/ MCS Camping Fractions! /
Lesson Title: Camping Fractions / Grade: 6 / Strand: Number Sense & Numeration
Learning Goal (Curriculum Expectations)
·  read, represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 1 000 000, decimal numbers to thousandths, proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers;
Success Criteria:
-Students are able to order fractions with unlike denominators
-Students are able to compare fractional amounts
-Students are able to determine if all campers received the same amount of pizza and who received the most
-Students are able to determine what fraction of pizza each camper received in each cabin
ICT Standards: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Students think critically to manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. /
Lesson Components / Anticipated Student Responses / Opportunities for ICT Integration
Part 1: Minds On
Ask students “How can you show that 1 ½ is greater than 5/4? “
In small groups, students can use a variety of materials to show their understanding.
Share responses on SMARTboard. / Share drawings, and/or physical or virtual fraction manipulatives to show the comparison of 1 ½ and 5/4
/ Share the laptop screens of the following websites:
·  Illuminations Website – Fraction Model
·  National Library of Virtual Manipulatives – Fraction Pieces
Interactive Fractions
·  SMART Notebook software – Gallery Search>Fractions
Part 2: Action
At a camp, the campers stayed in 4 cabins. One day, the campers were treated to pizza. The pizzas were given out in the following way: Grizzly Bear cabin – 3 pizzas Snowy Owl cabin – 4 pizzas Caribou cabin – 7 pizzas Salmon cabin – 5 pizzas
Name of Cabin / Number of Campers / Number of Pizzas
Grizzly Bear / 4 / 3
Snowy Owl / 5 / 4
Caribou / 8 / 7
Salmon / 6 / 5
Discuss how the number of pizzas given to each cabin was always one less than the number of campers.
Pose the problem that the students will solve:
What fraction of pizza did each camper receive in each cabin?
Did some campers get more pizza than others, or did all the campers receive the same amount of pizza?
Which campers received the largest fraction of pizza?
Clarify that: • all the pizzas are the same size; • the pizzas can be cut into any number of equal pieces.
Problem from eworkshop.on.ca / Screenshots of the following websites:
·  Illuminations Website – Fraction Model
·  National Library of Virtual Manipulatives – Fraction Pieces
·  SMART Notebook software – Gallery Search>Fractions
Part 3: Consolidation
Guiding Questions:
·  What strategies did you use to solve the problem?
·  How did you find the amount of pizza that each camper in the Grizzly Bear (Snowy Owl, Caribou, Salmon) cabin received?
·  Into how many equal pieces did you divide each pizza?
·  Why did you divide the pizza in this way?
·  How much did each camper in this cabin receive?
·  What information did you need to record so that others could understand your strategy and solution? / Math Congress:
Students will have an opportunity to share their thinking with the large group during a Math Congress.
Solutions can be shared on the SMART Board.
Part 3: Highlights and Summary
What math did we learn today? / -How to convert a mixed number to an improper fraction or an improper fraction to a mixed number
-How to represent mixed numbers and improper fractions in pictures using circular representations
-How to order and compare fractions
Part 3: Practice / Anticipated Response
• Which fractional part is largest–fourths, fifths, eighths, or sixths? Why?
• Which fraction – three fourths, four fifths, seven eighths, or five sixths – is closest to one whole?
• Why are seven eighths more than five sixths? / ·  Fourths – fewer parts are needed to make the whole.
·  Seven eighths – only one eighth is missing, and eighths are the smallest fractional part.
·  In both fractions, one fractional part is missing. Because eighths are smaller than sixths, seven eighths is closer to the whole than five sixths.

IT Services: Teaching and Learning with Technology - Spring 2011 - http://community.elearningontario.ca