Glasgow U15’S Mid Term Report

Lead Coach: Jess Mitchell

Assistant Coach’s: Claire Brownie & Bex Hewitt

Trainee Coach: Gill Smith

Manger: Lee Christie

June- December Coaching Report

At the start of the season Glasgow U15’s welcomed 26 athletes to the district program, to work with the newly appointed team of Claire Brownie, Bex Hewitt, lee Christie and trainee coach Gill Smith.

After trials, athletes where issued with Summer training Program. The TRAINING program incorporated a ball handling program, a muscular endurance circuit, Cardio respiratory suggestions and additional exercises to prevent injuries. The majority of athletes of 15 attended the summer program delivered by NetSetPlay.

Upon returning to training athletes were baseline tested on muscular endurance, cardio respiratory (Bleep Test) and ball handling skills. Each athlete was then given long and short term, individual targets to work towards after discussion from their mentoring coach.

The coaching an umpiring staff then set about creating an optimal environment, which will act as a catalyst in their development as athletes and young women. Initial training sessions developed basic fundamental skills from, throwing, catching, receiving and landing. Correct protocols for dynamic stretching and warm ups where also taught.

Practice scenarios towards the later stages of the season and building to competitions, focused on attacking play. A variety of innovative methods where used in the delivery, such as modified equipment and conditioned games. Tactical combinations, methods of getting free and set pieces where covered.

Athletes where encouraged to carry out set drills and then apply those skills into conditioned scenarios. This encouraged athletes to develop not only physically and technically but also allowed athletes to become mentally aware of their actions on court, working towards becoming more pro active rather than reactive. Ultimately athletes where encouraged to become autonomous in their decision-making.

In all the coaching sessions umpires have been encouraged to provide feedback to athletes in drills in particular to show to athletes the effect their body can have in the game and how they could prevent penalization. This has been proven hugely beneficial to athletes and to coaches alike.


Inverclyde, provided a fantastic opportunity for athletes not only to develop their netball skills but also communication and teamwork skills.

Athletes on the first evening where retested on their Fitness levels- which had been previously recorded at the beginning of the season. A series of attacking practices where also undertook such as as TTD, movement on and off the ball and timing drills.

On the Saturday athletes where separated into attack, defense and mid court. A shooting workshop was delivered by Bex Hewitt, addressing movement in and out of the circle, rotations, holds and shooting technique.

Centre Court players looked at methods of getting free and changing from attacking to defense, and the ability to deliver various feeds successfully into the circle.

Defense- looked at the three stages of defense, contesting, man to man, hands up to, drop off. These practices where then integrated into the circle and initial ‘switching’ was introduced. In the afternoon, athletes participated in a friendly against South Lanarkshire U15/U17’s in which they were victorious.

Sunday athletes participated in attacking movement through the court and read off drills. Athletes received various feedback throughout the weekend from coaches peers and umpires. Ipads were also used to provide players with visuals of their performances.

Team building was a huge success and athletes benefited from, team building games. The nutrition workshop was also widely enjoyed, where athletes worked in groups to creat (using the information given) either a before, during of after snack or liquid. This proved extremely beneficial as athletes where encouraged to think about healthy approaches to fuelling training in groups, whilst coming up with innovative ideas about marketing, selling and creating their ideal product.

Athletes thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and so did the coaches!

Netball Scotland Academy Competitions

Performance Squad

The U15’s first team has been unbeatable at both Edinburgh and Glasgow Competitions. Tough competition at Edinburgh was received from South Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire District. A variety of combinations where tried out during this competitions with each one proving successful. A particular game where the girls out performed was against rivals Renfrewshire. At half time the girls where 7-5 down and strove on to win the game 32-7! All the girls demonstrated outstanding play. Special acknowledgements for Gaby Rudwiska, Jess Edwards (C) and Catriona McDonald where given for their efforts.

At Holyrood competition the first team remained unbeaten fighting off stiff competition from Borders. This game finished with 5 in it after the Glasgow girls where down by 2 at half time. Timing throughout the court was excellent. A tactical change at half time involved asking the attack to feed the ball from the circle edge. Shooters where also required to change from a holding position to a mobile one in the circle, to overcome the borders height. The other games proved unchallenging.

Development Squad

The Development squad was also unbeatable at Edinburgh. Close game against East Renfrewshire proved to be the only noticeable upset with all players stepping up at half time to ensure the win. Special acknowledgements for Shannon Raine (C) and Kathleen Walker where given for their efforts and tenacious approach on court.

At Holyrood, the development squad where missing some key players to the squad ultimately their main shooters and mid court players. Nonetheless the girls all worked and adjusted to the variety of combinations put on court by the coaches. The girls demonstrated continued effort throughout and only lost one game to Angus. Kathleen Walker who was consistent in her approach and decision-making demonstrated fantastic play. Her innovative feeds outwitted the oppositional defense allowing the Glasgow Girls to stay in the lead.

Strength and Conditioning

Glasgow District Launched their 2014 Excel Programme. We selected a total of 8 of our elite athletes to attend weekly strength and conditioning sessions with Kevin Watson from the Institute of Sport. The athletes have found this extremely beneficial and a noticeable effect was made during the latest completion at Academies Competition.

Netball Scotland Pathways

13 athletes were successfully selected for Netball Scotland Pathways at the October trials. 8 of these athletes are Glasgow Districts U13’s. These athletes now attend training sessions 3 weeks of every month for 3 hours. Training involves technical, tactical and physical developments aimed to develop/ prepare athletes for U17 National Level.

Coaching Development

·  Myself and Claire coaching Academies.

·  Claire Brownie attended Excel Coaching workshops.

·  Gill Smith completed her umpiring B course and is listed for the next Level 1 UKCC

·  Myself and Trish Love travelled to Sweden.

Overall this mid term has proved a huge success for Glasgow U15’s. The girls have been punctual at training and undefeated in all competitions. A number of successful have been talent identified for pathways (13) and 8 have been nominated for S & C. Next season’s targets are to continue to develop their development in attack and defense whilst looking at tactical and technical aspects as a team on court.