2001 UITS IUB User Survey - Text Comments

Question: Are there additional comments you would like to make about University Information Technology Services?


When an individual person has been identified by name, the person's name is replaced with [IRD] - "Identifying Reference Deleted."

The entry [UNREADABLE] replaces sections of illegible text. Occasionally, the CSR enters information or comments that clarify text entries. The entry [DDE NOTE ...] indicates that the bracketed text was not provided by the respondent but rather was inserted by the CSR.

Undergraduate Students

The long distance rate of $,09/min is too expensive! I don't use the campus long distance as a result!

I am a returning student working full-time 2nd shift and can rarely fit any steps/prosteps into my schedule because of the predominance of classes given at night.

In general I only use my laptop in my room. However, whenever I've needed to access my email, or use the computer lab (in McNutt) it's always been extremely convenient & easy. I've also been very pleased w/the help service (#5-6789). I just started using webmail instead of Pine; it's so much better!

Better long-distance rates! More info on how to use lockers from dorm room-I've never used it-have no idea how to.

Students are made to be dependent of Technology services and when you need them (peak hours of the day) the wait is ridiculous. It would be almost impossible to go to school here without owning your own computer.

I didn't know about a lot of this stuff and I'm a senior. You should advertise/promote it more.

1) Would like if insite was available 24 hrs./day. 2) Would like ability to do all registration and bursar activities via web and credit card. 3) Consider possibility of on-campus cyber cafe or tech. center open 24 hrs. very convenient for non-traditional commuting students.

Check the printers in the computer stations!!! Half of the time they don't work!!!!!

Printer, printer, printer! Always break down! Esp. at BU, PY! More computer labs! Printing (express printing) more of it. More labs w/ scanners faster connection from off-campus houses. Overall great job! UITS is improving, we see hard work.

I am having this problem of getting my locker to work on my computer and UITS can never get it to work. It is really annoying. So, I have to FTP which is not as good. Also, I keep getting a user.exe,kernel32,cpquinet error on my screen. This happens frequently, yet I have not been able to repair this. If there is someone that you know who might be able to help me that would be great. My name is Scott at [IRD]. I know this is being sent to a survey center so I am not really expecting too much. Thanks. Bye.

More scanners and specialized hardware for residential dorms.

Lockers (NEON) being jammed Links between emails & inbox folders on web-mail (not being able to click back button) Over-crowded labs! Only Mac's for scanner use? Last bunch of files after being on Temp(Scratch?) for 12 hours.

In the IUB websites the search engine is really bad. About the lab consultant you have to choose the expert student with at least have learning some programming languages. The printer is really slow and sometimes is not working especially in the BU first floor.

Pine mail should print.

The UITS should make more computers with printers available in convenient locations.

When I use the computer clusters it is hard to find someone to help me. Also, when I first tried to print documents I was not told that I had to register for a printing account and many of the assistants I talked to knew nothing about it either.

I'm having major problems accessing my locker & Steel account & other students in my class are having similar problems. I think a simple set-up is necessary where we actually know what's happening. (I hope that makes sense!).

I was frustrated last semester when, after talking to three different UITS consultants on the phone, no one could diagnose or suggest solutions for a continuous beeping noise and failure for my computer to boot. Then a friend came over and within 2 minutes realized a keyboard key had been jammed. Also I would like to register for classes on INSITE, not at Franklin.

The info stations rarely work correctly and are in dire need of help.

Lockers fail often. Insite closes too early. PINE is AWFUL-not user friendly.

Telephone registration is a necessary component to IU, however it is currently too expensive to use.

a better email system.

The #1 thing I'd like is class registration online. Registering at Franklin is a pain! Other than that, I'm satisfied with computing at IU.

You obviously have great services available for IU students. However, I think that you need to do a better job about getting those services to students. I never hear info about them.

Make higher speed connections available to off-campus student users. Webmail was a much needed improvement.

Always show phone call history, several statements excluded this. Also explain the penalty fine. Shakepeare is out of date very difficult and ancient to use inability to attach files, etc. Webmail good addition.

Take lessons from Purdue on this one- go to webmail. purdue.edu, that's how its done. Those CPU's are ancient. Most of them have PII's so slow, w/PIV out its just easier to stay in my room and print and navigate.

The printing situation at Read is generally poor. A new printer was recently installed, but thus far it doesn't seem to be doing much better than the last one. This is the area that most concerns me most about the UITS. Everything else is pretty good overall.

I am very satisfied with the services that UITS has provided for me in past 4 years. My only grip [sic] is the computers at the IUM. They are the slowest computers on the entire campus & probably the most used.

Something needs to be done about the university's email system. Telnet is prehistoric & webmail has too many flaws.

Oncourse, Insight & professors use of class web pages have been extremely helpful for me. Class information through e-mail I don't know if I could survive w/o.

Printing on campus is very frustrating. I've never heard if it is possible to access lockers off campus. If it is, it should be made more well known how to, if it is not, then this service needs to be provided.

Have the technology service come out to your dorm room to help set up the eithanet [sic] service.

It would be nice if you could directly link to a web site from Pine. Attachments are difficult.

INSITE-optimally should be open 24 hours/day! Webmail has advantages but things like the "undelete function" or a trash can should be available. The IUWARE network CD really messed my computer up - it still doesn't function as well as it did before. Any improvements would be good. Thank you for your service to me!

I like all of your services. If you could make network computers a little faster, that would be great. I love the IU homepage and telephone services. I also really like the post em service. I like what you do for the University.

I would like to be able to download operating systems as a student.

The PINE system is not user-friendly.

The e-mail system is aesthetically very unappealing. The font is outdated and you can't open downloads.

Make registration available over insite!!

I really don't like the new IUCAT. The old one was clunky, but at least I could get it to find things. The new system is worse. I live off campus and I don't have a student telephone directory and since the campus switchboard doesn't deal with off-campus phone numbers I can't always find the phone numbers I need. There should be a way for off campus students to get a directory or if there is, it needs to be advertised better. I am aware that I can look up phone numbers through the e-mail system, but I don't have a computer in my apartment so when I'm home, that's not an option.

Great job overall, we're fortunate in the level of tech. that we're exposed to, however: . STC machines are slow . dial-in is arduos [sic] & connection speed is slow . It would be great to be able to register for classes online.

Sorry about some of my vague answers; I live next to 2 computer geniuses who repair or fix something if my computer acts up, so I use them instead of IU help. So that's why this may seem inconsistent.

Webmail is a great addition to the UITS options. Shakespeare was very outdated and made it difficult to view and send attachments. I only use webmail now to check my email. Insite is a great service, but it would be better if some services were available 24 hours a day. There have been times I really needed to access my transcript or schedule and it was closed.

I was very happy to see webmail, still is not the best email system, but much better than Shakespeare. Thanks!

-some printers are very slow. -long lines @ certain labs (by the time you get a computer, you don't have time to use it) -PINE can be very slow and delayed sometimes. For example, I can type a sentence, but when I look up at the screen, whatever I typed hasn't shown up yet.

Very convenient, easy to use, keep up the good work.

Color printers & scanners are needed throughout campus. Later hours, more hours open in SPEA lab.

On occasion when attempting to access my locker in the computer lab in the library, I have had difficulties. An error message appears and I can not access my account. It bothers me. Other than that everything else seems to be just fine. Good job guys.

The webmail is far superior to the Pine system. The Pine system is too old and cannot receive attachments. We need a system that is equally advanced as AOL, for example.

INSITE is great. However, the Bursar account is almost impossible to make sense of. I have used servers at cs.indiana.edu [UNREADABLE: LOOKS LIKE "burrown"] to publish web sites/ install servers (RE question 21A). I was very happy/satisfied with that experience. High praise is in order for allowing/having diverse computer system (NT, MacOSX, SUN). Thanks [IRD]

There are always long lines to use the computers in the Union and at Ballentine.

List phone payment # on bill. It's very inconvenient not to list it.

I was unaware of IU's It environment so it did not a affect my decision to come here. I have had trouble using long distance. And I lost my number and can no longer use long distance because of that. IT here is great, and it helps out very much.

I like webmail much better than the Shakespeare computers, because it seems more up-to-date. However, in Shakespeare, you can receive new mail during your session, if you can make that feature available in Webmail, that would be very helpful. (It is just annoying to have to sign out each time you think you might be getting new mail.) Thanks for the survey!! I appreciated giving my input.

I struggle with KB sometimes because it is just too basic. I wish there were more in depth answers to my questions. Overall the service from UITS is tremendous!

Allow the 8-hour PPP connect to be more available (less disconnects).

1.The modem dial-in numbers are way overloaded. 2.The mac student tech ctrs have old, slow computers and old software. Where are the G4s? 3.The people staffing the 855-6789 number are polite, but often do not know how to deal with problems; they need more training. 4.The Pine system is junk. Time to upgrade. 5.The Library system is nowhere near fully-functioning, and many, many books in the library (both new and old) are not in the computer; or seem not to be, sometimes you can find them is you think tricky...

-better dial in service, lines are often busy -AOL instant messenger service on on-campus computers

Should be able to register for classes online.

There is not enough locker space to hold some projects. For example, my locker is sometimes useless for GIS. Also, the lockers are not dependable because they are down a lot of the time. Webmail is a great thing but it could still use some fine tuning. For example, it would be nice to have new mail notification. The printing is too large on public computers. If I knew how to make it print the correct size instead of letting it zoom in I could save some pages of my printing allotment. There are too many classes being held during non-class hours. We frequently have to check a few labs before we find an available computers.

It can be improved if you keep your equipment up to date!

Student labs are more useful when students have decent access to public labs during daytime hours! I have conflicts at night which makes me unable to use the labs at 8pm!

I would just like to know if there is any way, when I have my computer connected to the internet via IUB services, that it could be as fast as residents' personal computers in the dorms?

I wish there were longer hours, more color printers, and an increased amount of computers in the labs. I also would like to have a locker since I do not have one, because I did not know I had one last year and now it is deactivated.

Don't tell me to put my drink in my bag or table, if it has a cap/lid on it!! Please. Great job with webmail!

For me to use telephone to drop the course they charge me the same as if I went in and talked to a person but they don't have to give me any customer service and I save them money

1 Printing in RTCs is problematic... especially on weekends 2 24-hour STC labs would be nice... if there are some, let me know

Off-campus, my computer seems to disconnect a lot.

I would like insite to be available for longer hours. I do not like that my permanent home address is printed in the student directory.

The apple computers drive me crazy, they are too slow and not user friendly.

-Increase inbox quota (space in MB) -Prevent FTP blockage to lockers/increase [UNREADABLE] logins -Fix locker quotas (not enforced/inadequate) -Allow php/cgi-script on IU pages --> discussion forum software currently available is terrible

The knowledge base has gotten more difficult to find and hasn't been maintained and updated with the same care that it was originally designed.

Pine is extremely outdated. It desperately needs replaced.

Remove home addresses from the phone listing book. It provides info that people do not need!

Residence Hall Networks (Willkie) have gotten slower after the up-grade. Too much traffic clogs it up! Make them faster!

It is very hard for me to have access to the campus computer because of living off campus. The parking situation for off-campus students is something I'd be very interested in completing a survey on.

Except earlier this year an email was sent out saying that modem speed had been improved, when in fact my roommate and I found that it took longer to search the web. That was a little annoying. Other than that, keep up the good work!

I. U. Webmail needs to improve a little because the spell check doesn't work or the attachments don't work that well and once you've typed an outgoing message you can't come back to it because the page needs to be refreshed often.

I feel there should be more computers available to use in the IU Memorial Union.

The mac computers (stand up email stations) in the Business school and downstairs Library rarely work. They once set broken for over 2 months. Not enough computers in the B-School.

More unrestricted, general us computer labs on campus.

It would be nice to have limited access to certain programs without having to enter a password. I also would like to see faster loading time when logging in on PCs. Maybe a customized desktop for everyone when they load up.

Better email! Webmail is too, slow!

The only thing that annoys me about the Pine system the amount of quota they have. I don't know if there is anything you can do about that.

As far as long distance services go, I think it would be possible & more "student-friendly" to find a cheaper long distance rate.

My number one concern is the lack of regular disk drivers with macintosh's on campus. The computing services in the main library also need to be greatly helped, with the iMacs in desperate need of frequent check-ups due to frequent crashing and disk drive malfunctions, the printers in need of improved speed and many of the email stations are also in need of repair.

Thank you for providing such helpful services!

Change anything - cuz it sucks.

It would be nice if the residential computer printers worked consistently.

You need a UITS center in the Geology building!!!

The ethernet has problems and runs slow frequently. In addition, the RTCs are not maintained.

Webmail was a big improvement for sending/receiving attachments. It is much easier to view attachments.

The ability to access lockers off the web would be beneficial.