RTW Monson Swimming Club - Entry Form for Open Competitions

Helpful Info
Please read the Entry Protocol!
If you don’t know your ASA number, please check here. If you cannot find it, please contact Ann Hunt ()
Check if you need to submit LC (long course) or SC (short course) times and convert them if necessary using
Separate payment for each open meet
By Cash or
By Cheque (payable to RTW Monson SC) or
By Bank transfer marked with the meet name & your child’s name as reference:
Bank: NatWest
Account Name: RTW Monson SC
Account Number:96833025
Sort Code:60-21-10 / Entry Protocol
Please list entries in chronological order
Enter a time for each event – check with the coach if you don’t have one.
All entries must be received by deadline date set by Monson, entries received after this date will not be submitted.
All entries in a sealed envelope clearly marked with:
Name of open meet
Name of swimmer/s
Cheque or cash enclosed
Before sealing envelope please check that swimmer details and times on entry form are correct.
Please keep a copy of your completed entry form.
If 2 meets have similar closing dates, 2 separate envelopes will be required, one for each meet. Entries for siblings at the same meet can go in the same envelope.
Contact details
Level 1 & 2 meets – Barry & Vikki Lambert ()
Level 3 & 4 meets – Helen Friend()
79 St James Park, Tunbridge Wells TN1 2LQ

Late entries or missing/incorrect payment unfortunately cannot be accepted

Name of Open Meet: ______

Competitor name in full: ______ASA Number: ______

Date of Birth: ______Age on day of meet: ______

Parent/Guardian name:______Tel no. ______

Parent/ Guardian email: ______

Can you help officiate?Yes / NoWhat Sessions can you help at: S1 / S2 / S3 / S4 / S5 / S6

If so are you licensed? Yes / NoAt what Level? J1 / J2 / J2S / Other: ______

Date of Event / Event No / Distance & Stroke / Time to be submitted (mm:ss.hh) / Long Course (LC) or Short Course (SC) *

*(LC = achieved in a 50m pool, SC = achieved in a 25m pool)

No. of events: ______Cost per event: ______Total Cost: ______Payment: please select: Cash / Cheque / Bank transfer