It has now been a week since the EGM and election of new Club Officers ; folk must be wondering “ has anything changed , what is happening next ? ”

In terms of what is happening on the Track and over the Country our excellent athletes, coaches and officials continue to shine with a busy weekend of competition ahead both indoors and out.

The indoor season commences with Saturday’s Northern Athletics Open event at EIS and an encouraging level of entries from COYAC whilst our superb “mudlarks” aim to continue their winning ways at the 3rd round of the West Yorks XC League on Sunday in Spenborough; best wishes to all competing in these events or elsewhere in road races .

The new COYAC Management Committee met at the weekend and I am pleased to provide an insight to work now in hand :

●The Club’s Constitution is being assessed with input from EA and legal advisors.

●A Development plan is being prepared , this will be delivered to members in the early New Year and will provide us all with a new framework for working together.

●Heads of terms for Sub-Committees have been identified, small groups to meet quarterly to plan key parts of our Club’s day to day affairs eg Coordination of Officials, Coaching policies , Governance and Finance, Disabilty ,Track and Field, Cross Country and Road Racing, Fundraising and Sponsorship etc. Each will agree key objectives then report back to the Management Committee with recommendations and action plans for each section on a rolling basis.

●A newly created Junior forum will bring together representatives from each age group (maybe twice a year) in order that they can have a voice in Club affairs.

●The Annual Awards Night has long been a highlight of the winter months , planning work now commences to maintain the high standards of previous years and this event will take place in the early part of 2018

●Fund raising should be fun ! We hope that all groups and ages will get involved and come forward with ideas as to how we can boost Club funds and socialise at the same time.

●STOP PRESS !!!! Look out for notices around the Clubhouse promoting our Xmas Draw - your first chance to contribute and potentially win some extra spending money for the festive season !!!

Much more news will follow soon , the first Full Committee meeting will be in early December and in the meantime we will be discussing Sub-Committee roles with many of you - keep your phone switched on !

Best wishes for the weekend’s competition - wear the Green and Black with pride but above all else - ENJOY !

Paul Baxter
