Mitchell International Backing Up and Restoring UltraMate using the

Technical Assistance Utilities Backup and Restore

Document ID: 4035 TechFax Service

Please read the entire first page of this document before following these procedures.

Improper use of the Technical Assistance Utilities (TAU) could cause loss of user data or require UltraMate to be reconfigured. It is strongly recommended that your computer consultant or system administrator perform this procedure.

The following procedures use the Technical Assistance Utilities to back up UltraMate databases for either restoring an installation of UltraMate on the same computer or moving UltraMate to another computer.

This procedure can only be used to backup and restore to the same version of UltraMate. For example, if UltraMate 4.8 databases are being backed up, they can only be restored to another 4.8 installation of UltraMate. UM 4.8 databases cannot be restored to a UM 5.0 installation.

If this procedure is being used to move UltraMate databases from one computer to another computer that does not have UltraMate installed on it, both computers need to have the save version of UltraMate installed on them.

If other Mitchell applications will also be installed on the new computer (i.e.: ImageMate), it is important that these applications be installed before restoring databases from the backup. After all Mitchell applications are installed, restore the UltraMate databases from your backup using the Technical Assistance Utility. After the backup is complete, upgrade UltraMate to the latest version, if required.

Information Regarding ImageMate: If you will be installing ImageMate to a Windows 2000 or Windows XP computer, you will need to install the latest version of the ImageMate files. These files can be installed from an ImageMate CD labeled version 4.2.001 or higher. If your CD has an earlier version number than this, install ImageMate from the CD and then install the ImageMate Service Pack. The ImageMate Service Pack can be obtained from the Mitchell Support Site at Save the Imup.exe file to your computer and then double click on it to automatically install the updated ImageMate files.

If you have any questions concerning these procedures, please contact the Mitchell International Technical Assistance Center at 1-800-448-4401.

Backing up Databases using the TAU:

1.  From the Windows Desktop, click on Start, Programs, UltraMate System Administrator, Technical Assistance Utilities.

2.  Read the Technical Assistance Utilities warning label and then click on Yes.

3.  From the main menu, click on Database Utilities, Backup Files.

4.  Select the databases you would like to backup by clicking the appropriate boxes (See note below and description of databases on the page 4). If you select the Useraux database, a dialog box will be displayed that recommends selecting other databases. Click on Yes and these databases will automatically be selected.

5.  Click on the Browse button to select a destination to save the .ARQ file.

6.  The File name field will already be populated with the default name of the file, which consists of the year\month\day that the file was saved. (For example: 20031020.ARQ).

7.  Click on the down arrow next to Save in and select the destination drive and directory. Click on Save and then OK.

8.  Verify that the destination and the files to be backed up are correct and then click OK.

9.  Click OK on the Backup Completed window.

10. To close the Technical Assistance Utilities, either click on Database Utilities and Exit or click on the “x” in the upper right-hand corner of the Technical Assistance Utilities screen.

Note: The Userdata directory and the Imate.mdb may require large media (zip drive, network drive, recordable CD, or equivalent type media) for backup:

Restoring Databases using the TAU:

1.  From the Windows Desktop, click on Start, Programs, UltraMate System Administrator, Technical Assistance Utilities.

2.  Read the Technical Assistance Utilities warning label and then click Yes.

3.  From the main menu, click on Database Utilities, Restore Files.

4.  A dialog box will be displayed that says the following: “Restore will overwrite existing data on this installation. Are you sure you want to continue”. If you would like to restore your data from the backup, click on Yes.

5.  If the name of the backup file is not listed, select the correct drive and folder where the backup file is located. Click on the file name of your backup and then click on OK.

6.  All available databases that were backed up will be selected by a check mark.

Important: If you are restoring to new installation of UltraMate, Mitchell recommends that you do not restore the Mitchell.ini file. The Mitchell.ini is created during the installation of UltraMate and may be unique to the computer it is installed on therefore restoring the Mitchell.ini from a backup is not recommended unless the backup was created from the same computer or the installations are identical.

If there is any databases selected that you do not wish to restore, uncheck them and then click on OK.

7.  Click on OK on the Restore Completed window.

8.  To close the Technical Assistance Utilities, either click on Database Utilities and Exit or click on the “x” in the upper right-hand corner of the Technical Assistance Utilities screen.

Description of Databases in Backup screen:

·  Useraux - Contains profiles, MAPP settings, authorization groups, dispatches, profiles, Reviewer Id’s, and name & address lists.

·  Secusvr - Contains user ids and passwords.

·  Longexp - Contains long expansion groups and lists.

·  Commsvr Contains all communication settings; phone numbers, com ports, baud rates, etc.

·  Authgrop - Contains the Authorization Group information

·  Lexicon - Contains customized prompts (screen customization)

·  Mitchell.ini - Contains the individual installation settings.

·  Syscon - Contains platform id, company heading, installation type, and preference settings. (Syscon will preserve ShopPak, EMS Settings, next Estimate/Repair Order number, etc.)

·  Folder – Estimates & Preloads - Contains estimates, repair orders and assignments.

Procedure to Manually Backup Databases:

The previous procedure of using the TAU should be the primary method of backing up UltraMate databases, but the databases can also be backed up manually. This manual backup should be used as an optional secondary backup to prevent accidental loss of data.

In order to create a secondary backup, it is recommended that a copy of the following folders be created. It is required that each subdirectory be included with all of the files it contains. Make a copy of each folder; do not attempt to take individual files from these directories.

Note: Replace x: with the drive letter where UltraMate is installed

Critical Files - See definition of folders on the next page:

·  x:\mitchell\aces\archive

·  x:\mitchell\aces\lexicon

·  x:\mitchell\aces\longexp

·  x:\mitchell\commsvr

·  x:\mitchell\mapp

·  x:\mitchell\secusvr

·  x:\mitchell\useraux

·  x:\mitchell\userdata

·  x:\mitchell\image\imate.mdb (for ImageMate users only)

Non-Critical Files - See definition of folders on the next page:

·  x:\mitchell\aces\export\

·  x:\mitchell\aces\image\

·  x:\mitchell\aces\import\

·  x:\mitchell\uds\

IMPORTANT: Reinstall UltraMate or ImageMate from the CD before you restore any databases.

Definitions of UltraMate Folders

Critical Files: Critical meaning the absence of one or more of the related files can cause that particular database to encounter a loss of data.

Archive / If used, this directory contains archived estimates.
Lexicon / Contains customized prompts (screen customization).
Longexp / Contains long expansion groups and Lists.
Commsvr / Contains all communication settings; phone numbers, com ports, baud rates, etc. (Although Commsvr files are identified as critical, the information contained within can be easily recreated.)
Mapp / Mitchell Alternate Parts Program (aftermarket parts search).
Secusvr / Contains user ids and passwords.
Syscon / Contains platform id, company heading, installation type, and preference settings.
Useraux / Contains profiles, MAPP settings, authorization groups, dispatches, profiles, reviewer id’s and name & address lists.
Authgrop… This database is unique to version 5.x / Contains authorization groups and is unique to UM 5.x backup and restore.
Userdata / Estimates, Assignments, Repair Orders.
X:\Mitchell\Image\Imate.mdb / For ImageMate users only

Non-Critical Files: Non-Critical meaning the absence of these files should not adversely affect the normal functionality of UltraMate.

X:\Mitchell\aces\Export / If used, this directory may contain exported estimates and/or mie files.
X:\Mitchell\aces\Image / If used, this directory may contain est, prn, and/or mie files.
X:\Mitchell\aces\Import / If used this directory may contain import files.
X:\Mitchell\UDS / If used, this directory may contain UDS files for use in management programs and ImageMate.

4035.doc Page 1 Last updated: October 22, 2003

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