7387 W Kentucky Dr Apt D Christie Hasbrouck School:

Lakewood, CO 80226 Personal: Cell: (812) 841-5152



Master of Science in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (in progress)

Colorado School of Mines; Golden, CO

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (May 2016)

Minor in Metallurgical Engineering

Trine University; Angola, IN


Colorado School of Mines; Golden, CO (July 2016 – present)

Research Assistant

Center for Welding, Joining and Coatings Research

Sandia National Laboratories; Albuquerque, NM (May 2015 – August 2015)

Mechanical Engineering Intern

▪Developed standard practice for calibrating LVDT sensors in HBM machines

▪ Composed a spreadsheet of all sensors in the mechanical testing lab

▪ Evaluated Scan&Solve finite element analysis (FEA) software for Rhinoceros 5

-Created solid models using SolidWorks

-Ran finite element analysis on solid models using Scan&Solve for Rhinoceros 5

▪ Wrote a finite element code using Matlab to analyze a one-dimensional cantilever bar with axial loading

Lehigh University; Bethlehem, PA (May 2014 – August 2014)

Undergraduate Research Assistant

▪ Supported Dr. Himanshu Jain and his graduate student Charlie McLaren on research of electric field assisted viscous flow of glass

▪Measured softening temperature of glasses at different voltages, developing the following skills:

-Batching, melting, and pouring mixed alkali silicates of lithium and sodium

-Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

-Cutting glass samples with a low speed saw

-Hand polishing glass samples using polishing wheels

-Using a creep tester to perform compression tests at different applied voltages

-Syncing data to videos and spectrum collection using Logger Pro and Matlab

-Viewing samples under an optical microscope and capturing pictures using PAX-it!

▪Authored a technical paper and created a poster and PowerPoint presentation summarizing the 10-week program

Regal Beloit Corporation; Fort Wayne, IN (June 2013–May 2015)

Mechanical Engineering Co-op

Rotation 1: HVAC NPD Co-op (June 2013–August 2013)
▪ Supported new product development on two new products: high speed Eon motors and DEC Star axial motors, developing the following skills:

-Programming and running electronic controlled motors with LabTool

-Making, testing, and placing thermocouples
-Performing rotor and shaft TIR (total indicated run-out)
-Conducting dynamometer tests: calibration, performance audits, performance sweeps, and separation of losses

Rotation 2: Materials Lab Co-op (August 2013–January 2014)
▪ Performed failure analysis for the materials lab, including ball bearings, broken motor shafts, etc. completing 50 projects, issuing over 20 professional lab reports, and developing the following skills:

-Microscopy: optical, digital, metallographic, and scanning electron with energy dispersive spectroscopy

-Materials testing: Instron mechanical testing device, hardness and microhardness machines, metallography
-Communication skills: professional lab reports and presentations, comprehensive photo documentation

-Lean Manufacturing/ Six Sigma

-General chemical and electrical safety

▪ Developed a process map and PowerPoint presentation on the complete failure analysis of ball bearings

Rotation 3: HVAC Mechanical Engineering Co-op (January 2015 – May 2015)

▪ Supported the HVAC team with various manufacturing process simplifications and completion of PPAPs to qualify manufacturing processes, developing the following skills:

-Metrology: Hommelwerke roundscan machine, coordinate measurement machine (CMM), air gauge, surface finish, total indicated runout (TIR), height gauge, vision machine and various handheld calipers

-Microscopy: scanning electron with energy dispersive spectroscopy

-Materials testing: Instron mechanical testing device, Halt Hass salt spray testing
-Communication skills: professional lab reports and presentations, comprehensive photo documentation

GE Aviation; Terre Haute, IN(May 2012–July 2012)

Quality Engineering Intern

▪ Edited 150+ shop floor instructions at Tri-Remanufacturing

▪ Located, labeled, and documented 200+ tooling fixtures during remodeling at Tri-Remanufacturing
▪ Set up a basis for plant-wide recycling at Unison Engine Components
▪ Assisted with the integration of the Quality Manuals at Unison Engine Components
▪ Involved in the Diversity Council and Community Involvement Council

▪ Co-facilitated a group for Terre Haute interns on GE Connect website

Terre Haute Parks and Recreation;Terre Haute, IN (May 2011 – August 2011)

Summer Concessions and Train Driver

▪ Answered customers’ questions about the park: locations of pavilions, pool hours, swimming programs, etc. and worked concessions

▪ Drove and maintained train ride

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Terre Haute, IN (July 2010)

Operation Catapult

▪ Used wind tunnels to test various aerodynamic laws; created and tested an airfoil design


▪ Acknowledged for my work as an REU student at Lehigh University:

C. McLaren, W. Heffner, R. Tessarollo, R. Raj and H. Jain. “Electric field-induced softening of alkali silicate glasses.” Applied Physics Letters 107.18 (2015): Web.


▪ Experiencedin CAD modeling, including AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks, and NX

▪ Experienced in FEA, including ANSYS and Scan&Solve for Rhinoceros 5

▪ Experienced in MATLAB programming and Regal-Beloit’s electronic controlled programming tools

▪ Able to perform a complete metallographic inspection, including etching and the use of the following equipment: hardness machine, linear precision saw, mount making press, metallurgical polishing wheels, microhardness machine, metallographic microscope

▪ Adept at lost foam casting techniques: foam shaping, sand mold packing and metal pouring

▪ Adept atmultiple microscope types, including digital, optical and scanning electron with energy dispersive spectroscopy capabilities

▪ Adept at various precision measurement tools, including Hommelwerke roundscan, CMM, air gauge, surface finish, TIR, height gauge, vision machine, calipers and micrometers

▪ Experiencedin programming both dynamometers and tensile testing machines

▪Trained in hand soldering, including SMD techniques

▪ Trained in Lean Manufacturing/Six Sigma

▪ Trained in MIG welding and aluminum casting

▪ Skilled in technical report writing, presentations and comprehensive photo documentation


▪Alpha Chi Undergraduate Honor Society

-President of Indiana Epsilon chapter (2014)

▪ American Foundry Society (AFS)

▪ American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

▪ American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

▪ American Welding Society (AWS)

▪ Engineers Without Borders (EWB)

▪ Foundry Educational Foundation (FEF)

▪ Golden Key International Honour Society

▪ Material Advantage Program - student memberships to the following professional societies:
-The American Ceramic Society (ACerS)
-The Association for Iron and Steel Technology (AIST)
-ASM International
-The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)

▪ National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals (NOGLSTP)

▪ Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)

▪ Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor Society

▪Pi Tau Sigma Mechanical Engineering Honor Society

▪ Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

▪ Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society

-President of Indiana Epsilon chapter (2014)

-Vice President of Indiana Epsilon chapter (2015)

-Secretary of the Student Advisory Board (2015)

- Vice Chair of the Student Advisory Board (2016)

▪ Trine University Honors Student Association

-Served as a mentor to 8 honors freshmen (2012–2013)

-Served as a mentor to 2 honors freshmen (2015 – 2016)


▪Received Tau Beta Pi No. 811 fellowship (2016 – 2017)

-Featured in the summer 2016 issue of Tau Beta Pi’s magazine, The Bent (July 2016)

▪ Graduated from Honors Program at Trine University, Magna cum Laude (May 2016)

▪President's List at Trine University: Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Fall 2015

▪Dean's List at Trine University: Spring 2013, Spring 2016

▪Received Foundry Educational Foundation scholarship (2014 – 2015 & 2015 – 2016)

▪Received Tau Beta Pi Record No. 933 scholarship (2014 – 2015)

-Featured in the fall 2014 issue of Tau Beta Pi’s magazine, The Bent(October 2014)

▪ Received Indiana Space Grant Consortium scholarship (2012 – 2013, 2014 – 2015, & 2015 – 2016)

▪ Published in W.H. Freeman’s 2014 calculus textbook: Calculus, First Edition by Michael Sullivan and Kathleen Miranda; ISBN-10: 1-4292-5433-5.

▪ Featured on Trine University website student profile (January 2013)

▪ Featured in the fall 2012 issue of Allen School of Engineering and Technology (ASOET) Magazine (October 2012)

▪Received Trine University Mechanical Engineering Chair Tuition scholarship (2011 – 2016)

▪Honored as co-valedictorian at Terre Haute North Vigo High School (2011)


Fundamentals of Engineering Exam – Mechanical Engineering (January 2016)


GRE Revised General Test (August 2015)

Verbal Reasoning: 156

Quantitative Reasoning: 161

Analytical Writing: 4.0

SAT (October 2010)

Score: 2060

ACT (March 2010)

Score: 32


Trine University; Angola, IN (August 2011 – May 2016)

BS Mechanical Engineering, minor in Metallurgical Engineering

  1. Design and Build a Die Casting Machine – Mechanical Design I & II (Fall 2015 & Spring 2016)

The goal of this project was to design and build a safe, stable, and easily maintained laboratory-scale die casting machine that is moveable and has data acquisition to be used by Trine University’s mechanical engineering department. This is a cold chamber machine with a removable die that is capable of producing a tensile bar in accordance to ASTM standard E8/E8M – 15a Section 5a Figure 1 dimensions. The first semester of the project included identifying customer needs, defining requirements, concept generation, concept selection/research, and the detailed design (CAD model, FEA analysis, etc.). The second semester included building and testing the machine.

  1. Design a Sprinkler System for a Two-Story Building – Thermal/Fluid Component Design (Fall 2015)

Given a building design layout, the goal was to design a sprinkler system capable of supplying water to the furthest edge of the building. The use of a MATLAB code was employed that was developed partially by the mechanical engineering professors but updated and modified individually by each person in the group before the project was assigned and the groups were formed. The pressure and mass flow rate at each node was calculated via this MATLAB code in order to ensure that the sprinkler system would work.

  1. Heat Exchanger Laboratory Experiment – Thermal/Fluid Component Design (Fall 2015)

Using Trine University’s heat exchanger laboratory setup, the T/FCD class was to write up an experiment for the Heat Transfer class to predict the output temperatures of the heat exchanger given parallel or counterflow configuration, the input temperatures, and the input flow rates. A laboratory manual was written, complete with theory, a practice heat exchanger problem, and procedure. A MATLAB code was written and utilized to predict the outlet temperatures of the heat exchanger given the inputs listed above.

  1. Design a Heat Exchanger for a House – Thermal/Fluid Component Design (Fall 2015)

The goal of this project was to design a hydronic heating system for a home. The required tasks were to size a suitable heat exchanger, specify the piping for and flow rate of the boiler water, and determine the pump power required to circulate the boiler-side flow rate.

  1. Build a Strain Gauge Scale– Mechanical Measurements Laboratory (Fall 2015)

A small scale was constructed using a strain gauge. Uncertainty analysis was performed on the scale. Finally, a data sheet including calibration steps and the uncertainty analysis, which included several sources of error.

  1. Fourbar Linkage System – Mechanics of Machinery (Fall 2014)

Given an input torque, the goal was to design and build a fourbar mechanism. The mechanism had to meet the Grashof condition so that a dyad driver could be added if necessary in the future. We also analyzed the possible output angles, angular velocities, angular accelerations, and torques using MATLAB.

  1. Wind Tunnel Support Design – Computer-Aided Machine Design (Spring 2014)

During construction of Trine University's newest engineering building, the wind tunnels were removed. A new one was being constructed when the CAMD class was given the project of designing a support structure for this wind tunnel. We used our knowledge of materials properties, machine design, and finite element analysis to choose a material, create a design, and test it using ANSYS.

  1. Pneumatic Lacrosse Ball Launcher – Mechanical Engineering Analysis (Fall 2012)

The objective was to build a pneumatic actuator-powered lacrosse ball launcher. It was to launch the lacrosse ball 15 feet, within a radius of one foot. My responsibilities included brainstorming, initial calculations, assembly and editing of the project proposal, and helping to construct and test the device.

Sandia National Laboratories; Albuquerque, NM (May 2015 – August 2015)

Mechanical Engineering Intern

  1. MATLAB Finite Element Analysis Code

With the help of senior manager Jim Redmond at Sandia National Laboratories, I wrote an FEA code to solve for a cantilever beam of N elements, with Gaussian distributions of elastic moduli and cross-sectional areas. For inputs of length of beam, axial load, average and standard deviation of cross-sectional areas, average and standard deviation of elastic modulus, and number of elements, the code plots the tip deflection as well as the spread of tip deflections, spread of elastic moduli, and spread of cross-sectional areas.

  1. Evaluation of Scan&Solve for Rhinoceros 5

I evaluated a meshless finite element analysis add-on called Scan&Solve for the CAD program Rhinoceros 5. This software will likely be used by mechanical engineers at Sandia National Laboratories in the future based on my recommendation.

Lehigh University; Bethlehem, PA (May 2014 – August 2014)

Materials Science Research Assistant

  1. Investigation of the Softening Temperature of Mixed Silicate Glasses

During this REU, I learned to batch and melt various mixed silicate glasses, prepare samples using basic metallurgical techniques, perform destructive tests using a modified creep tester, and sync results to experimental video. I measured the strengths of applied DC voltages at the onset of viscous flow for four different glass types.

Regal-Beloit Corporation; Fort Wayne, IN (June 2013 –May 2015)

Mechanical Engineering Co-op

  1. Comprehensive Instructions for Ball Bearing Failure Analysis

I provided instructions and comprehensive photo documentation for the complete failure analysis of ball bearings. These instructions are used to train all materials lab co-ops on failure analysis of ball bearings at Regal-Beloit Corporation.

GE Aviation; Terre Haute, IN(May 2012 – July 2012)

Quality Engineering Intern

  1. Tooling Fixture Renovation

I located, labeled, and documented over 200 tooling fixtures, using input from shop floor employees who used the tooling fixtures on a weekly basis.


The Tau Beta Pi Association, Inc.(2013 – present)

As a member of Tau Beta Pi, I have the opportunity to volunteer for various community service projects. The biggest project I organized was an annual "Christmas" ​for local elementary school students. Local elementary schools receive hats, gloves, and candy canes from Trine University's chapter of Tau Beta Pi. I also organized a smaller annual project, “Trick-or-canning” around the local community for canned goods during Halloween to donate to a local food bank. Lastly, I am Vice Chair of the national Student Advisory Board, which provides help and advice on national issues to the Executive Board of Tau Beta Pi Association, Inc.

Trine University Honors Student Association(August 2012 – May 2013, August 2015 – May 2016)

I volunteered as a mentor to 8 incoming honors freshmen my sophomore year and 2 incoming honors freshmen my senior year. This included help with homework, tours around campus, meeting for lunch, etc.

Society of Women Engineers (2011 – present)

Every year,Trine University’s SWE chapter hosts "Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day." I volunteer with other professional engineering organizations at Trine University to host STEM-related activities for middle school-aged children.

Trine University Math Club(2011 – 2016)

Every year, Trine University's Math Club hosts "Math Kids' Night" at the university. I volunteer to help with math-related activities for elementary-aged children.We also host "Pie a Professor" every year on Pi Day, March 14. I help invite professors and collect monetary votes, donations that go to a local charity each year.

Trine University Multicultural Student Organization(2011 – 2016)

I volunteer my time and creativity for various events throughout the year for the MSO at Trine University. Some of these events include "Halloween at the Y," Martin Luther King Day presentations, and "International Night."

Habitat for Humanity International(July 2015)

A few weekends in July, I volunteered with Sandia National Laboratories to help build a house with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Albuquerque.

United Way Worldwide(June 2013)

As a co-op at Regal-Beloit Corporation in Fort Wayne, IN, I volunteered during the United Way's "Day of Caring." We volunteered an 8-hour day for maintenance and landscaping at a local Girl Scouts camp.

GE Aviation(July 2012)

As a part of the Community Involvement Committee, I worked with other GE Aviation employees to provide drainage and landscaping for a local elementary school playground.

Terre Haute Children's Museum(2009 – 2011)

As a part of National Honor Society, I volunteered in the office filing paperwork, and also helped children with the displays around the museum.