FayW.WhitneySchool of Nursing

FNP Student, Faculty and Preceptor Clinical Guidelines


  1. Submit current RN licensure, CPR certification and malpractice insurance and immunization validation to Claire Hitchcock as requested.
  2. Arrange for interview and provide preceptor(s) with current resume, up-to-date skills checklist, schedule of days and times available for clinical experience
  3. Complete forms and any tests required by individual clinical facilities. Observe agency policies.
  4. Assure that the clinical agency contract is secured before starting clinical experience.
  5. Be prepared, punctual and follow NP student dress code for the clinical experience
  6. Discuss weekly learning needs and objectives with preceptor(s)
  7. Adhere to standards and scope of advanced practice nursing
  8. Clearly and briefly present all cases to the preceptor
  9. Confer with preceptor/faculty to keep informed of progress
  10. Document clinical experiences in Typhon Computerized Tracking System
  11. Arrange faculty site visit with FNP faculty and clinical preceptor
  12. Contact clinical coordinator and/or course faculty if problems or conflicts arise regarding scheduling, course objectives, or interpersonal difficulties
  13. Arrange for any make up time at the convenience of the preceptor
  14. Evaluate preceptor by completing evaluation form
  15. Maintain client confidentiality
  16. Complete self-evaluation at end of each clinical rotation
  17. Leave the clinical site as they found it – with good will and a positive feeling toward student education intake
  18. Formally thank each preceptor at the end of each clinical rotation.
  19. Complete a service learning project in your primary clinical site each semester
  20. Provide clinical coordinator with prospective preceptors who practice in or near the student’s home community.


  1. Maintain licensure and certification in specialty area
  2. Be an expert role model
  3. Review course objectives and determine feasibility of meeting them; assist student in meeting and modifying personal objectives as needed
  4. Negotiate dates and times for clinical experiences with student
  5. Orient student to the clinical site, agency policies, client records and staff and resources
  6. Be present at those times or arrange a substitute experience for the student.
  7. Direct student to resources and readings, as applicable, and draw upon the student’s past experiences and education.
  8. Ensure that students obtain appropriate histories and physical examinations, and that the treatment and follow-up appropriate
  9. Contact faculty if any problems occur with student
  10. Provide informal ongoing feedback and formal feedback during site visit and through evaluation form to the student and to FNP faculty
  11. Schedule an evaluation meeting with the student at the end of the experience
  12. Contribute to ongoing FNP program development by providingfeedback about the students and the program.


  1. Select student clinical experience that matches interests, strengths, and experiences of both student and preceptor.
  2. Negotiate clinical contracts and letters of agreement with agency and preceptor
  3. Validate student health requirement completion, liability insurance, licensure and CPR certification
  4. Provide preceptor with course outlines, objectives, student assignments and evaluation tool.
  5. Monitor student progression, participate in evaluation
  6. Maintain ongoing communication with preceptors
  7. Work with preceptor and student to resolve any problems that may arise in clinical
  8. Provide preceptor with feedback
  9. Send form letters of appreciate to preceptor and agency at the end of the semester.