Proposed change to Regulation 12.040.13 Evaluation of Proposals


R4.12.040.13 Evaluation of Proposals.

R4. Evaluation Factors in the Request for Proposals. The Request for Proposals shall state all of the evaluation factors, including price, and their relative importance.


R4.12.040.13 Evaluation of Proposals.

R4. Evaluation Factors in the Request for Proposals. The Request for Proposals shall state all of the evaluation factors, which may include price, ability to provide services at designated locations, and their relative importance.

Proposed change to Regulation 12.060.05 Items Approved for Sole Source Procurement

Purchases of the items listed below are hereby approved for sole source procurement and are exempted from the requirement that each sole source purchase must be documented in a record of such procurements as required by Section R4.12.060.04 (Record of Sole Source Procurement) of these Regulations.


e) additional items as listed below:

viii) Subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals;

xii) Advertising (newspapers and periodicals);

xviii) Musical acts & musicians, animal acts, petting zoos, clowns, magicians and other entertainment acts (as directed by Purchasing Agent pursuant to purchasing procedures)


e) additional items as listed below:

viii) Subscriptions to print and online services;

xii) Advertising (newspapers, periodicals, and other advertising venues);

xviii) Speaking engagements, musical acts and musicians, animal acts, petting zoos, clowns, magicians and other entertainment acts (as directed by Purchasing Agent pursuant to purchasing procedures);

xix) Meeting and exhibition space for Metro hosted events.


This language addresses the intent present in the 1992 draft of the Procurement Code but brings it current to 2016 needs. The current sole source listing is a quarter of a century old. The need to call out meeting and exhibition space has become increasingly necessary. Public hearings and agency hosted gatherings are a common event. Availability of space during the desired event period in Nashville has resulted in sole source availability. We need to provide this provision rather than placing an undue burden on agencies to seek out and support the unavailability of meeting space.