Attempt by European Christians to retake the Holy Land
They did not regain the Land from the Muslims
Resulted in increased desire for trade (gold, spices, silk)
Columbian Exchange
Exchange of plants, animals and diseases from old world (Europe, Africa) to new world (Americas)
Enrichments to old world potato and other new foods
Greatest impact on Native Americans was disease (small pox, measles) killed 90% of all Native Americans
St. Augustine
Founded by the Spanish
First permanent European settlement in America
Oldest city in the United States
Spanish explorers searching for God, Gold, and Glory
Cortez conquered the Aztecs in Mexico
Pizarro conquered the Incas in Peru
Balboa discovered Pacific Ocean
Ponce de Leon searched for the Fountain of Youth
First permanent English settlement
First cash crop was tobacco
Saved by John Smith
French and Indian War
American colonists and the British v. the Native Americans and French
European adversaries were England against France
The British and Americans won, but Britain began to tax the colonies to pay for the cost of the war
Patrick Henry
Wanted independence from England
Said “Give me liberty, or give me death”
Boston Massacre
5 colonists died protesting the British
Crispus Attucks is killed, first African American to die in the struggle for American Independence
Lexington and Concord
First skirmishes of the Revolutionary War
Paul Revere rode to warn Lexington the British were coming
Locke and Montesquieu
Montesquieu was a French philosopher who developed the Separation of Powers
Locke developed Natural Rights and Social Contract Theory
Articles of Confederation
Basis for the first government of the United States
It was VERY WEAK ( weak weak)
No President, No Army, Could not tax
Great Compromise
Compromise in the Constitution
Created two houses – The Senate, with two senators from each state (equal representation) The House of Representatives, which would be based on population (Alabama currently has 7)
Three-Fifths Compromise
Compromise in the Constitution regarding slavery
Every slave would count as three-fifths of a person when counting population
Federalists Papers
Written to support RATIFICATION (passing) the Constitution
Written by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison
Washington’s Farewell Address
Washington warns against permanent alliances
Warns against political parties
Marbury v. Madison
Court case that established JUDICIAL REVIEW
The courts can declare laws Unconstitutional
First Amendment
Freedom of speech, religion, petition, and assembly
Civil War Amendments
13th, 14th, and 15th amendments
13th – abolished slavery
15th – gave all black men the right to vote
18th amendment
made the consumption (drinking) and sale of alcohol illegal in the United States
repealed by the 21st amendment
19th Amendment
Women’s Suffrage (the right to vote)
Samuel Adams
Leader of the Sons of Liberty
Led the Boston Tea Party
Valley Forge
George Washington and the Continental Army spent a harsh winter there
A terrible hardship endured by the Revolutionary Army
Causes of the War of 1812
Impressment – kidnapping Americans to work British ships
American desire for land
The British were giving weapons (guns) to Native Americans
British forts on American soil
Louisiana Purchase
The United States purchased Louisiana Territory from France for roughly 15 million dollars
Doubled the size of the United States
Explored by Louis and Clark, who were led by their pregnant Native American guide Sacagawea
Missouri Compromise
Compromise regarding slavery
Missouri would be admitted as a slave state
Maine would be admitted as a free state
Compromise would be undone by the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Trail of Tears
Forced relocation (march) of Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma
Monroe Doctrine
Warned Europe not to interfere in America
America would not interfere in Europe
Manifest Destiny
The belief that America would spread from coast to coast
Example would be the war with Mexico
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Fought for women’s right to vote (suffrage)
Hosted the Seneca Falls Convention
Wrote the Declaration of Sentiments – “All men and women were created equal”
Frederick Douglass
Former slave
Abolitionists (wanted to end slavery)
Published anti-slavery newspaper, The North Star