Council Meeting Record
5:00 PM
Council Members Present: Trent Lundeen, Paul Miller, Sam Mahan, Todd Grass and Kramer Bell. Also present: Dave Cyr, Town Manager, Tim Brewer and Darroll Wilson
Dave Cyr called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.
Dave Cyr administered the Oath of Office to Kramer Bell and Todd Grass.
Motion by Mahan, seconded by Miller to elect Trent Lundeen as the Council Chair. Motion passed 4-0-1, with Lundeen abstaining.
Motion by Grass, seconded by Bell to elect Paul Miller as the Council Vice-Chair. Motion passed 4-0-1, with Miller abstaining.
Motion by Bell, seconded by Lundeen to accept the 2016 list of Municipal Appointments as presented. Motion passed 5-0.
Motion by Grass, seconded by Miller to approve the 2016 list of Election Clerks. Motion passed 5-0.
Public Participation:
There was no request for Public Participation.
Motion by Mahan, seconded by Miller to approve the record of the February 17, 2016 Council Meeting as presented. Motion passed 5-0.
Motion by Bell, seconded by Grass to approve the record of the March 9, 2016 Council Meeting as presented. Motion passed 5-0.
Warrants were circulated and signed; Dave Cyr provided an explanation on how he subtracts the value of the non-budgeted expenditures and revenues from the Expense and Revenue Summaries in order to provide a more accurate picture of Year to Date Expenditures and Revenues. No further action was taken.
Dave Cyr provided a brief oral review of what he has been involved with in the last month, and what he anticipates working on. No further action was taken.
Old Business
1. Motion by Miller, seconded by Lundeen to ratify the vote taken by the Council to approve the March 21, 2016 Election Warrant. Motion passed 5-0.
2. Dave asked that the discussion on the Highway Garage be moved to an executive session. No further action was taken.
3. Dave brought up the upcoming Elected Officials workshop to be held on April 7, 2016 in Presque Isle. All Councilors indicated a desire to attend. Dave will complete and submit their registrations.
4. Motion by Grass, seconded by Bell to adopt the Personal Property Depreciation Rate as presented by Dave Cyr and Joe Salley of Maine Revenue Services. Motion passed 5-0.
5. Dave provided an email from MDOT that they will pick up the cost of replacing the sidewalks from the Blaine Town Line to the Benjamin Street and Fort Road intersections. He also noted that he will be meeting with MDOT, FairPoint, Emera and other utilities to discuss the relocation of the overhead electrical wires from Main Street. The project is going out to bid in August, with the bulk of the construction to occur in 2017. No further action was taken.
6. There was no other Old Business brought before the Council.
New Business
1. Motion by Bell, seconded by Mahan to authorize payment of the 2016 County Tax. Motion passed 5-0.
2. Motion by Mahan, seconded by Miller to authorize a Veteran’s Exemption for Marialuisa Udasco. Motion passed 5-0.
3. Dave circulated a letter of resignation he had received from Tom Tardiff from the position of Animal Control Officer. No further action was taken.
4. Dave circulated a workshop notice from MDOT Maine Local Road Center for Roadway Fundamentals for Municipal Officials. Dave will bring this workshop back at the next Council meeting.
Motion by Lundeen, seconded by Grass to recess the Council Meeting and start the Public Hearing at 6:03. Motion passed 5-0.
Public Hearing
Dave explained the process involved with the renewal of the liquor license for t Mars Hill Country Club; Tim Brewer explained the purpose of the Auxiliary License that was included with the application.
Motion by Bell, seconded by Lundeen to close the Public Hearing and resume the Council Meeting at. Motion passed 5-0.
5. Motion by Mahan, seconded by Grass to approve the Liquor License Application for the Mars Hill Country Club. Motion passed 5-0.
6. Dave provided a review of the Preliminary 2017 State Valuation. No further action was taken.
7. Dave provided a review of the letter from Gisele MacDonald of Felch and Company regarding the audit of the 2015 Municipal Books. No further action was taken.
8. Dave reviewed an email that he had sent to Rodney McCrum of Pineland Farms on his being recognized as the 2016 Business Leader of the Year, and Rodney’s response. No further action was taken.
9. Dave noted that the MSAD 42 Board of Directors’ meeting agenda and meeting records were included in their package. No further action was taken.
10. Motion by Grass, seconded by Bell to approve the Application for a BYOB Function at the Mars Hill/Blaine Community Center for the Fireman’s Ball on April 30, 2016. Motion passed 5-0.
11. There was no other New Business brought before the Council.
12. Motion by Lundeen, seconded by Grass, to enter into executive session pursuant to Title 1 M.R.S.A. §405(6) (E) at 6:44 PM. Motion passed 5-0. The Council came out of Executive Session at 6:53 PM. Motion by Bell, seconded by Grass to authorize the Town Manager to release the funds held in escrow to Christian Kelly. Motion passed 5-0.
13. Motion by Grass, seconded by Bell, to enter into executive session pursuant to Title 1 M.R.S.A. §405(6) (E) at 6:55 PM. Motion passed 5-0. The Council came out of Executive Session at 8:25 PM. Motion by Bell, seconded by Mahan to continue with the Highway Garage Design recommended by the Highway Garage Committee as presented. Motion passed 4-1, with Grass casting the dissenting vote.
14. Motion by Grass, seconded by Miller to enter into executive session pursuant to Title 1 M.R.S.A. §405(6) (A) at 8:28 PM. Motion passed 5-0. The Council came out of Executive Session at 8:47 PM. No further action was taken.
15. Dave will set up a date and time for the Council to meet with Mark Draper of Tri-Community Recycling and Sanitary Landfill in a workshop session to discuss options for solid waste disposal.
16. Dave would like a Council Meeting on April 4, 2016 at 5:00 PM to open bids for municipal and cemetery mowing.
17. The next regular Council Meeting will be held on April 20, 2016 at 5:00 PM.
18. Motion by Bell, seconded by Grass to adjourn at 9:05. Motion passed 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted
David D. Cyr
Town Manager