpEd services

●consistency in terms of curriculum and fidelity of its instruction

●consistency training, and supports

●IEP Team determines individual services, instruction must address those individual goals

●Consistency is valuable in curriculum when staff is trained and common curriculum is available

●Curriculum can address commonalities in students needs

●District/Building programs are a result of grouping together students with similar needs, ie. ASD program, EBD program


●Concern/stress for teachers asked to move buildings because of program moves

●Process to maintain/store curriculum/materials for SpEd grade levels/programs (SpEd curriculum inventory and manager)

●Two year programs at Sakai and Woodward that increase number of school/building transitions, and make program development for 2 years only and fewer students challenging

●Future question - Is it possible to restructure SpEd at these grades to decrease impact on students and programming;

○How to communicate that there might be a way to provide flexibility and support;

○How to provide choices for parents/students (peers versus transitions)

○Can we provide a better understanding and process for discussion of these options

○Flow chart or framework for consistency of process in making these determinations

●Access to equivalent program and services across grade levels and moving up through grade levels

●SpEd is more expensive because of configuration of schools (2 years at SAK, WMS)

●Is there trend data on special education student entry and transition points? (Bill has been doing this for the past few years. April 15th is a good target data to take make decisions regarding projections for the upcoming year.)

●Are Resource Room programs consistent across four elementaries, and as we move up/down the grade levels

○what are the weaknesses in program consistency?

■inconsistency of identifying the program appropriate for a student (RR, ILC, EBD) and as they transition to Sakai - how to address the inconsistencies and determine appropriate placement;

■inconsistency of service minutes

■inconsistency of pull-out versus inclusion in GenEd

■inconsistency of level of support in-class because of greater number of students at ordway versus number of students at BLK,WLK

High School programs/services (ILC, RR, etc)

Discussed current changes being planned in course offerings for next year including Collection of Evidence, Achieve, Basic Math.

Review of PreK-12 services within the Framework of Tier System

●Technical innovation versus an adaptive innovation

●Change Frame of Reference to Tier 3 services?

●Consistency and continuity

●Flexibility and differentiation

Reference point isn’t special ed, but is a Tier III system within each school as part of Tier system. Such as:

Tier 1 - general ed

Tier 2- striving/struggling learners

Tier 3 - RR-type students and other high-needs SpEd, ELL

Tier 3 Intensive - Low incidence

What is consistent curriculum and build it all the way through…

What data do we need to collect?

Curriculum (reading, math, writing)

●What curriculum has been purchased in last two year (is it being used?)

●What old curriculum is being used?

●What is district adopted curriculum? What options are used, available?

●Tier II piece needs further definition of curriculum available

●Curriculum mapping to date is K-8

●Need to look at Social/Emotional/Behavioral curriculum across district in terms of Tiers

●What Tier III programs are currently in place at all levels, including/especially secondary level?

●What do “best practice” blended Tiered programs look like?

●Do we need a field trip to Franklin Pierce? Issaquah?

●What are “homework assistance” options across district?

●Curriculum K-8 and HS?

Create a snap shot of programs - Curriculum Map

Objectives: The Tier III committee will identify Tier III curriculum - Math, Reading, Writing, Soc/Emo/Beh

Action Plan:

●Collect data around Curriculum and Caseload

●Clean-up/redraft questions

●Provide to Gordy and Val data and questions for them to reformulate into an Interview Opportunity for SpEd Teacher, Paras, ESAs

●Progress update (briefing/talking points) on ISS program review - a committee report to each school/all staff - Monday 2/2 for Building Day

●Use School Board presentation to formulate Talking Points for all staff

●Written communication to SpEd Staff to prep for data gathering and interviews

IEP/Eval online programs status and plan

Choices: IEP Online OR Goalview

●Both interface with Skyward and State data base

●WA state 143 districts use IEP online; 17 districts use Goalview

●What are fundamental differences?

●Demos available from company

●Training and support available

Next Steps and Calendar:

Visitations to exemplar schools - late March

Evaluation/IEP online demonstrations - next Individual Early Release day 2/23

Next ISS SpEd Subcommittee 2/6 11:30-3:30 w/Gordy and Val

and 3/12 8:00-2:30

Need to develop a common vocabulary around RTI, Tiers, etc

Need to involve paras,counselors, psychs in the RTI district training - need to check with training

Gordy and Val will lead a community/parent meeting after data gathered and further direction formulated