Grade: Kindergarten Lesson # 12

What is the Value of Money?

S.S.4.FL.1.1 People have many different types of jobs from which to choose. Identify different jobs requiring people to have different skills.

S.S.4.FL.1.1 People have many different types of jobs from which to choose. Identify different jobs requiring people to have different skills.

What is the Value of Money?

Lesson Number: 12

Correlated Florida Standards (See Full Text on Cover Page)

·  LAFS.K.SL.1.2

Essential Question

·  What is the value of familiar coins and the dollar bill?

·  Why and how do we use money?

Learning Goals/Objectives

·  Understand the value of money.

·  Realize that money can be exchanged for goods and services.

·  Recognize the value of different coins


·  Students will explore the meaning of money. They will learn that money is used in exchange for goods and services and that money determines the value of an item. They will also learn to recognize coins and identify their value.


·  Video Segment from Discovery Education: “The Meaning of Money”

·  Handout: The Value of Coins (included)


·  20 minutes

Activity Sequence


·  Tell students that in today’s lesson we will be talking about money. Brainstorm the types of money students are familiar with and list them in a web. (3 minutes)


1.  Watch the video segment from Discovery Education “The Meaning of Money”. (3 minutes)

2.  Discuss the video presentation with students and relate the information to the web from the introduction. How do we use money? Imagine if there was no such thing as money, how would you get the goods and services that you need? Brainstorm ideas. (3 minutes)

3.  Ask students “What can you do with money?” Let’s make a list of things that we can do with money. Write student responses on the board. (3 minutes)

4.  Discuss the two types of United States money – coins and bills. Distribute Handout – “Value of Coins.” Have students match each coin with its name and value. (5 minutes)


Have students share their worksheets and discuss. Review and answer essential questions.. (3 minutes)


Home Learning Assignment for this lesson should be for students to identify various ways to make one dollar using coins at home with their parents.

Sources/Bibliographic Information that contributed to this lesson:

·  Discovery Education:


·  Google Images:

The Value of Coins

quarter penny nickel dime

5 cents 10 cents 1 cent 25 cents

Coin / Name / Value