Primary Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Title: A Friend for little White Rabbit by Beverley Randell Rigby / Genre:
Fantasy / Text Structure:
Narrative Informational / Level: E
Literacy Core Objective: Standard 7Objective 2 Make and confirm predictions / Enduring Understanding: Purpose for reading
Comprehension of text through making and confirming predictions
Content Core Objective: Standard 2 Objective 1 Behaviors that initiate and make friendships / “I Can Statements” - Essential Questions:
I can make and confirm predictions.
ELL Strategies: Show pictures of a rabbit, duck, lamb. Explain to children that when you ask for something you should say please. When you receive something you should say thank you. When someone says, “thank you” to you, you should say, “ you’re welcome.” Practice with them. Say, “ Please, may I have a cookie? “ “ Thank You! You’re welcome.” Have children practice with each other.
Before Reading
Vocabulary: High Frequency—please, who brown, white
Content Vocabulary—
Activate/Build Background Knowledge: Have you ever tried to make new friend? How did you do it? Have you ever tried to make a new friend and that person didn’t want to be your friend? How did that make you feel? Today we’re going to read a book about a white rabbit that tries to make friends. Read to find out how he does this. / Phonics/Mechanics: “pl” blend
Comprehension Strategy: Make and confirm predictions
During Reading
Using appropriate Guided reading strategies, students will be reading at their own pace and teachers will be listening to students read, monitoring, giving feedback, taking anecdotal notes and running records.
Read to bottom of Page 10 Let’s predict what white rabbit will do?
Read to bottom of page 13 Do you think brown rabbit will be his friend? Why??
Read to bottom on Page 16 Was our prediction correct?
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
After Reading
Within the Text—Who did rabbit try to make friends with first? What happened?
Who did rabbit try to make friends with second? What happened?
How does the story end?
Beyond the Text-- How do you think white rabbit felt when lamb and duck would not be his friend?
How do you think white rabbit felt when he tried to make friends with brown
What are some things you can do when you’re trying to make friends?
High Frequency—See Attached Sheet
Phonics—“pl” blend Write pl on chart paper. Explain that these letters blend their sounds when they are together. Demonstrate Write the words play and please. Underline the pl in each of the words while emphasizing the letter combination and its sound. Have children state other words that begin with pl and add those to the chart paper.
Comprehension—Good readers always make and confirm predictions as they read. They use the text, title, pictures and background knowledge to do this. We did this today as we read Little White Rabbit Makes a Friend. We need to make sure we confirm our predictions because if we don’t it’s just like guessing.
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
Content Core Integration:(Science, Soc. St., Math, etc.)Social Studies
Assessment: Take anecdotal notes on predicting abilities during reading. Practice on additional stories
Phonics—Give additional words with pl—play, place, plum, plate, plop etc. Can students blend the sounds together?
Social Studies—Note answers to Beyond the Text questions. Do students have ideas on how to make friends?
High Frequency—Can students recognize words in connected text? In isolation? Write results on running record or anecdotal notes. Continue to practice daily on word wall. / Activities: Have several pictures—Number pictures (use Houghton Mifflin picture box) Have picture with words with various blends including pl. Have students write beginning blend.

*Not all activities will be done in each lesson. Some lessons may take multiple days to complete. However, all students should be reading each time you meet.