(To be received by the Grand Secretary by the first day of February)


We, the undersigned, offer in nomination, the name of (Please print)

Bro. / of / Council #



___Ven. Bro. / S. M. of / Council #
(please print name above)
___Ven. Bro. / Sec’y of / Council #
Signature / (please print name above)

IF NOT the S.M. or Secretary, then 3 Past Sovereign Masters may nominate

___Ven. Bro.
(please print name) (Signature)
___Ven. Bro.
(please print name) (Signature)
___Ven. Bro.
(please print name) (Signature)

IF additional names are to be added, please attach another sheet of paper.

Meritorious Service Award

(To be received by the Grand Secretary by the first day of February)

From the Constitution—

251 / The Grand Council may award the Allied Masonic Degrees of Canada Meritorious Service Award (MSA) to any AMD Brother in the form of a certificate.
252 / This award shall be requested by a Constituent Council, or three (3) Past Sovereign Grand Masters working together, and submitted directly to the committee, in recognition of outstanding service to the Allied Masonic Degrees of Canada by a Brother who has devoted himself and his talents with distinction to his Constituent Council or the Order, and who has fully earned the respect and esteem of his Brethren for good work, conscientiously performed, and well done.
253 / The nomination for the Meritorious Service Award must be submitted in writing, signed by the Sovereign Master and/or Council Secretary or three (3) or more Past Sovereign Masters of a Constituent Council, to the Grand Secretary giving the full name, address, name and number of the Council in which the Brother is a member, along with full particulars of the special services claimed for the nominee. The nominee MUST NOT be informed of his nomination.
254 / The Grand Secretary shall forward all nominations to the Distinguished Service/Meritorious Service Award Committee for approval. The committee shall consist of the Immediate Past Sovereign Grand Master (chairman), the current Sovereign Grand Master, and the Deputy Grand Master, who must be unanimous in approval. No member of the committee shall be eligible to receive the Meritorious Service Award during his term on the committee.
Decisions regarding recipients shall be final and an unfavourable decision may not be appealed.
255 / The Constituent Council of the recipient shall be notified of the decision.
256 / There shall be no posthumous awards.
257 / The maximum number of awards in any Masonic year shall not exceed one (1) to any Constituent Council.
258 / The Sovereign Grand Master or his designate shall make the presentation of the award to the recipient who, after the presentation ceremony, shall be received west of the altar and given Grand Honours according to his rank.
259 / A record of each award and the citation of his service shall be entered in a special register which shall be kept by the Grand Secretary and shall be included in the report of the Awards Committee made directly to the Grand Council at the Annual Assembly.
260 / The names of all living recipients of the Meritorious Service Award belonging to a Constituent Council shall be noted in the Council summons.

Send the completed form to: Brian Rountree, Grand Secretary

560 Warsaw Ave.

Winnipeg, MB R3L 0R4

OR scan and email it to:

before February 1, 2015

MSA revised Oct 2014