GPY 100 - Physical Geography
Explores the spatial patterns between landforms, natural systems of flora and fauna, and climate. Designed to increase awareness of the physical environment, its landscape, controls, and processes, and the interrelationships of natural phenomena.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY10001ALL3.000Physical GeographyT06:00 pm-08:50 pm Michael S Gutowsky (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B1112
GPY10002ALL3.000Physical GeographyT10:00 am-11:15 am Michael S Gutowsky (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK D1227
R10:00 am-11:15 am Michael S Gutowsky (P) 01/11-04/30 HRY 116
GPY10003ALL3.000Physical Geography
Elena Lioubimtseva (P)01/11-04/30ONLINE
GPY 200 - Computer CartographyThis course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of computer cartography. We explore various techniques for the analysis, manipulation, and visualization of spatial data. Topics include earth models, datums, map projection, coordinate systems, map types, spatial and statistical data analysis, cartographic generalization/symbolization, data classification, cartographic design, and thematic mapping. Fulfills Foundation - Mathematical Sciences. Prerequisite: MTH 110.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY20001ALL3.000Computer CartographyMWF11:00 am-11:50 am Wanxiao Sun (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY20002ALL3.000Computer CartographyTR02:30 pm-03:45 pm Kin M Ma (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY 209 - Introduction to Urban and Regional PlanningAn introduction to the study and profession of urban planning. This course provides a background in the history and theory of urban planning, including an examination offorces that have shaped the way our communities look and feel today. By the end of the course students are also equipped with numerousstrategies (solutions)for addressing environmental challenges and ensuring future sustainability.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY20901PEW3.000Intro to Urban and Regional PlanningTR 11:30 am-12:45 pm Patricia A Houser (P) 01/11-04/30 EC 716
GPY 220 - Cultural GeographyThe distinctive spatial patterns of culture around the world will be investigated. This course examines the distributions of population, language, religion, race, agriculture, industry, urbanization, and development as well as how these distributions change over time. Fulfills Foundation - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY22001ALL3.000Cultural GeographyMWF11:00 am-11:50 am Patricia A Houser (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK D1233
GPY22002ALL3.000Cultural GeographyW06:00 pm-08:50 pm James W Penn (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK A1111
GPY 235 - World Regional GeographyA survey of geography followed by an examination of specific geographic concepts. Physical, cultural, economic, and related factors will be given more emphasis than place-name geography. Fulfills Foundation - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Fulfills Cultures - World Perspectives.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY23501ALL3.000World Regional GeographyMWF11:00 am-11:50 am Jeroen Wagendorp (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK D1123
GPY23502ALL3.000World Regional GeographyTR11:30 am-12:45 pm Michael S Gutowsky (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B1112
GPY23503ALL3.000World Regional GeographyTR04:00 pm-05:15 pm Jonathan E Wessell (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK D1123
GPY23504ALL3.000World Regional GeographyMW01:30 pm-02:45 pm Jeroen Wagendorp (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK D1227
GPY23505ALL3.000World Regional GeographyW06:00 pm-08:50 pm Jonathan E Wessell (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK D1123
GPY23506ALL3.000World Regional GeographyTR10:00 am-11:15 am Gang Xu (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK D1221
GPY23507ALL3.000World Regional GeographyM06:00 pm-08:50 pm Jonathan E Wessell (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK D1221
GPY23508ALL3.000World Regional GeographyTR01:00 pm-02:15 pm Roy Cole (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK BLL110
GPY 300 - Research Methods in Geography and PlanningA survey of the principal methods of conducting research in geography and planning, focused on the logic and theory of research, formulation and testing of hypotheses, research design, measurement, data collection and analysis, classical and spatial statistics, the presentation of results, and ethical issues involved in research involving people. Prerequisite: STA 215.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY30001ALL3.000Research Methods in Geography W 06:00 pm-08:50 pm Roy Cole (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B1138
GPY 307 - Introduction to Computer Mapping/Geographic Information SystemsBasic hands-on approach to computer mapping and geographic information systems. Class work focuses on natural and social science examples of mapping and geographic information systems. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY30701ALL3.000Intro to Computer Mapping/Geographic Information Systems TR 11:30 am-12:45 pm Kin M Ma (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY30702ALL3.000Intro to Computer Mapping/Geographic Information Systems T 06:00 pm-08:50 pm Kin M Ma (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY307901ALL0.000Intro to Computer Mapping/Geographic Information Systems M 03:00 pm-05:50 pm Kin M Ma (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY307902ALL0.000Intro to Computer Mapping/Geographic Information Systems R 04:00 pm-05:50 pm Kin M Ma (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY307903ALL0.000Intro to Computer Mapping/Geographic Information Systems W 06:00 pm-08:50 pm Kin M Ma (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY307904ALL0.000Intro to Computer Mapping/Geographic Information Systems R 06:00 pm-08:50 pm Kin M Ma (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY 310 - Land Use PlanningThis builds on the fundamental concepts, principles, strategies, and tools of city and regional land use planning. The focus is on the real-world and sustainable land use planning process and implementation. In the winter of 2016 three major areas of focus will be zoning, parks, and equitable housing.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY31001ALL3.000Land Use PlanningMW03:00 pm-04:15 pm Patricia A Houser (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK D2227
GPY 316 - Introduction to Transportation PlanningThis course is an introduction to transportation planning. It explores the planning, land use, and policy implications of city and regional transportation as it relates it to urbanism, energy use, public health and safety, sustainability, and economic development.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY31601PEW3.000Intro to Transportation PlanningR06:00-08:50 pm Steven L Stepek (P) 01/11-04/30 EC 710
GPY 335 - Globalization and DevelopmentDevelopment involves positive and negative social, political, economic, cultural, and environmental changes for people living in a region or a country. GPY 335 explores the complex geography of the processes associated with development and in particular global development.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY35501ALL3.000Geography of Southwest Asia (The Middle East). TR 11:30 am-12:45 pm Roy Cole (P) 01/11-04/30 PAD 20
GPY 352–Geography of Latin AmericaThe growth and development of Latin America has a significant impact on most activities in North America. Examines those effects and studies the cultural and physical development of Latin America. Fulfills Cultures - World Perspectives. Offered winter semester.
3.000 Credit hours
TR 1-2:15 Jim Penn PAD 261
GPY 355 -Geography of Southwest Asia (The Middle East)
Introduction to physical and cultural geography of Southwest Asia and North Africa. Fulfills Cultures - World Perspectives.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY35501ALL3.000Geography of Southwest Asia (The Middle East).
TR11:30 am-12:45 pmRoy Cole (P)01/11-04/30PAD 209
GPY 356 - Geography of Europe
The world has been strongly influenced by European geographic principles and practices. Course will focus on the physical and cultural geographic development of Europe, including a spatial analysis of the area's population, resources, and economy. Fulfills Cultures - World Perspectives. Fulfills one of the Themes requirements.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY35601ALL3.000Geography of Europe Jeroen Wagendorp (P) 01/11-04/30 ONLINE
GPY 361 - People, Environment, and Development in the AmazonThis course explores natural resource use and human settlement over time in the Amazon Basin, from early tribal societies to the present. Topics include extractive economies, trade in animal and forest products, conservation and development initiatives, and the changing demands for resources in urban centers of Amazonia today. Fulfills one of the Themes requirements.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY36101ALL3.000People, Environment, and Development in the Amazon TR 10:00 am-11:15 am James W Penn (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK A2117
GPY 365 - GIS for Economic and Business Decision-MakingExplores the use of geographic information systems (GIS) technology in economic and business decision-making, including market area analysis, geodemographic segmentation, site selection, routing, customer profiling, sales territory management, and location strategies. Emphasis on hands-on activities. Problem-based learning approach. Cross listed with MKT 365. Part of the Information, Innovation, and Technology Issue. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY36501ALL3.000GIS for Economic and Business Decision-Making TR 01:00 pm-02:15 pm Gang Xu (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY 399 - Independent ReadingsIndependent supervised readings in selected topics. Offered every semester. Prerequisites: Permission of program coordinator. Graded credit/no credit.
1.000 TO 3.000 Credit hours
GPY39901ALL1.000Independent ReadingsElena Lioubimtseva (P)01/11-04/30
GPY 407 - Advanced GISAn advanced level GIS course emphasizing decision analysis through applications of spatial statistics and geospatial modeling. Topics include multivariate statistics, error assessment and propagation, fuzzy logic, uncertainty, and decision risk in GIS modeling, location analysis, and terrain modeling using industry standard GIS software. Prerequisites: GPY 307.
GPY40710ALL4.000Advanced GISMW01:30 pm-02:45 pm Wanxiao Sun (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY407901ALL0.000Advanced GISM03:00 pm-05:50 pm Wanxiao Sun (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY407902ALL0.000Advanced GISR04:00 pm-05:50 pm Wanxiao Sun (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY407903ALL0.000Advanced GISW06:00 pm-08:50 pm Wanxiao Sun (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY407904ALL0.000Advanced GISR06:00 pm-08:50 pm Wanxiao Sun (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY 412 - Global Environmental ChangeThe main theme of this course is the changing nature of our environment and human-environmental interactions. Topics include climatic fluctuations, environmental reconstructions, the interaction between humankind and the environment since the prehistoric times, and human-induced environmental change of the last century at the global, continental, and regional scales. Cross listed with ENS 412. Part of the Sustainability Issue. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY41201ALL3.000Global Environmental ChangeTR01:00 pm-02:15 pm Elena Lioubimtseva (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK D2123/HRY 117
GPY 470 - Digital Image ProcessingProvides theory and applications of digital image processing techniques. Focuses on the methodologies of thematic extraction of environmental information using computer-based image processing systems and interface between GIS and remote sensing. Topics include image enhancement, multispectral classification algorithms, and model development. Prerequisites: MTH 110, GPY 370, NRM 350, or permission of instructor.
3.000 Credit hours
GPY47001ALL3.000Digital Image ProcessingMWF10:00 am-10:50 am Wanxiao Sun (P) 01/11-04/30 MAK B2126
GPY 490 - InternshipSupervised work experience in an area related to geography. Offered every semester. Prerequisites: Permission of program coordinator. Graded credit/no credit.
1.000 TO 9.000 Credit hours
GPY49001ALL1.000InternshipElena Lioubimtseva (P)01/11-04/30
GPY 499 - Independent ResearchResearch conducted individually with faculty supervision. Attention given to written and oral presentation of research findings. Offered every semester. Prerequisites: Permission of program coordinator. Graded credit/no credit.
1.000 TO 3.000 Credit hours
GPY49901ALL1.000Independent ResearchElena Lioubimtseva (P)01/11-04/30