Family Learning

This week we have held our Year 1 Family Learning workshop called ‘Bringing Books to life’. Parents had the opportunity to work alongside their child taking part in engaging and creative activities based around the picture book “The Queen’s Knickers” by Nicholas Allan. The feedback we received from the parents and children who attended was extremely positive;

‘Myself and my son enjoyed the session, I look forward to many more.’ Year 1 parent.

‘Wonderful morning, will come along to the next one.’ Year 1 parent.

‘I really enjoyed the session, I think it gave us some great ideas to try at home. I don’t feel anything needed to be improved as it was a great experience.’ Year 1 parent.

We are in the process of planning a series of Family Learning workshops over the coming months, each aimed at a particular year group and with a particular focus so watch this space for further information.

Derbyshire Air Ambulance

Earlier in the school year the School Parliament carefully selected three charities which the school will support over the year. The chosen charities are the Rainbow Trust, which supports families of children with life threatening or terminal illness, the R.S.P.C.A and the Derbyshire Air Ambulance.

The school council are organising their first event to raise funds for Derbyshire Air Ambulance. This will be a non-uniform day held on Friday 19th May. The school council are asking that in exchange for a £1 donation children come to school wearing something yellow to signify that this event is supporting the Air Ambulance charity. Children can choose to wear just a touch of yellow e.g a headband or pair of socks or come dressed head to toe in yellow, the choice is theirs! As always your support with this event, as parents and carers, is greatly appreciated.

Key Dates for this term:

(These will be added to as the term progresses)

Mon 1st May: School closed for Bank Holiday.

Mon 8th – Fri 11th May: Year 6 SATs week (timetable sent home separately) and Year 2 SATs (Maths)

Mon 15th – Fri 19th May: Year 2 SATs (Reading)

Thurs 25th May: Break up

Fri 26th May: School closed to pupils for staff training.

Mon 5th June: Return to school

Mon 12th – Fri 16th June: Year 1 Phonic Screening week

Fri 14th July: End of year school reports go out

Thurs 20th July: Open evening/Summer Fayre

Tues 25th July: School closes for the Summer

Sports days:

Weds 21st June: Key Stage 1 Sports Day

Thurs 22nd June: Key Stage 2 Sports Day

Tues 11th July :Reserve date for Sports Day (KS1)

Weds 12th July:Reserve date for Sports day (KS2)

**Reception and Nursery Sports Days to be confirmed.


Chickenpox is a common illness that mainly affects children and causes anitchy,spotty rash. We have had a smallnumber of children in school who have recently had chickenpox. If you are concerned moreinformation can be found on the NHS Choices website

For further information please do not hesitate to speak to Nurse Sharpor Nurse Moss.

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers

Our school is registered with the Sainsbury’s Active Kids scheme and we are collecting the vouchers. Please bring any vouchers received into school. The scheme allows us to exchange all the vouchers wecollect for brand new sports or cookery equipment for our school.