
Attempt by European Christians to retake the Holy Land

They did not regain the Land from the Muslims

Resulted in increased desire for trade (gold, spices, silk)

Columbian Exchange

Exchange of plants, animals and diseases from old world (Europe, Africa) to new world (Americas)

Enrichments to old world potato and other new foods

Greatest impact on Native Americans was disease (small pox, measles) killed 90% of all Native Americans

St. Augustine

Founded by the Spanish

First permanent European settlement in America

Oldest city in the United States


Spanish explorers searching for God, Gold, and Glory

Cortez conquered the Aztecs in Mexico

Pizarro conquered the Incas in Peru

Balboa discovered Pacific Ocean

Ponce de Leon searched for the Fountain of Youth


First permanent English settlement

First cash crop was tobacco

Saved by John Smith

French and Indian War

American colonists and the British v. the Native Americans and French

European adversaries were England against France

The British and Americans won, but Britain began to tax the colonies to pay for the cost of the war

Patrick Henry


Wanted independence from England

Said “Give me liberty, or give me death”

Boston Massacre

5 colonists died protesting the British

Crispus Attucks is killed, first African American to die in the struggle for American Independence

Lexington and Concord

First skirmishes of the Revolutionary War

Paul Revere rode to warn Lexington the British were coming


Locke and Montesquieu

Montesquieu was a French philosopher who developed the Separation of Powers

Locke developed Natural Rights and Social Contract Theory

Articles of Confederation

Basis for the first government of the United States

It was VERY WEAK ( weak weak)

No President, No Army, Could not tax

Great Compromise

Compromise in the Constitution

Created two houses – The Senate, with two senators from each state (equal representation) The House of Representatives, which would be based on population (Alabama currently has 7)

Three-Fifths Compromise

Compromise in the Constitution regarding slavery

Every slave would count as three-fifths of a person when counting population

Federalists Papers

Written to support RATIFICATION (passing) the Constitution

Written by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison

Washington’s Farewell Address

Washington warns against permanent alliances

Warns against political parties

Marbury v. Madison

Court case that established JUDICIAL REVIEW

The courts can declare laws Unconstitutional

First Amendment

Freedom of speech, religion, petition, and assembly

Civil War Amendments

13th, 14th, and 15th amendments

13th – abolished slavery

15th – gave all black men the right to vote


18th amendment

made the consumption (drinking) and sale of alcohol illegal in the United States

repealed by the 21st amendment

19th Amendment

Women’s Suffrage (the right to vote)

Samuel Adams

Leader of the Sons of Liberty

Led the Boston Tea Party

Valley Forge

George Washington and the Continental Army spent a harsh winter there

A terrible hardship endured by the Revolutionary Army

Causes of the War of 1812

Impressment – kidnapping Americans to work British ships

American desire for land

The British were giving weapons (guns) to Native Americans

British forts on American soil

Louisiana Purchase

The United States purchased Louisiana Territory from France for roughly 15 million dollars

Doubled the size of the United States

Explored by Louis and Clark, who were led by their pregnant Native American guide Sacagawea

Missouri Compromise

Compromise regarding slavery

Missouri would be admitted as a slave state

Maine would be admitted as a free state

Compromise would be undone by the Kansas-Nebraska Act

Trail of Tears

Forced relocation (march) of Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma

Monroe Doctrine

Warned Europe not to interfere in America

America would not interfere in Europe

Manifest Destiny

The belief that America would spread from coast to coast

Example would be the war with Mexico

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Fought for women’s right to vote (suffrage)

Hosted the Seneca Falls Convention

Wrote the Declaration of Sentiments – “All men and women were created equal”

Frederick Douglass

Former slave

Abolitionists (wanted to end slavery)

Published anti-slavery newspaper, The North Star