World Leaders Banquet


As one of the world’s most well known leaders of all time, you have been invited to attend the Second Annual World Leaders Workshop. The workshop is a day where famous leaders from around the world can come together and discuss their ideas on leadership. While you are an honored guest, you must come prepared with a poster that highlights your accomplishments. You should also be prepared to be interviewed and make a small presentation about your life works.

Prior to attending the workshop, you will also be asked to submit a list of 5 other world leaders you think should be invited to partake in this day of leadership. We want to make sure that all of the important people who have influenced you, and that you have influenced, are included on the invite list!


Objective: You will learn about major, influential leaders from around the world by conducting research and participating in a simulation.

Task: You will select a famous world leader. You should complete research in order to answer the questions on the “Individual Research” sheet. Your research will also help you to role play that person at our culminating World Leaders Banquet. You must be able to speak to others at the party about yourself and to learn about the other leaders attending the banquet.

Part I: Research Summary of your World Leader

·  Must be in outline form (must be a formal outline, roman numerals required)

·  Address/Answer the following questions:

1.  What are the dates of your birth/death?

2.  Where are you from?/Where were you a political leader?

3.  What are the important facts about your upbringing/background/childhood?

4.  Who were the most influential people in your life? Who were your associates and who were your enemies?

5.  What is considered to be your greatest contribution/accomplishment? Explain in detail. If there is more than one, explain all that apply J

6.  How would the world be different without your accomplishments? Would the world be better or worse off?

7.  Are you universally thought of as a “good” person or are there some “controversial” aspects to your life/ideas? If so, what? Explain why you are “good” or “controversial”.

8.  What are two quotes that best summarize you as a leader?

9.  **THIS IS A PARAGRAPH** In 150 words or less describe who you are and why you are an important political leader.

Part II: Graphic Representation.

·  Use poster paper!! Must be on paper bigger than 8 ½ x 11

·  Information to include:

o  Leader’s name

o  Date of birth/death

o  Symbolic or pictorial representation of who you are and what you did

§  Must be CREATIVE

§  Must be neat, colorful, organized

Part III: Role Play Simulation Participation

·  On the day of the World Leaders Banquet will be expected to speak as the leader you have chosen and to answer questions about his/her life. You will be required to interview other world leaders at the banquet to learn about their accomplishments.

Part IV: Quality of Research and Works Cited Page

·  You will be required to utilize a minimum of THREE different sources.

·  The sources you select should be ACADEMIC. Points will be taken off for non-academic sources (Wikipedia, infoplease,, etc.).

o;; Facts on File, other databases

·  You will hand in a MLA formatted works cited page with your research summary.

World Political Leaders (no repeats!!):

______Mahatma Gandhi

______Martin Luther King, Jr.

______Cesar Chavez

______Eleanor Roosevelt

______Margaret Thatcher

______Winston Churchill

______Fidel Castro

______Adolf Hitler

______Abraham Lincoln

______Harvey Milk

______Andrew Jackson

______George W. Bush

______Benito Mussolini

______Pope Francis

______Josef Stalin

______Nelson Mandela

______Malala Yousafzai

______Barack Obama

______Vladamir Putin

______Kim Jong Un

______Benjamin Netanyahu

______Thurgood Marshall

We will be working in class 1/19 and 1/21

The project is due Monday, January 25


Late projects will receive a point deduction of 10%; if you have an unexcused absence on the due date you will lose the simulation points.